Arknights Walk in The Dust Rerun Event Guide


With the end of the Arknights’ newest event and the tag-along gacha banner, Arknights is having a break period with a special rerun of a previous event - Walk in The Dust in addition to a gacha rate up with a very special and powerful operators in the game - the 6* Chain Caster Passenger, commonly known in the community as Godsenger.

In this guide we will go over how much rewards you can gain from the special rerun Event of Walk in The Dust, how players can gain all of those rewards in the shortest and most convenient way possible. In addition, this guide will also go over the strength of the rate up character - the 6* Chain Caster Passenger.




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Arknights Event Rerun - Walk in The Dust

Walk in The Dust is one of the Arknights major big events with various rewards made available for all players during the event period. With the Event Rerun, players will be able to claim event exclusive rewards such as a free welfare HeavyRain, special furniture and 3 Headhunting Tickets.

Walk in The Dust - Main Event Battle Stages

During the event period, special event stages will be available for a limited time and players need to clear through all the stages in order to experience the full story of the event. Players also need to clear all of the event stages in order to clear all of the event’s missions and to gain originiums for stage first-clears.

After the first-clears, players will need to spend their stamina (or “sanity”) in order to farm event currencies to exchange for special rewards in the event shop. The event currencies will be rewarded on a 1:1 scale between sanity spent and amount of currencies gain, so players should focus on clearing high sanity stages and farm on those in order to gain the most amount of event currencies in the fastest way possible.


Walk in The Dust - Main Missions

Special Missions will also be available for all players to clear in order to gain special event currencies. In addition, these missions will also reward players with special furniture and a free Welfare - Heavyrain.

In order to clear the missions, players will need to finish all of the event battle stages in addition to the challenge stages. All of the missions will only counts the first clear of each stage so for any players who have finished the event before, they will 

need to clear the stages once again in order to claim the mission reward.


Walk in The Dust - Special Challenge Stages

In addition to the main story stages, special challenge stages will also be available for all players to attempt to clear.

For these special Challenge Stages, there’s 2 modes players need to clear - the normal stages and challenge mode stages. Each of the modes will reward players with 1 Originites for each first-clears of the stages, rewarding up to 16 Originites in total for players to gain from these stages.

It is important to note that these stages are extremely difficult in nature, so players should prepare their squads properly before attempting these stages.


Walk in The Dust - Event Shop

This time special rewards will be available for all players in the event shop, including special Heavyrain Tokens needed to be used to up her potential level and upgrade her power, special headhunting tickets (up to 3 tickets), LMDs, EXP cards and special furnitures to complete the event specific furniture set.

Players should prioritize the special event exclusive rewards on the first tab of the event shop and exchange all of them before moving on to the second event tab. It is also important to note that the event only provides a certain amount of event currencies, therefore, players should consider before exchanging for items in the event shop.


Walk in The Dust- Special Event Welfare - Heavyrain

The event-specific welfare Operator Heavyrain will be available for all players to claim through clearing missions and event shops and can be upgraded to max potential once players have cleared out her tokens in the shop.

Heavyrain is a 5* Defender operator of the Protector class, meaning she has the ability to tank up to 3 enemies at once and provide support for other operators with her buffs and skills.

Heavrain’s special utility lies in her ability to grant allies the Camouflage effect, making them unable to be hit by ranged enemies with ranged attacks. 

Her buffs also boost the survivability allies of the 4 titles around her, allowing them to last longer and focus on tanking more hits from close-ranged enemies and completely mitigating the damage from ranged enemies for a short period of time.


Walk in The Dust Special Rate Up Banner - Should You Roll

Along with the Event Rerun comes one of the best banners in the game history featuring one of the strongest operator ever for players to have a chance to get - the 6* Chain Caster Passenger.


Passenger is a 6* Chain Caster classed Operator with the ability to deal massive amounts of burst damage against enemies in his path over a wide area.

As a Chain Caster Class Operator, Passenger’s have a high cost in exchange for the ability for his attack to bounce between up to 4 enemies at once, dealing damage to them and slowing their attack speed and movement speed.

Passenger’s true power and utility lies in his 3rd skill, with the ability to call massive thunder strikes against enemies in a large diamond area that can cover almost half of the maps in the game. This special lightning will strike 10 times against many enemies and bounce between enemies within the zone, dealing constant damage and roasting the enemies to death with ease.

With his new Module boosting his power and the special Module upgrade coming that allows him to gain 2 SP for every normal attack dealt, Passenger is one of the best Arts damage dealers and enemy waves clearer in the entire game.

Should You Pull?

Absolutely Yes. The current rate up banner is the single best time for players to attempt to roll and get Passenger to add to their roster as the current banner is the last time Passenger will ever have a solo rate up banner. As mentioned above, Passenger is one of the best operators in the game that turns the game from a harrowing experience to one of the more manageable ones. Passenger have the ability to cater to both newer and old players alike and help players clear many stages in the game with relative ease.

For players who enjoy the IS2 gamemode or the roguelike gamemode, Passenger is a must as he is one of the only operators in the game capable of clearing all boss stages by himself with the correct buffs.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Perfect Engine to Experience Arknights

Recently introduced, LDPlayer 9.0 not only allows players to easily download and play Arknights on PC, it is also designed and specialized so that players can have the best experience playing Arknights on the highest FPS and highest graphics

Furthermore, with LDPlayer’s keyboard-mapping function, players can clear Arknights stages more effectively using only keyboard buttons, allowing players to be able to do the most famous Arknights trick - the Pause deployment trick, making the stages faster and easier to play and clear than when playing on mobile.

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