chess shiny Description
2000 chess tactical problems with visual hints.
engine analysis.
analysis features: automatically draw the engine plan with arrows,auto play engine lines showing the future for each piece.
configurable engine parameters:threads,depth,thinking time
visual features:show undefended,under defended,weak squares,piece context,attackers,defenders,x-ray for bishops queen and rooks,covered attackers , the features can be disabled or configured on features button.
option to use multiple boards simultaneously.
save games with analysis.
create chess presentations.
play against the engine,the level of the engine can be configured increasing or decreasing depth parameter on engine features.
features are viewed from the perspective of the turn. if it is blacks turn weak squares will show black's weak squares.
engine analysis.
analysis features: automatically draw the engine plan with arrows,auto play engine lines showing the future for each piece.
configurable engine parameters:threads,depth,thinking time
visual features:show undefended,under defended,weak squares,piece context,attackers,defenders,x-ray for bishops queen and rooks,covered attackers , the features can be disabled or configured on features button.
option to use multiple boards simultaneously.
save games with analysis.
create chess presentations.
play against the engine,the level of the engine can be configured increasing or decreasing depth parameter on engine features.
features are viewed from the perspective of the turn. if it is blacks turn weak squares will show black's weak squares.
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