Punishing Gray Raven - How To Obtain A Free S Rank Selector Ticket


With the brand new update patch for Punishing Gray Raven named Her Last Bow, players will have a special chance to obtain a free 6 Stars S rank Construct from a special 6 Stars Construct Selector Ticket that will allows players to obtain a gacha non limited S Rank Construct that was released before Vera: Garnet. In order to obtain this special Selector ticket, players will need to complete special missions provided during the update patch’s duration in order to obtain. 


In this guide, we will go over how players can obtain the special 6 Stars Construct Selector Ticket and show how players can best complete all of the missions required for them to obtain the special ticket in the most convenient and efficient way possible. In addition, we will also go over the selection of S Rank 6 Stars Constructs players can obtain from the selector ticket in order to gain the most benefit from the selection meta-wised.



Let’s play Punishing Gray Raven on PC  and find out together!

S Rank Construct Selector Ticket - Requirements and Missions

In order to obtain the special S Rank Construct Selector ticket, players will need to complete a set of special missions given solely during the update patch’s period. These special missions will be given out during special phases, up to 5 phases in total for up to 30 missions in total. For completing these missions players will obtain special rewards depending on the amounts of missions cumulatively the players have finished.

Special Event Missions

As mentioned, special reward missions will be divided into 5 different phases, with each phase containing up to 6 special missions that players will need to complete in order to obtain the rewards from the event.


The 5 phases of these missions will be unlocked gradually as the patch’s time goes on and each week of the update patch passes, with the last phase of the missions being released at the middle of June. The missions require players to have unlocked special stages and have leveled up a fair bit before attempting these missions, so players should be prepared before attempting these missions. In addition, these missions span a large variety of gameplay modes and mechanics and other sections of gameplay the game offers.

The missions of each phases are as followed: 

Phase 1: Unlock immediately upon updating the patch

- Log in for a total of 5 days

- Use 2500 Event Constructs R&D Tickets

- Clear 10 Phantom Pain Cage Stages for the first time

- Clear 50 Cosmic Glow Stages

- Earn 20000 points in Cat Grab

- Winter Sequence Defense Point 6-3


Phase 2: 2nd week of Update patch

-Use 1500 serums in total

- Join Guild Expeditions 9 times

- Participate in Operation Guardian 20 times

- Reach Ruins of Nothingness Strategic lv120

- Earn 30 stars in Plum Snow

- Clear 12 War Zones for the First time


Phase 3: 3rd week of the Update Patch

- Log in for a total of 5 days

- Clear Norman Revival Plan Stages 10 times

- Clear 10 Phantom Pain Cages for the first time.

- Clear 12 War Zone Stages for the first time

- Clear 50 Cosmic Glow stages

- Clear Prophetic Surveillance Stage 35.


Phase 4 & 5: Have yet to unlock.

Missions Rewards

After completing a certain amount of missions available from the event, players will be able to obtain special rewards corresponding to the amounts of missions cleared, up to 25 missions cleared.

The rewards up for grab ranges from special Event R&D tickets, Memories Resonance Sticks, Normal R&D tickets, special Trade Vouchers and the limited time available FREE S Rank Constructs Selector Ticket.


In order to obtain the special S Rank Constructs Selector Ticket, players will need to finish at least half of the missions available during the event’s duration which amounts to a total of 15 missions cleared. The event rewards milestone rewards are as followed:


- 5 Missions Cleared: 1000 Event R&D Constructs Ticket

- 10 Missions Cleared: 2500 Trade Vouchers

- 15 Missions Cleared: S Rank Constructs Selector Ticket

- 20 Missions Cleared: 2500 Normal R&D Constructs Ticket

- 25 Missions Cleared: 2 Memory Resonance Sticks.

S Rank Constructs Selector Ticket Selection Pool

The Special S Rank Constructs Selector ticket will be able to be claimed once players have finished a total of 15 missions from the event and will be available for players to exchange for their choice S Rank Constructs until the end of June with the end of the Update Patch. Therefore, players should make sure to keep this in mind and exchange for the ideal S Rank Construct before its expiration deadline.

In addition, the selection pool for this specific S Rank Constructs Selector ticket will feature all non-limited S Rak Constructs available in the summoning pool before the release of the S Rank Construct Vera: Garnet. Therefore, the selection of S Rank Constructs will be limited to the constructs in the following list:

- Karenina: Ember

- Nanami: Pulse
- Liv: Luminance

- Lee: Entropy

- Kamui: Tenebrion

- Lucia: Crimson Abyss (Alpha)

- Bianca: Veritas

- Lucia: Blume

- Rosetta: Vigor

- Luna: Laurel


Players should consider carefully before picking their ideal S Rank Construct from the list of S Rank Constructs available since this opportunity to obtain a free S Rank is hard to come by in the future.

Top 3 Constructs Players Should Pick

With the selection of the S Rank Constructs Selector ticket and the requirements to obtain it explained, it is important that players know the best selection for this specific Selector Ticket meta-wised in the game and the best 3 S Rank Constructs players should consider choosing for their ticket.

3. Luna: Laurel

Luna:Laurel is a 6* S Rank Construct of the Dark elemental attribute that specializes in dealing massive amounts of Dark elemental damage to enemies in a wide area as an on field main DPS Construct.

Luna’s entire skill kit allows her to deal massive amounts of damage while gradually corrodes the enemies in a wide area. In addition, her skills also allow her to grant herself the Super Armor effect, allowing her to survive longer to dish out even more damage.


In addition, Luna’s Core Passive fills up a special gauge with every 3-Pings she does. This special Core Passive, along with her Ultimate skill, which deals a massive 2800% Dark damage to all enemies ahead of her, allows her to essentially spam her powerful Annihilation Mode power and deals ridiculous amounts of damage, fitting for a DPS Character.

2. Rosetta: Rigor

Rosetta: Rigor is a special 6* S Rank Construct that deals Physical damage to enemies and has the ability to shred enemies’ defense with her mastery over spearmanship.

Rosetta’s main power comes from her ability to completely reduce the enemies’ physical resistance to non-existence, allowing her and her team to deal massive amounts of damage to all enemies within range and kill them with ease using physical damage.


In addition, when equipped with her signature weapon, Rosetta will be able to shred even more defense and buff her team’s damage output with her railgun and its passive, helping to allow the physical team a meta edge over other elemental teams in the game.

1. Lucia: Blume

Lucia: Blume is an Ice elemental 6* S Rank Construct that has the ability to constantly spam her ultimate skill as long as she has 3 ping orbs to consume, making her an extremely powerful and brain dead DPS character to use in order to achieve amazing results in battle.

Lucia: Blume’s passive allows her to gradually gather orbs and transform her attacks into Ice elemental attacks when using 3 orbs ping, allowing her to deal massive amounts of damage and fill up her special Ice Gauge.


Once she has pinged a certain amount of 3 orbs, Lucia:Blume will be able to enter the special Ice form using her ultimate button and gather even more charges to charge up her ultimate attack with 3 ping orbs. Once filled, Lucia’s ultimate attack deals massive amounts of damage to a wide area of enemies, instantly defeating them with her overwhelming strength.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Specialized Punishing Gray Raven Emulator Option 

To prepare for the brand new update and the new limited characters, players should start playing Punishing Gray Raven on PC using LDPlayer Version 9.0. Unlike other emulators on PC of its kind, the newly upgraded LDplayer 9.0 is especially designed to support and enhance the gaming experience when playing Punishing Gray Raven.

With a preset interface that binds certain game actions with keyboard buttons, LDPlayer is designed so that players can execute fast and precise actions in the game with ease by simply pushing keyboard buttons and moving their mouses.

Download Punishing: Gray Raven on PC