Arknights New Operator Nian, Ark & Hung: Earthborn Metals Review


Arknights is a Chinese free-to-play tower defence game launched two years ago. This is a gacha game with refreshing anime characters and an exciting plotline. In the game, the players have to defend the towers with the operators. The character of operators plays a significant and essential role in the game. So, Arknights introduce new characters from time to time. It creates the game more thrilling at the same time, challenging for the players. 


Arknights New Operator Nian, Ark & Hung: Earthborn Metals Review


In this review, we will discuss the latest banner in the game. It is named the Earthborn Metals. There are several exciting features in this banner with several operators. Let’s talk about the new operators in the game. There are defenders and specialists with several exciting abilities on this list. It turns out the game into more strategically and amazing to the players. Now let us go for the elaborations of these topics. So download your Arknights on PC from here and enjoy the latest added heroes


Details of the Earthborn Metals Banner 


Arknights New Operator Nian, Ark & Hung: Earthborn Metals Review


In this latest banner, there will be few featured operators. They have different rarities. For the six-star rate ups, there will be a 70% opportunity of showing when pulling a six-star operator. For the five-star rate ups, there will be a 50% opportunity of showing when pulling a five-star operator. The available operators in this banner are as follows,


  • The operator Nian will appear in this banner as a six-star rate up operator.


  • The operator Aak will appear in this banner as a six-star rate up operator.


  • The operator Hung will appear in this banner as a six-star rate up operator.


Important Points 


When you pull the banner with these operators, you have to consider a bit more about the following facts. You should have a good idea and knowledge about pulling it before you do it. The essential facts are as follows,


  • The operator Nian is the first limited operator in the game, Arknights. Although she is a perfect character, she is not an essential character most of the time.


  • The operator, Aak, possesses a very high amount of buffing. But he has some considerable downsides.


  • The operator, Hung, is a strong operator with healing abilities. If you have already got Saria or Nearl in the game, you would not need to get Hung.


  • The players do not need to get this banner to get the first limited operator, Nian. You should have a clear vision to complete the mission. So pull the banner by thinking about your needs.


  • That is why all the doctors should pay Headhunting until pulling a five-star character or an operator because the one is guaranteed to happen during the first ten rolls.




Arknights New Operator Nian, Ark & Hung: Earthborn Metals Review


There were rumours about the arrival of Nian for a long time. Finally, she has arrived at the game as the first-ever limited operator in Arknights. All were obsessed with lazy mahjong. So, Nian may wonder about the fuss about her among the people. The players can understand her easily with her kit and options of utility. She has immersed herself in survivability and DPS. At the same time, she has good Arts damage, buffs and debuffs also.


Nian is famous for her S3. It applies to make buffs to the close enemies with an enhanced Block count. With that, she will become the only operator to date. As an average defender, she has the following excellent and functional features with few drawbacks.


  • Nian is a unique kind of defender with strong utility abilities and high character stats.


  • Using her E0 skill, she can buff all the other defenders.


  • Her skill S3 buffs are also good for the defenders.


  • Her skills S1 and S2 can make Arts damages.


  • Her skill S2 can silence enemies.


  • Her skill S3 can Buff ally DEF. It is beneficial to the skill survivability of Aak.


  • She is the only operator at the moment with an increased Block count against other partners. Her skill S3 helps with this.


There are few disadvantages of Nian as follows,


  • Her talent E2 can be difficult to time correctly.


  • As she is a limited-time event, sometimes, enhancing her abilities may be difficult and expensive.


  • Her skill S2 will remain active only for a short time. Sometimes, the players will not be able to use it more effectively.


  • Her skill S3 has a Block count buff. Sometimes, it will act as a double-edged sword to some operators.


View the Full Operator List of Arknights from here.




Arknights New Operator Nian, Ark & Hung: Earthborn Metals Review


When we talk about Aak, she has high trustworthiness towards the players. He has a lab coat and crazy eyes. Her primary role is to buff his allies. Usually, it will show as generous and kind acts to do. But, the idea of this buff, shooting his supporters in the head, may sound far away from the concept of kindness and generosity. If any operator survives from the brutal injection methods of Aak, they will get considerable amounts of buffs. 


As a sacrificial specialist, he has the following excellent and functional features with few drawbacks.

  • Aak has a good level of DPS with high buffing to his allied units.


  • Using his talent of E0, he can heal himself.


  • Using his skill E2, he can get increased healing.


  • His skills have potential buffs to himself and his ally. 


  • The skill S2 has defensive abilities, and S3 has offensive skills.


  • Aak's skills automatically focus on the closest ally who is in front of him. In here, the partner’s position will be crucial.


There are few disadvantages of Aak as follows,


  • Due to the trait of Aak, he is repeatedly reducing his HP level. Due to that, he needs constant healing.


  • His skills of S2 and S3 can shoot allies fifteen times. This is before the buffing of them. But, he can destroy his operators using this skill.




Arknights New Operator Nian, Ark & Hung: Earthborn Metals Review


He was an elemental character when the battles tempered more violently. Hung is a healing defender, and he utilizes his skills to heal his allies. His skills commonly get intensified when he gets a hit. During these enemy waves, Hung looks like a sad puppy looking for his owner to go home. But, when he joins the battle, he can block the crowds of enemies powerfully. 


Hung's skill of S2 is more like a wildfire. Through that, he can buff his stats when showering the allies with the power of healing and SP. He has unconditional affection also. As a healing defender, he has the following excellent and functional features with few drawbacks.


  • Rather than other healing defenders, Hung has more defensive abilities.


  • His talents enhance with the S2 buff DEF and DEF.


  • He can make a good deal of team healing.


  • He creates SP for the healed allies.


  • When he gets a hit, his skills will charge, and they will charge more quickly during a wave. But it will not charge between the waves.


There are few disadvantages of Hung as follows,


  • Sometimes, his talents need a unique position to make maximum effectiveness.


  • He is less long-lasting than a general defender.


  • He heals less effectively than the other healing defenders. He has low ATK, and he requires to getting hit for the charge of his healing.


Earn your best heroes within seconds. Try out our Reroll Guide of Arknights.


Arknights New Operator Nian, Ark & Hung: Earthborn Metals Review




The game Arknights is popular in the world. There are several banners introduced in the game. We have talked about the banner of Earthborn Metals. There are three operator introductions with the banner. The character of Nian has presented as the limited introductory operator in the game. Apart from that, Aak and Hung will be in the event with many new features. So, do not miss this chance of joining the banner.

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