Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim Tips for Beginners – Adventure to Taiwan


Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim offers players a unique driving experience in the bustling streets of Taiwan, combining racing elements with simulation. In this game, you take on the role of a food delivery driver, navigating realistic environments while trying to complete deliveries efficiently and safely. The game features a detailed minimap and various traffic scenarios that challenge your driving skills. With time-limited delivery tasks, the pressure is on to stay focused and avoid obstacles while driving through busy streets. The game's emphasis on both speed and precision makes for an exciting and engaging experience, but when things are getting started for the first time, it is a must to have a guide by your side.

Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim Tips for Beginners

So, for those who are looking for a Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim beginner guide with tips, here we are. In our guide, we will guide you to master the gameplay here with the most useful tips and tricks. It can be about how you are using the green arrow to find delivery locations or learning how to avoid collisions with other vehicles; these tips will help you stay on track and improve your overall performance. If you're looking to enhance your gameplay, follow our guide to tackle the toughest challenges. For a more optimized experience, we recommend playing Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim on PC with LDPlayer, and with that, we will start our guide.

Pay Attention to the Green Arrow

When you begin playing Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim, one of your main tasks is completing food deliveries that you receive as orders through your phone. To successfully complete these deliveries, you need to locate the right spots where you'll pick up the food and where you'll find the customer. This is where the green arrow in the game becomes very helpful.

Pay Attention to the Green Arrow

The green arrow doesn't stay on your screen all the time; it only appears after you've been assigned a delivery. Once it shows up, it acts as your guide, pointing you to the pickup location. Since there is a limited amount of time to complete each delivery, paying close attention to this arrow is important. It helps you navigate the streets and find the locations quickly, so you don't waste time searching for the food or the customer.

In some cases of Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim, customers might be located very close to the food stores, which can make your job easier. However, you still need to stay alert and keep an eye on the green arrow at all times. Following it carefully will ensure you complete your deliveries on time. Remember, time is of the essence in this game, and being efficient in following the arrow will allow you to meet deadlines and keep your customers satisfied.

Search the Directions through the Mini Map

In Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim, some customers may be located far from where you are, making it difficult to know exactly where to go to complete their orders. To help you find these customers, you can use the mini-map displayed on your screen.

A mini-map is a helpful tool that shows you the right route that you have to run yourself for. A white line will guide you through the correct path, leading you to the pickup or delivery location. If a customer is waiting for you, they will be marked with a green icon on the map, making it easy to track their location. By following the suggested route that the map brings, you are no longer going to be lost and will always sit on the right path. This not only helps you complete the deliveries on time but also saves you from wasting valuable time during the limited delivery period.

Search the Directions through the Mini Map

Another benefit of using the Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim map is that it helps you plan your route in advance, ensuring you don't run out of time. If you notice you're veering off course, a quick glance at the map will help you correct your direction and get back on track.

To make your driving experience even faster, you can switch from touch controls to using your keyboard for better precision. By using the LDPlayer emulator's Keyboard Mapping feature, you can create custom control schemes that allow you to drive and move faster. This method makes navigating the streets and completing orders much easier and more efficient, giving you an edge when you're running short on time.

Don't Lose the Tracks

In Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim, it's easy to lose track of your route if you're rushing to deliver your orders quickly. However, getting off track can cost you valuable time, and if this happens too often, you might fail to complete your tasks. That's why it's important to always stay focused and avoid losing your way.

Don't Lose the Tracks

Losing track means that you are wasting time, which can lead to missing your delivery deadlines. To prevent this, make sure to stay aware of your Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim surroundings at all times. Pay close attention to the route you're following, and try not to get distracted or take wrong turns. Even a small detour can delay your delivery, so it's important to stay on the correct path from start to finish.

If you find yourself frequently drifting off the correct route, take extra care to focus on where you're going. Avoid the temptation to slide into other roads or shortcuts that aren't part of the delivery route. Each mistake can add up and lead to failure, so use all your effort to stay on track and make your deliveries on time. Staying on track is essential in Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim. Losing your way can result in wasted time and failed tasks, so always be mindful of your route and avoid any unnecessary detours. Stay alert, follow the correct path, and focus on completing your deliveries efficiently to ensure success.

Don't Bump into other Vehicles

When you're on the roads in Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim, remember that you're not the only one out there. You'll come across many other vehicles and people as you make your deliveries. Speeding up too much and crashing into other vehicles or pedestrians can waste valuable time, so it's important to drive carefully and avoid collisions.

Don't Bump into other Vehicles

To prevent accidents, it's a good idea to maintain a steady speed until you manage to go for your end point. Instead of driving at maximum speed, try to keep your vehicle under control. We recommend not exceeding a speed of 40 km/h, as this will give you enough time to react to obstacles and avoid crashes. If you're delivering an order to a location that's close by, it's even better to reduce your speed to around 20 km/h. For longer deliveries, make sure to avoid going over 60 km/h to prevent losing control of your vehicle.

Maintaining a safe speed is not just your main method to avoid accidents but also saves time in the long run. By driving steadily, you'll be able to complete your deliveries more efficiently without the risk of crashing and having to recover from a setback. Remember, controlling your speed is important in Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim. Stay mindful of the traffic and pedestrians around you, and don't speed up too much. Keep your speed within safe limits, and you'll avoid accidents, save time, and complete your orders successfully.


Success in Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim depends on staying focused, following the right paths, and maintaining control over your vehicle. By paying attention to the green arrow, using the mini-map effectively, and avoiding unnecessary accidents, you can complete your deliveries efficiently. Don't forget that staying on track and managing your speed is important, as every second counts in this fast-paced game. As you get better at navigating the streets in Taiwan Driver-Car Racing & Sim and managing time, your driving and delivery skills will improve, helping you meet your goals and enjoy the game to its fullest. Now that you know how to handle all these aspects, it is the right time to become a master player here.

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