What is the Best Civilization in Rise of Kingdoms – Find the Best as a Newbie


For those who are in love with strategy games, there is a civilization strategy game named Rise of Kingdoms, where you will conquer lands and try your best to rise as a great conqueror. Be it a warrior, a philosopher, a poet, or any other; it is up to you to rise with grace and to do this all with better success; you need to choose a civilization. So, what's the best civilization in Rise of Kingdoms?

What is the Best Civilization in Rise of Kingdoms


If you are wondering what is the best civilization in Rise of Kingdoms, please note that you can go for many choices, and they contribute directly towards your victory as well as the ranking system of the game. So, if you want to get better at everything you do in this gameplay, there should be a better civilization chosen because, on the other hand, these civilizations will have a great role to play in resource management as well as your decision-making. So, if you are struggling to make a selection, we are going to help you find a better nation today and start playing Rise of Kingdoms on PC with LDPlayer 9 to find them from now on.

The Rome

The Rome


The first civilization we choose as the best in this game is Rome, where you can use it for a better speed as well as for the infantry. Some players don't find it really interesting to go with this civilization, but you need to note that it is considered a good selection in the Rise of Kingdoms best civilization tier list because of its ability to gather food in 10% of a decent level. Its unique ability to increase the march speed is what makes us recommend you to go with this civilization, and we have Legionary as the special unit here.




What is the best civilization to start with in Rise of Kingdoms? Of course, it is Britain. It has the ability to increase 5% troop training speed as well as to raise the 5% archer attack. On the other hand, you will also be able to raise 20% of the Ally City garrison capacity here. The archers are the special units in Britain, and for those who are looking for the best selection for both PvE and PvP modes, you have Britain with Boudica earned.


China is a fantastic option for Rise of Kingdoms beginners, offering several valuable bonuses that can significantly enhance your gameplay. Choosing China provides players with a 5% boost in Action Point (AP) recovery, a 3% increase in troop defense, and a 5% improvement in building speed. One of the standout features of selecting China is the defense buff, which applies to all troop types. This means whether you are fielding infantry, cavalry, or archers, they all gain an advantage in battle with enhanced defense capabilities. This universal defense boost makes China an excellent choice for players who prefer a balanced and versatile approach to their military strategy.



Moreover, the 5% AP recovery boost is incredibly beneficial, allowing players to engage in more battles and activities without running out of Action Points. This can be particularly useful during events or when trying to maximize rewards from various in-game activities. Another significant advantage is the 5% increase in building speed. In a game where time is often a critical factor, this bonus helps players develop their cities faster, enabling quicker access to advanced structures and technologies. In addition to these strategic benefits, China boasts Sun Tzu as one of its commanders. Sun Tzu is renowned for his powerful area-of-effect (AoE) damage and his ability to significantly boost the effectiveness of your troops in combat. His skills and expertise make him a formidable leader, capable of turning the tide in battles and providing a substantial advantage in both PvP and PvE scenarios.




Egypt is the next civilization to come to our attention, and there will be Imhotep here, along with an archer rally lead in the nation. We can have a 5% increased rallied army damage, 5% increased archer attack as well as 1.5% on building, special unit archers as well as a research speed with this civilization and any of the archers, and if you want to make it for a significant impact to the PvE mode, Egypt will be great. This civilization is heavily focused on the archers, and Korea is the one who can actually build the best buildings in this game with amazing development and research skills.




Spain is also the best civilization in Rise of Kingdoms for the early game, and you can have pretty good gameplay with it by killing guardians. There will be a 20% experience gained bonus, a 5% cavalry defense, and a 20% resource production speed that comes with this civilization, and Spain will be good at leveling up your commanders, too. We do not recommend you use this civilization in your late game as they don't do pretty well there, but still, this is a nation that focused on Spain with very good rates for producing resources.


Korea is an excellent choice in the Rise of Kingdoms, especially with the presence of Eulji Mundeok as a commander. If you haven't settled on another early-game civilization, Korea is a solid temporary option. It offers a 5% boost to archer defense, a 3% increase in research speed, and unique special unit archers. Additionally, Korea provides a significant 15% increase in hospital capacity, which is invaluable for sustaining your troops during extended battles.



For players focusing on advanced technology and robust end-game defense, Korea shines with the Hwarang as its special unit. This civilization's blend of improved research efficiency, enhanced archer capabilities, and expanded hospital capacity make it a versatile and strategic choice. Whether you're looking to progress quickly through the tech tree or need strong defensive support in the later stages of the game, Korea offers a balanced and powerful foundation for your journey.


Greece in Rise of Kingdoms is the default civilization ideal for those looking to lead with infantry rally strategies. It offers a 5% increase in rallied army damage and a 5% boost to infantry health, enhancing your troops' effectiveness in battle. Additionally, Greece provides a 10% increase in the effectiveness of its special unit infantry and a boost to stone gathering speed, making resource collection more efficient.



For players who need to deploy various troop types to support their allies, Greece is an excellent choice. The presence of the Argyraspide as a special unit further strengthens your army, providing versatile and powerful infantry that can make a significant impact on the battlefield. Choose Greece for a balanced start.




Arabia stands out in Rise of Kingdoms as a premier civilization, led by Baibars, enhancing rallied army damage, cavalry attack, and bolstering its special unit, the cavalry. This civilization also enjoys a 10% bonus in damage against barbarians, making it exceptionally suited for hunting them down. Arabia is renowned for its focus on cavalry rally leaders, making it an ideal choice for players who prefer aggressive expansion and strategic military tactics. Whether leading charges against enemy forces or securing resources through barbarian camps, Arabia offers formidable advantages that cater to dynamic gameplay and conquest strategies in Rise of Kingdoms.




France is ideal for players who are looking for the best speed boosts, and we have Throwing Axeman as the special unit here. There is a 10% wood gathering speed, a 3% troop health rise, as well as a 20% hospital healing speed in this civilization, and you will have Joan of Arc in France. You can have a better edge for the KvK fights by using France as your civilization. We love the fact that this France comes with a great troop health buff as well. Remember, you will be able to take the best out of it if you are a premium player.

Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire


The Ottoman Empire was good at march speed and artillery strength, so you could do pretty well in long-range combat with this civilization. There is a 5% increase in march speed and active skill damage here, and we also can have the same amount of increased HP for archers with this civilization. The Janissary comes as the special unit here, and for those who are looking for an archer-focused nation, here we have it.


And that is it. If you are looking for an answer for what is the best civilization in Rise of Kingdoms, here are the best options that you all can go with and we can guarantee you that all the nations that we described here are going to become your best support in different aspects. So, choose wisely and make sure to go for a civilization that works best for you and that will single handedly lead you to the ultimate victory.

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