Tales & Dragons: New Journey Beginner Guide, Tips and Tricks to the Fairy Adventure


Tales & Dragons: New Journey is a free, open-world idle RPG that offers the perfect work-game balance. In this game, you are the chosen Dreamer by destiny, who can travel to different fairy tale worlds and recruit famous characters as your heroes. You can also explore the vast map, collect resources, craft items, join guilds, and participate in various events and activities. 

Tales & Dragons: New Journey Beginner Guide

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However, It's not all a picnic at the ballpark, either. While this fairy adventure's fantasy environment may appear difficult to a newcomer, this guide is here to arm you with the knowledge you need to strengthen your heroes, improve your game, and discover its hidden treasures. Our first piece of advice is to play Tales & Dragons: New Journey on PC with LDPlayer 9 so that you can roll for the strongest heroes faster and easier. Let's start. 

Tales & Dragons: New Journey Combat System

Combat is a big part of Tales & Dragons: New Journey, but you don't have to worry about controlling your heroes in battle. They will fight automatically based on their skills, stats, and positions. Your job is to choose the best heroes for each situation and place them in the right formation. Here, we'll go through the basics of the battle system in Tales & Dragons: New Journey.

Hero Classes And Creating Formation 

There are four hero classes in Tales & Dragons: New Journey: Guardian, Mage, Support, and Warrior. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as a unique skill that they can use in combat. The skills are special abilities that the hero can use during battle, such as healing, stunning their opponents, or doing damage. The hero's position, as well as their stats, such as Attack, Defense, Speed, and Health, are determined by their class.

Hero Classes And Creating Formation 

  • Guardian: Guardians have high HP and defense that allow them to take a lot of hits from enemies. They also have the ability to taunt enemies to attack them instead of their allies and protect your whole team from harm. These heroes should be placed in the front line of your formation so they can shield your team from enemy attacks.

  • Mage: Mages are great at providing AOE damage and debuffing the enemy team in various ways. They can also deal extra damage to enemies with certain elements. However, mages have low HP and defense and are vulnerable to physical attacks. These heroes should be placed in the middle row of your formation so they can avoid direct damage and support your team with their magic.

  • Support: Support heroes are essential for keeping your team alive and enhancing their performance. They may restore health, provide Buff, bring back fallen allies, and even shield incoming damage. Support heroes have moderate HP and defense and can also deal some damage with their skills. Same as the mages, these heroes should be placed in the middle row of your formation so they can reach your whole team with their skills and stay safe from enemy attacks.

  • Warrior: Warriors are balanced heroes that have decent attack and defense capabilities. They can deal single-target or AOE damage with their skills, as well as inflict various status effects on enemies. Warriors have moderate HP and speed and can also take some hits from enemies. These heroes should be placed in the back row of your formation so they can deal damage to enemies from a safe distance or replace guardians if you don't have any.

Hero Formation

Hero Formation

Unlike most idle games, in Tales & Dragons: New Journey you will not be able to choose your heroes just before each battle. Instead, you will have to go to the hero section and click on formation to choose your desired heroes and place them in the formation that you want to use for every battle of the Tales & Dragons: New Journey. You can have up to five heroes in your formation, divided into three rows: front, middle, and back.

The position of your heroes is very important for their performance in battle. Different positions have different advantages and disadvantages, such as being more exposed to enemy attacks or having more range for their skills. When creating formations, You should place your heroes considering their class and role and considering the enemies you are facing.

For instance, if you are going up against a large number of physical attackers, you should position guardians in the front row so that they are able to ward off their strikes and defend the rest of your team. You should position mages or support heroes in the center row if you are going up against a large number of magical attackers. 

This will allow you to counter their magic while also healing your team. If you are facing a variety of foes, you should position Supporter and mages in the back row so they can deliver damage and stay safe at the same time. If you are lacking any good guardian heroes, you can use warriors in their place.

Additionally, you should switch up your formation depending on the game mode that you are now playing. For instance, if you are playing the game in story mode, you might want to adopt a balanced formation that is capable of dealing with a variety of foes. You may want to include heroes who have the ability to silence or stun foes when facing other players. 

By doing this, you will be able to immediately prevent enemy teams from healing their heroes or dealing a lot of damage in a short period of time. Therefore, in order to succeed, you must pay attention and comprehend the capabilities of your heroes. Spend some time looking at the preview of each high-level hero you have, learning what each one's spells do, and considering how you can employ them in combat. 

Tales & Dragons: New Journey Elemental System

While playing Tales & Dragons: New Journey, another system you should pay attention to is the elemental system. This is a feature of the game that affects how your heroes interact with enemies in battle. Each Tales & Dragons: New Journey character belongs to one of six elements: Wind, Piro, Water, Light, Dark, or Astro. The element of your hero determines its compatibility with other elements, as well as its damage output and accuracy. What follows is some essential information concerning the  elemental system. 

Elemental Counter

When a hero with one element meets a hero with another element in battle, an elemental counter is considered. This means that the hero with the advantageous element will deal 25% more damage and have a 20% more hit rate than the hero with the disadvantageous element. Tales & Dragons: New Journey elemental counter is as follows:

  • Wind heroes have an advantage over Water heroes.

  • Water heroes have an advantage over Piro heroes.

  • Piro heroes have an advantage over Wind heroes.

  • Light heroes have an advantage against Dark heroes and vice versa.

  • Astro heroes do not have an advantage or disadvantage against any other element.

You can use this feature to your benefit by choosing heroes that have an elemental advantage over your enemies. This will give you a boost in damage and accuracy and help you win the battle. You can also avoid choosing heroes that have an elemental disadvantage against your enemies. This will prevent you from taking more damage and missing more attacks.

Elemental Counter

Therefore, if you come across an extremely difficult fight, you should try to make use of this feature to obtain a boost by selecting heroes that have an elemental advantage against your enemy heroes. When it comes to player-against-player combat (PVP), it can be difficult to decide which strategy to employ because the metagame shifts from season to season and whenever a new character is added to the game. 

But if you pay attention to the current meta, you may be able to choose the heroes that counter it. However, it's important to remember that certain heroes are considered meta for a reason; if you can't incorporate it, you shouldn't worry about it that much.

How to Power Up Your Heroes

Leveling up your heroes is crucial to becoming a formidable force in Tales & Dragons: New Journey. The Hero Star-Up feature is your key to unlocking their true potential. In order to perform a Hero Star-Up, you should Head over to the Star-Up page to initiate this transformative process.

How to Power Up Your Heroes

Star-Up requires sacrificing a certain number of heroes that meet specific criteria. These sacrificial heroes will contribute to the growth of your chosen hero. Even though this process consumes the hero, the heroes you sacrificed won't be gone forever. 

Upon Star-Up, all materials used in their development will be refunded. However, keep in mind that any previously learned Talent Skills will be forgotten during this process. Also, you have to know that runes and Sigil Essence used will be refunded based on the talent level of your hero.

Hero Bond

Hero bonds are another way of increasing the power of your Tales & Dragons: New Journey heroes. Same as Fostering bonds among your heroes can lead to enhanced stats, it also provides you with diamonds to use for future summons. The Hero Bond feature increase team synergy through the following steps:

  • Activation: When you collect all associated heroes, Hero Bond will be activated. Once activated, you can claim the rewards tied to the bond.

  • Stat Bonuses: As you gather more associated heroes, stat bonuses are unlocked, further boosting your team's performance.

  • Sigil Talent: hero bonds also unlock new sigil talents that further enhance your Hero's Abilities. 

Equipping Sigils

Sigils are mystical symbols that provide your heroes with a lot of power and help your heroes turn the tide of battle in Tales & Dragons: New Journey. But you will have to level up your heroes to use them, following are the rules of the sigils system. 

  • Number of Sigils: Each hero can equip up to 2 Sigils. However, there's a level requirement: the first Sigil can be equipped at Lv. 100, while the second Sigil becomes available at Lv. 120.

  • Skills and Equipping: Elite or above Sigils come with 1-2 skills that can be activated when equipped. It's worth noting that Sigil Skills are only effective while equipped. Removing the Sigil will cause the hero to lose the skill's effects.

Talent Learning

Learning new Talent is the next way of powering up your Tales & Dragons: New Journey heroes. Each Talent slot can be filled with Runes to learn corresponding skills. Runes are the building blocks of your hero's growth, so you have to choose them wisely.

You can elevate your hero's skills by using Sigil Essence and Runes to upgrade the Talent Skills they've acquired. If you like to experiment with your characters, you have the option to remove previously learned Talent Skills and select a few new ones. This is a great way to tailor your hero's abilities to different situations.

However, keep in mind that forgetting a Talent comes at a cost. You'll need Diamonds to do the process, but all the Sigil Essence and Runes used in that Talent will be refunded. Lastly, when a hero possesses both Sigil Skills and Talent Skills of the same type, only the skills of the highest level will take effect. So you have to prioritize skill development strategically.

How to Improve Your Hero's Arsenal

Like any other game gear also plays an important role in enhancing your hero's performance in Tales & Dragons: New Journey. When you identify a good piece of gear among the gear you will earn through your gameplay, clicking on it will take you to the gear enhancement window. You will find options like Star-Up, Promotion, Reforging, and Rollback in this window.

How to Improve Your Hero's Arsenal

If you are having trouble navigating through all of your equipment, the toggle Item button, located on the right side of the screen, lets you seamlessly switch between the Item and Hero Gear lists. This saves you time and hassle when managing your hero's equipment.

If you manage to equip your Tales & Dragons: New Journey heroes with a complete set of Exclusive Gear (four pieces in total), a Set Bonus will activate. Because of this synergy, your hero will receive a stat bonus in addition to the one that would typically be granted by wearing the items normally.

When you increase the ranks of your hero's Exclusive Gear, they will also unlock corresponding rewards. This provides a steady stream of bonuses to increase your hero's capabilities.

Keep in mind that even if you have activated a Set Bonus from a higher-ranking piece of gear, you should not ignore the Set Bonuses that come from lower-ranking pieces of equipment. Even if you choose not to wear them, the effects they have will still have an impact on how well your hero functions.


Your adventure in Tales & Dragons: New Journey is a beautiful brew of daring, cunning, and the unfolding of fantastical events. Bear in mind that every decision you make affects the future of your heroes as you explore the workings of Hero Star-Up, Sigil Talents, and Exclusive Gear Sets. This is important to bear in mind as you figure out how these features function. Make an effort to increase the bonds with one another, unlock new skills, and equip them with high-quality gear to guarantee a joyful Tales & Dragons: New Journey.

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