Arknights | The Wheat and the Anthem: Archetto & Operators Analysis


Arknights is a mobile tower-based game developed by Chinese developers named Studio Montagne and Hypergraph. In here, players will have to clear the levels and move frontward in the game. When they unlock more levels, they are eligible to obtain more operators, resources, and rewards. They can get randomized character attributes through the in-game and virtual currencies.


Arknights | The Wheat and the Anthem: Archetto & Operators Analysis


The game developers are offering different exciting events, reward programs, and character introductions to their loyal player base from time to time. The Wheat and the Anthem with Archetto is the latest event launched by Arknights. So, today in the review, we will talk about the Wheat and the Anthem with Archetto and the operators.


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The Wheat and the Anthem Banner 


The banner named the Wheat and the Anthem has several operators with different rarities. As we all know, the other rarities have different rate ups when they are pulling. Before finding the operator details, we will go through the rate ups of various rarities.


  • Six-star rarity – they will have a chance of 50% when they pop up with pulling with six-star characters.


  • Five-star rarity – they will have a chance of 50% when they pop up with pulling with five-star characters.


  • Four-star rarity – they will have a chance of 20% when they are popping up with pulling with four-star characters.


  • The attributes mentioned in the banners of the operators will not include the available operators to the distinction shop.


Arknights | The Wheat and the Anthem: Archetto & Operators Analysis


With the ideas mentioned above in the head, let us move to find more details about the operators and their features.


  • Archetto is from the six-star rarity, and she is an Anti-Air Sniper with good HP, DEF stats, and ATK. As a sniper, she can create physical damages.


  • Iris is from the five-star rarity, and she belongs to the caster when she can consider as a new Archetype. She has high HP, DEF stats and ATK. As a sniper, she can create arts damages.


  • Chiave-he is from the five-star rarity and belongs to the skill DP. He considers as a recovery vanguard. Chiave has high HP, DEF stats and ATK. As a sniper, she can create physical damages.


  • Beanstalk – she is a four-star rate up character and belongs to Vanguard. She can consider as a new Archetype. Beanstalk has high HP, DEF stats and ATK. As a sniper, she can create physical damages.


Special features of this banner 


The designated operators in this banner have a very specified and unique team with a structure of opportunities. For example, when Archetto can utilize other SP charging Snipers to expand the usefulness of her talents. At the same time, Iris can partner with sleep-friendly characters like Kafka and Blemishine. It will create unimaginable effective outcomes in the game.


The players can use the character of Chiave with one-star Robot operators. At the same time, Beanstalk can usually join with the appropriate operators in this banner. But, as she is a four-star character, the players do not need to sacrifice more resources to find her.


So, as a player, you all can continue the event by selecting any team formation according to your preferences. If you are interested, then you can pull the banner without any doubt. All these characters are quite modern. If you are waiting for the latest rate up surface Beanstalk, you can use one Headhunt and pull a five-star character or any higher operator off the banner. This will work as the game guarantees the first ten rolls.


Character descriptions 


From the beginning of the review, we have a background idea about the available operators in the game. Now let us find more character details about these available operators and give you more advantages while playing the game.




Arknights | The Wheat and the Anthem: Archetto & Operators Analysis


She is an anti-air sniper with general archetype strengths. Archetto can introduce as a businesswoman and a nun. She is a great fan of the philosophical idea of ​​acquiring more. Her abilities can make a huge SP to her Sniper allies and more acute attacks using a single arrow. So, she can make more attacks by using more arrows. As a sniper, she has a good range and coverage of attacks. She is yearning for more attacks.


Talents of Archetto


Her strengths are low DP cost and fast ASPD, which will serve as a good background. Archetto has two main talents as follows.


  • Talent one – it can create SP for all the Snipers in the game, capable of the On attack skills when Archetto positioned. The Snipers like Blue Poison, Meteorite, and Grey Throat are few such characters.


  • Talent two – this talent can close Archetto's first hit, and it can move her after the positioning. This talent can offer a good amount of SP to her when it is activated.


Skills of Archetto


Apart from the talents mentioned above, Archetto has three main skills. We can categorize and describe them as follows,


  • Skill one – this skill is useful to maintain and keep the weak enemies under her control. Then she can easily defeat them and other enemies.


  • Skill two – this skill can reset and change the attacks of Archetto. At the same time, it can bounce back hits on the enemies who are out of her range of attacking. So, she can defeat them easily.


  • Skill three – this skill can enhance the range of her attacks. The spams can create several hits against more than one target in her field. So, multiple numbers enemies can kill using that skill.


Weaknesses of Archetto


It is common to have character failures in a game. Like that, even Archetto has few character weaknesses. One of her main faults is common to all archetypes. They need buffs to work against visible damage to powerful-DEF enemies. This happens as Archetto works with several weak hits rather than using one stronger impact. Her talent is useable only with the snipers with On attack charging skills. Unfortunately, it is uncommon among them.


When her talent one is activated, her talent two becomes useless. If you do not want to happen that, you should treat her again and position her. Although she activates with her abilities, you will encounter a relatively slower charging of Archetto. This will mainly happen to the third skill. Although there is bounce back hit effects from the second and third skills, it will rarely occur.


View the Full Character Tier List from here


Arknights | The Wheat and the Anthem: Archetto & Operators Analysis




Iris is a charge caster with general archetype strengths. She has come out from the accurate fairy tale to give back a cherished radio to an operator in Rhodes Island. The operator has gone it with her as a youngster. The appearance of Iris has not changed over time. Now it has passed some decades, but her first look has not changed. It is like a dream or magic. Iris doesn't talk very much, but she is highly committed and try to bring high ATK to the game.


Arknights | The Wheat and the Anthem: Archetto & Operators Analysis


She is one of the fascinating contributors to the game. Iris makes special damaging traits and the power to the Sleep ailment to cope up against the characters trying to harm children in the world.


Talents of Iris


As an archetype, she can make a more impressive range of attacks for a high scope of Casters with a top-level of ATK. The charges up will happen when she is not attacking to release a stronger hit shortly.


Skills of Iris


As a Caster, she has several skills. Her skills have comparatively fewer SP costs. So, she has main two skills as follows,


  • Skill one – this skill can fight with a range of a long straight line for a considerable amount of seconds. It can make her impose very quickly when the weak attacks are happening over a significant time. It also has enhanced ASPD, which affect positively to her speed of charging.


  • Skill two – this skill can sleep two enemies in her range and make more AoE Arts damages. This will happen when they are awakening. That sleep also helps to charge Iris. So, she can disable some enemies for a period and then make a huge DPS burst after that. This sleep can introduce as a double-edged sword, and you should use it very carefully.


Weaknesses of Iris


As an archetype, she has inherited character faults. Iris has a very low ASPD level. At the same time, her skill one will operate for a small period. So, the players cannot get a benefit from that.




He is a skill DP, a recovery vanguard. Chiave loves to play with robots and machines. It is not surprising because he is technical expertise. He has worked as a talented robot operator at Rhodes Island. His profession offers him a free opportunity of ATK and DEF for every one-star operator in the field. All the other one-star operators showed significantly less in the time used for the deployment.


If you are waiting to utilize the tactical arrangements in Castle three to buff in every minute and heal from the global Support spray from Lancet two, the character Chiave can make it a reality. Apart from that, he can enjoy the DP generation of skill DP recovery vanguard and some competent AoE Arts damages with the Blazing wire strippers in his second skill. It can cause damages to the closeby enemies and remain some terrible RES debuff.


Talents of Chiave


As a recovery vanguard, he can make more unusual ATK and DEF buff in every position of one-star operators. As mentioned earlier, it can reduce the deployment time of all the other one-star operators in the field.


Skills of Chiave


As a skill DP recovery vanguard, he has several skills. When we compare Chiave with another famous five-star skill DP vanguard texas, significant-high damage dealing and exposure to the RES debuff is substantial. But, Chiave can't stun the enemies. So, he has main two skills as follows,


  • Skill one – Chiave can make a huge amount of DP. This is like the same amount of DP generated by other five-star skill DP recovery vanguards in the game.


  • Skill two – he has an exciting ability to generate DP within a very short time. It can make Arts damages to the close by enemies. Apart from that, it can minimize the RES effect on all the damaged enemies.


Weaknesses of Chiave


As a skill DP recovery vanguard, Chiave has several strengths like a five-star skill DP vanguard. But, he also has some weaknesses. One of the most significant weaknesses is that his utility practically reduces when the player is not using any one-star operators in the field. This takes place when the players do not use the RES debuff.




She is a much-dedicated operator who supplies breeding metal crabs. It can consider as not a waste of money and time as the demand of the famous insight. When you are using her, you can see her usefulness in the battle. She can wait away from the action. For that, initially, Vanguard should position on the ranged grid. With that, the metal crab man should be on the field obstructing the enemies. To make it successful, they can use Block one and high DEF.


Although the battle was defeated, still the crab wants few more seconds to heal before going back to the soil as a fresh and stand out to serve more. The players do not want to buy thirty days to grant the crab raising program by Beanstalk.


Talents of Beanstalk


As a summoner vanguard, Beanstalk has several talents. She can order the metal crab minion. That is quite hard to destroy, and there will be automatic save within few seconds. There is no cost for DP to position the metal crab. At the same time, there will be no unit limit to count it on the map.


Skills of Beanstalk


As a summoner vanguard, he has several skills. The first Vanguard is positioned on the extended grid rather than the melee grids. So, she has main two skills as follows,


  • Skill one – with this skill, she can make DP within a very short time. It will bring the metal crab back to the full HP level. This will happen even during the middle of reviving process.


  • Skill two – this skill helps her make DP within a given time and summon four more metal crabs. They will generate around the main crab. It can block up a relatively big path in the map for few seconds. So, all the crabs can obtain more DEF buff. It will make them difficult to kill during that time.


Weaknesses of Beanstalk


Like all the other characters, there are few character faults in Beanstalk. she can position her metal crab only within the marks of her attacking range. She can't arrange it out of that range. There is a relatively low DPS for the metal crab and Beanstalk. Compared to other rates of the vanguards in the DP generation, there is a comparatively less amount to Beanstalk.


If you want to earn these characters super fast than usual, you can try it from LDPlayer. How? Check out the Arknights Reroll Guide.




Arknights is a game that introduces more new events and characters to its players. Today, we have discussed the four latest operators in the game. Namely, they are Archetto, Iris, Chiave, and Beanstalk. All these operators have their talents, skills, weaknesses, and several other character attributes. So, as the players, you have to select them wisely by reading these factors about them.

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