QJPR - HR/COMP APP Description
QJPR Recruitment Suite
It is a common challenge in today's tough economic climate that companies demand more from their H R arm, but they want to invest less and less.
In today's market every organization will have experienced different issue around resource strategies.
QJPR specializes in the effective manpower supply of temporary and permanent staff.
With each assignment we undertake to become fully conversant with the need of the organization based on either specific position requirements of particular person specifications identified.
We are confident that we can provide the skills, methodology and
experience necessary to meet requirements.
Our interviewing and reference checking techniques along with our objective assessment provide us with the basis for minimizing many of the risks inherent in selections.
Our Human Resource recruitment process includes:
Advertising (Electronic, Print Media, Networking)
Screeing of CVs
Short Listing of CVs
Trade Test / Interviews of Short Listed Candidates.
Final Selection of Candidates
Placement Formalities
It is a common challenge in today's tough economic climate that companies demand more from their H R arm, but they want to invest less and less.
In today's market every organization will have experienced different issue around resource strategies.
QJPR specializes in the effective manpower supply of temporary and permanent staff.
With each assignment we undertake to become fully conversant with the need of the organization based on either specific position requirements of particular person specifications identified.
We are confident that we can provide the skills, methodology and
experience necessary to meet requirements.
Our interviewing and reference checking techniques along with our objective assessment provide us with the basis for minimizing many of the risks inherent in selections.
Our Human Resource recruitment process includes:
Advertising (Electronic, Print Media, Networking)
Screeing of CVs
Short Listing of CVs
Trade Test / Interviews of Short Listed Candidates.
Final Selection of Candidates
Placement Formalities
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