Ultimate Beginner Guide to Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok - Top Tips for the Fantasy


Build your dynasty in Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok with great power! This is a role-playing game with amazing warriors and a recruitment system to recruit them, competitive challenges in the arena, and an engaging conquest full of different challenges against different enemy lineups. It will be advantageous for you to have some tips and tricks that you can use in your gameplay to create your dynasty more than fantasy in this game. So, read this guide until you reach the end because here you will find the best Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok tips for the fantastic journey. 

Ultimate Beginner Guide to Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok


Unlike other role-playing games, this Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok game includes idle elements, but at the same time, there are many challenging features added in this game to give everyone a challenging player experience. So, as the game is challenging in every aspect, you need to learn the best tips and tricks to play Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok on PC with LDPlayer 9, filling your gameplay with lots of victories. Go ahead and check this beginner guide to see what we have brought here for you.  

Challenges in Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok

Go to the conquest and start challenges there, which is the first thing you will do in this Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok game. In every challenge here, there is a turn limit which the battle should be ended within. At the end of each battle, you will obtain dozens of rewards, so take part in these challenges. 

Challenges in Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok

Here in Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok challenges the warriors you prepare for the battle, and the enemy team warriors will attack each other automatically during their turns. The first team to defeat opponents before the turn limit runs out will be the winners here. During these challenges, the protagonist or your playable character will provide different buffs to your warriors on the battleground to enhance their performance more. 

Battle Lineup 

Battle Lineup 

The heroes or warriors you added to your Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok battle team are very important for the outcome of your battles. Six heroes can be added to the battle team along with your protagonist. Make sure to deploy the powerful heroes to the battleground to increase the total combat power of the whole team. Also, according to the way you form your battle lineup using different heroes belonging to different factions, you can activate buffs to the whole team to increase the attack and HP in various percentages. 

Rage Skills

Every warrior you add to the Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok battle team has rage skills, and these rage skills can be unleashed during the battles when their rage is filled. The rage will be filled automatically during the battles. When the rage skills are ready, they will be automatically activated during the battles, dealing massive damage to the enemies. 

Recruit Heroes

Go to the main city tab from the main menu and enter the Warrior Altar to summon warriors to your Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok game. Here, you can recruit one or ten warriors at once. You can use Ingots, friendship points, and warrior scrolls to summon heroes through the summoning system. 

Recruit Heroes

The recruitment system in this Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok game has different banners such as general, friendship, and warrior. The general banner guarantees to give you five-star warriors in ten recruits, which is a perfect deal for you. According to the banner you use to recruit heroes, the drop rates for each star tier are different. 

The drop rates in general recruitment are as follows. 

  • Three-Star Warrior - 80.00%

  • Four-Star Warrior - 15.00%

  • Five-Star Warrior - 5.00%

The drop rates in friendship recruitment are mentioned below. 

  • Two-Star Warrior - 35.50%

  • Three-Star Warrior - 50.00%

  • Four-Star Warrior - 13.50%

  • Five-Star Warrior - 1.00%

The drop rates in the warrior recruitment are, 

  • One-Star Warrior - 53.00%

  • Two-Star Warrior - 36.00%

  • Three-Star Warrior - 9.10%

  • Four-Star Warrior - 1.50%

  • Five-Star Warrior - 0.40%

As you can see, the drop rates for the higher star-tier warriors are low, so you may feel disappointed about not being able to get a top-tier warrior in the Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok tier list for your gameplay. But if you start rerolling using multiple accounts instead of one account, you can easily obtain the top-tier warriors for your Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok game. 

But how do you create multiple instances to reroll? Play the Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok game on your PC with LDPlayer 9 and use the Multi-Instance Sync to create multiple accounts you need to play it, and then you will have a satisfying reroll process. 

Promote the Official Rank

Here, the Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok game allows you to promote the rank of your character, making it powerful gradually. What is the benefit of promoting the rank of your character? Every time you promote the rank of your character, its overall stats increase permanently. The first official rank of your character is the soldier, and then you can promote the rank of your character to higher ranks starting from the lowest. The official ranks given in this Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok game are as follows. 

Promote the Official Rank

  • Soldier

  • Decurion

  • Corporal

  • Sergeant

  • Centurion

  • Bailiff

  • Guardian

  • Lieutenant

  • Adjutant

  • Captain

  • Major

  • Magistrate

  • Colonel

  • Commander

  • Marshal

  • General

  • Grand General

When the rank of your character gets higher, the stats such as attack, HP, defense, damage boost, and damage reduction will be increased greatly. How do you promote the rank of your character in this Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok game? Go to the Mansion tab from the main game screen and go to the Official Rank option there, and you will see the ranks your character can get promoted in this game, overall stats provided by each rank, etc. 

Also, you will see some special tasks different for each rank. You can easily promote the rank of your character just by completing the tasks given in each rank. The tasks are easy to complete at the beginning, but when the ranks get higher, it will be hard for you to complete the tasks. But if you are confident enough and rich with the best tips, you will always be able to promote the ranks of your character and reach higher ranks in a short time. 

Tower of Trials

Tower of Trials is a set of challenges that you can complete in this game for greater rewards. In the Tower of Trials, there are different floors you can step in and take part in challenges, and for every floor you complete, you will obtain rewards. Besides using the Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok codes, this is a great way to earn many rewards and prizes for your gameplay. Also, besides getting rewards for every floor you clear for the first time, you will get additional rewards for every ten floors you complete. 

Tower of Trials

When you clear a floor for the first time, you will not lose any challenge chances. Also, you can raid cleared floors twice for free every day to get the rewards very easily. If you already finished your free daily chances to raid over the cleared floors, you can purchase up to three additional raid chances every day by using Ingots. When you challenge floors in the Tower of Trials, you can examine the enemy lineup you will face in the challenge, along with the recommended combat power and the rewards you obtain. 

As we said above, your hero lineup is what matters to winning these challenges. So, create a powerful lineup in a way that activates buffs or boosts to your gameplay to win the battles very easily in the Tower of Trials. 

Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok Arena

The arena is the PvP fighting ground in this game, and this arena will be unlocked with your player level here. The arena has different seasons, and at the end of each season, you will be rewarded with greater prizes according to the rank of the arena in each season. 

Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok Arena

As you know, the arena is about battling against the other players; you should make a powerful team before you visit the arena to face any competitive level. The arena contains two phases. When a new server is launched, you can challenge the other players on the same server during the first seven days. After that, the cross-server arena will be open next Monday. 

In the arena, you can challenge other players on your server to gain arena points and raise your ranking. Every player has three free challenge chances to take part in arena battles. If you want more chances, you should buy them using martial tokens. We told you that the arena has seasonal phases, and each season starts on Monday and lasts on Sunday. When taking part in arena seasonal challenges, there are several rules you should obey. The arena rules are as follows. 

  • In the arena, you will match opponents whose points are similar to yours. 

  • When you win a challenge in the arena, you will earn points, which causes your opponent to reduce their arena points. But if you fail a challenge, you will lose some of your arena points while your opponent gets more arena points. 

  • If you challenge a player, you will use an offensive lineup, but if an opponent in the arena challenges you, your defensive lineup will be used. 

  • And if you challenge an opponent and the battle will not be over within the turn limit, you will be the loser automatically. 

When it comes to arena rewards again, you will earn arena points and other resources for each successful challenge. Also, once you complete a certain number of challenges in an arena season, you will get a challenge chest full of rewards. Even though the arena challenges are challenging and competitive, they are beneficial for you on the other hand. So take part in the arena challenges and have awesome gameplay. 

Unlock Artifact for Greater Benefits

When you go to the Protagonist tab from the main menu of the Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok game, you can see the playable character for you in this game. Although the playable main character or the protagonist does not engage in battles directly, they will provide greater support during the battles. 

How does the protagonist support the battles? The 20% of the total stats of the protagonist will be evenly distributed among each deployed warrior, making them enhance more during the battles. Besides that, the artifact unlocked for your protagonist will do greater help for your warriors on the battlefield. There are many artifacts with different buffs that are helpful for your battle team, so let us see the artifacts available in this game. 

Unlock Artifact for Greater Benefits

  • Holy Fire Token - This can be unlocked with sixty Holy Fire Token shards, which can be obtained from the Path of Glory, Prestige Store, or Pack Mall. This artifact deals burning damage equal to 85% of the protagonist’s attack to all the enemies, penetrating their defense and letting them burn for two seconds. Also, all the warriors on your team will deal 160% additional burning damage to the enemies. 

  • Trigram Board - You need to visit the Pack Mall and get Trigram Board shards to unlock this artifact. While attacking the enemies massively, this artifact reduces all the enemies’ Rage by 250, preventing the enemies from casting their rage skills. 

  • Refined Steel Claw - You should obtain more artifact essence to unlock this artifact, which you can get from the Demon Lord Store or Prestige Store. This artifact summons lightning bolts to deal massive damage to a random enemy penetrating its defense. The enemy who is attacked by the lightning bolts comes to the shocked state for a turn, and at that time, the shocked enemy will take additional damage from your warriors. 

  • Begonia - You need Begonia shards to unlock this artifact for your protagonist here. With this artifact, you can heal all the warriors in your team and also increase the damage dealt by the next rage skill of each warrior in your team. 

  • Yitian Sword - The next artifact is the Yitian Sword, which you need Yitian Sword shards to unlock. This artifact deals more serious damage to the enemy with the lowest HP while penetrating its defense. If this skill kills the target, the warrior in your team with the highest attack will restore a massive amount of rage and max HP. 

  • Fire Dragon Bow - If you have enough Fire Dragon Bow shards, you can unlock this artifact in this game. This artifact has the skill to massively damage the enemies and remove their buffs. Also, the enemies who are attacked by this skill will take 40% more damage from the rage skills of your warriors. 

  • Empyreal Silk Umbrella - You can collect Empyreal Silk Umbrella shards through the events to unlock this artifact. This artifact will restore the rage of all your warriors in your team by 250. In addition, this will increase your warriors’ damage and crit rate by a certain percentage. 

Once you unlock them, you can upgrade every artifact in order to increase their effects. Also, you can promote the star tier of the skills you will obtain through these artifacts to have more benefits to your teamplay with these artifacts. 


Here, the beginner guide with the best tips and tricks ends now. But as you have gone through this guide very well, we assure you that you can have great gameplay if you use the tips and tricks you learned from here in your Among Heroes: Fantasy Samkok gameplay. Be brave with the best tips and tricks for the fantasy, and show others how powerful you are by playing the game with LDPlayer 9.

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