Ready to play Rainbow Six Mobile? If so, get ready to learn about the game as a beginner. Since this is the mobile version of Rainbow Six Siege, you will have so much to learn, and there will be many things to grab as a player too. There is a direct strategic approach coming through this 5v5 tactical FPS shooter game, and things will not be as easy as you thought without having proper guidance.
You are just searching for things in this game and then will proceed to destroy that particular thing. Players have several tasks to be completed within a given time, and there will be a lot of enemies to beat down to. Five players will be gathered for two teams on a team-wise, and whatever team you are in, you will be given a certain task to be accomplished throughout the game. Defeating enemies as well as planting bombs will not be the easiest thing to do, especially when starting gaming, but here we are.
This Rainbow Six Mobile beginner guide will clear up most of the basic parts of the game that you need to know for starting the game, and let us clear you the best things to start as the best beginner. Take Rainbow Six Mobile on PC with LDPlayer 9 to optimize the gameplay better, and here is the guide starting to teach you every basic thing.
The game will start with a screen for you to select the map or the game mode from Rainbow Six Mobile. This is the first option that you will encounter as a Rainbow Six Mobile beginner, and every game mode available in this game will become some events. They all have a timer set on them, and you will see the maps need to be selected randomly.
Currently, we can see a total of 2 game modes available in Rainbow Six Mobile, and let us get to know them one by one as follows.
Bomb mode is the first game mode that you will learn as a Rainbow Six Mobile beginner, and as you can see from the name, it will be a place for you to deal with bombs. It means that the two teams in the game will do as much as their efforts to prevent the bomb from exploding. Or one of these teams can have the role of the defusing team too.
Every bomb from this game mode will be placed everywhere on the map, so you will easily encounter them without any issues. But having some powerful strategies to find out these bombs will surely help you in the long run in the game.
Since you can have two roles, first, let’s understand the attacking team. The members of the attacking team can carry the diffuser so they can explode the bombs. The bomb will be exploded within 45 seconds right after it has been placed with a diffuser, and if your team member dies while carrying this diffuser, you can have another player carry on with the task.
Next, it is about the defending team who does everything to prevent bombs from being exploded. If you are a team member of this team, you will have to do your every effort to avoid the attacking team finding the bombs so that they cannot diffuse them at all. To make it happen, you are allowed to shoot at them, set some traps, and the entire process should be carried along with both teams until one wins.
If you are from the defending team, it is a must to shoot at the attacking team with one aim because you should not give them any chance to let the diffuser. So it is a must to have a precise aim for them and if you are struggling to have your aim perfectly, just go with the best android emulator: LDPlayer 9.
It has this specific feature for adjusting the Y sensitivity, where you have the possibility to do your shoot smoothly with a smooth aim positioned. So if your ultimate goal is to become a success from the defense team, don’t forget this rule to be used in your gameplay.
And now, we are going to talk about the second game mode as a Rainbow Six Mobile beginner. This will not be operated as the bomb mode, but two teams will be involved here too. If you are from the attacking team, you all will have to control an aiming within a given time, and if you manage to complete it with time, you will win.
And for the defending team, there will be an aim to take down the attacking team, and if they manage to do it successfully, they will win.
The next thing that you need to be aware of as a Rainbow Six Mobile beginner would be how you choose a character. A character means an operator in this game, and since you are going to be in a team, you will have to choose your operator role from other available characters in the game.
When you are choosing a character, it is a must to take one that has the best qualities to fulfill the tasks you are deployed with the game, and all Rainbow Six Mobile operators are unique in their abilities. Some are highly specialized to slow down your enemies or make traps and many other traits. So, depending on the effect you want from an operator, it is a must to choose one with care.
We have two roles to choose from the operators as follows.
Attackers – these are the ones who will perform attacks on the defenders, and they are trying their best to destroy them all
Defenders – defenders try to trap attackers to prevent them from destroying themselves, and they are the ones that will be engaged in shooting.
Note that every operator has some unique special abilities for them and if you are trying to deploy them to a match, give your first priority to check their skills first. They can be viewed from the menu, and by checking these all, you can decide if the chosen operator is great for our match or not.
Then as our next point, let’s learn about the matches as a Rainbow Six Mobile beginner. The matches in this game work for two rounds, and if you successfully manage to finish off your second round, then you will be extended into a third round as well.
Although the matches are conducted here to be reaching for victory, you need to know that new operators will have to be chosen again and again with each new round you take. You cannot choose the same role for your team for two matches. It means that the defending team for this round will be the attacking team for the next round, and the attacking team will be the defending. So the gameplay will be more balanced for every player.
Before you start a Rainbow Six Mobile beginner match, a drone can send throughout the map to see what is in there with the area. You only have the opportunity to have these drones from your starting phase, and don’t get caught by the defending team, as they will damage this drone.
If you are from the defending team, the drones can be used to have the best view from the current area, so you can make up a lot of strategies to tap the attacking team with the best plans.
There will be detailed maps to be engaged as a Rainbow Six Mobile beginner, and every one of them will be optimized with the best features. We can see a total of three maps in the game as follows.
Bank – the bank map will come with a basement, two floors, as well as a room, and it has been heavily optimized with the details.
Clubhouse – this is a newly added map to the game, and there is a bar with a whole set of bar items in there. The best strategies can be made here for sure.
Border Map – with this map, you can encounter some constructions in there, and so many air pathways are also placed on this map. So you have a lot of options coming from them.
And these are all the details we have right now for a Rainbow Six Mobile beginner, and make sure to enjoy the game with the best emulator: LDPlayer 9 as well. We hope that you will be able to deal with better plans by referring to this guide before starting the game and having a look into all these tips. You will have your first step taken with the best strategies by them. So, good luck with the battles and strategies.