Call of Duty Mobile: MK2 Sniper Rifle Weapon Guide


The MK2 was, and is, an incredibly popular weapon in the Call of Duty franchise. Players in Modern warfare enjoyed the gun because of how powerful it was. It could kill an opponent in one to two hits. Since then, it has been a fun weapon to play with, given everything it has to offer. The MK2 carbine was added to the Call of Duty Mobile game in season 4. The season 4 update gave fans a weapon they had wanted for a very long time. For many players in Call of Duty Mobile, the MK2 Carbine is a popular choice for sniper/marksman rifles. In this guide, we're going to go over the weapon, as well as how you can best use it to your advantage. If you want to dominate sniper battles, read ahead.


CODM Carbine Stats




The MK2 Carbine is a powerful and unforgiving lever-action marksman rifle. Many players consider it an S-tier gun because of its powerful stats during its modern warfare era. Although, as we will see below, it is a very balanced gun. The reason for this is that it requires a certain amount of aiming skill for you to tap into its true potential fully. With the right loadouts and perks with the MK2 carbine sniper/marksman rifle – you can quickly learn to be a beast on the battlefield with this weapon.


Since it is a lever-action rifle, it's essentially a sniper rifle without the zoom. This means that the gun is effective for mid to long ranges. Even though it is powerful, the weapon is not in the meta right now. However, the meta is bound to change from time to time, and it is worth knowing the dynamics of a gun before you try and use it on the battlefield.


If you're fond of sniping and quick-scoping, then this is the weapon for you. Although, of course, if you're new to sniping and want to start, then you’re better off starting with something such as the DLQ33 or the Locus. These sniper rifles are powerful as well and can be handled much better at a newbie level. You should definitely look into ways to improve your overall skillset all the time if you’re a beginner.


Stats for the MK2 Carbine:


It's always vital that we start with the basics. To do this, we need to understand and analyze the statistics of the MK2 Carbine marksman rifle. They are as follows:


  • Damage: 80
  • Fire rate: 28
  • Accuracy: 54
  • Range: 74
  • Controls: 36
  • Mobility: 43
  • Tier: S


You may have noticed that some of the values mentioned here vary around the average for other guns in the same category available in Call of Duty mobile at the moment. On the other hand, the values for specific aspects such as control and accuracy are lower. As we briefly touched upon earlier, this primary reason is the fact that this gun is a lever-action marksman rifle. This means that you typically do not zoom in on the enemy and get the kill. For this reason, the accuracy is lower compared to other weapons.


The accuracy can be increased with specific attachments, as we will discuss below. Their use relies primarily on your playstyle, but we recommend you follow the detailed guide to better service the gun in-game.


CODM Golden Gunsmith MK2


However, this does not mean that the gun is not helpful or powerful. It has a reasonably high damage output when contrasted with other sniper or marksman rifles in Call of Duty Mobile. This can be used very neatly in specific spontaneous encounters when you need to no-scope or quickly scope an enemy player.


This gun is excellent for its quick-scope abilities and is perfect if you're into that playstyle. The reason for this is that it has a fast Aim down sights (ADS) time. This low ADS time can make a significant difference in the middle of a battle or encounter. Of course, the extent to which this aspect of the MK2 carbine rifle is beneficial depends mainly on your aiming abilities.


You will need to aim somewhat decently for you to truly utilize the things that this powerful sniper rifle has to offer. There is, of course, no harm in practicing, though. You should practice using the MK2 carbine and other sniper rifles to get a feel for the gun before you jump with it in battles. You do not want to annoy your teammates by being dead weight for the duration of the match.




  • Barrel: 18.0 Sport Barrel
  • Stock: Custom Accuracy Stock
  • Perk: FMJ
  • Laser: OWC Laser – Tactical
  • Rear Grip: Stippled Grip Tape
  • Conditional Optic: 3x Tactical scope


This loadout for the MK2 Carbine marksman rifle aims to improve the ADS speed and mobility further. The mobility is enhanced by the improvement of the sprint to fire time. This is significantly done by the 18.0 sport barrel. The other attachments come into play to supplement the increase in speed and make this gun a fantastic weapon to play with. All the other attachments also improve the ADS and sprint to fire time.


Using these attachments, you can capitalize on the fast ADS times to get some excellent quick scopes in to make the game turn in your favor. It's always enjoyable to shoot short ranges and fulfilling too.


In terms of the optimal class setup and gunsmith loadout for the MK2 in Call of Duty Mobile, we begin with the OWC Tactical Laser for improved ADS speed and sprint-to-fire delay. We have not mentioned any optics here, but you can use one if you want; it is primarily up to your personal preference. For stock, you can go with either the Custom Accuracy Stock or the MIP Sport Stock. This is mainly contingent on your playstyle, but both of them are excellent choices.


CODM MK2-Groundwar-Class


For even more ADS speed increase, you will want to utilize a Stippled Grip Tape attachment onto the MK2 Carbine marksman rifle. One optional extension is the thirty-round ammunition, which has some nice perks. Still, it, unfortunately, does remove the body part multiplier damage.


We have also mentioned the 3x tactical scope as a conditional attachment for the gun. Many new players are more comfortable in using a lever-action rifle that has a scope attached to it. The main benefit of this is that you can shoot at a longer distance and therefore increase the range of your gun. However, this will affect the capacity by which you can shoot at closer targets. So, if you are looking for more close-range encounters, then it's better not to attach a 3x tactical scope.




Perks are a great additional feature for supplementing your playstyle in Call of Duty mobile. Different perks allow you to capitalize on different strengths. Some perks pair significantly with the MK2 carbine rifle and will assist you in using the gun in an improved and more efficient way. This is a common theme, in perks, among the sniper rifle class in the game. You can use these perks with sniper rifles other than the MK2 carbine.


Lightweight: Sprinting speed is increased by 10%. This provides a massive boost to your overall mobility and lets you navigate the map much faster and cover more ground. You have improved running, which makes you a more hostile force on the battlefield. This perk typically goes well with many other guns as well. Given the playstyle that people often deploy with the MK2 carbine – the lightweight perk compliments it perfectly well.


Toughness: Reduced hit-flinch by 60%. If you are annoyed by the flinching when you get shot at, then this is the perfect perk. The flinch reduction is significant and goes a long way in being helpful for fights and encounters. This is particularly important for sniper rifle players who need consistent vision in the map that is smooth and allows them to secure kills.


Dead Silence: Silent movement while walking. This excellent perk lets you play passively in the game, secure objectives, and kill with a different playstyle. When you see yourself getting into very upfront and close encounters in closed spaces or blind spots – this perk will come in handy. There's nothing deadlier than a silent enemy with an MK2 who is out to get you.




Skins are not the essential part of using a gun in Call of Duty mobile – but they make the game much more fun to play and make you look more relaxed. Since this is a complete weapons guide, we'll also be covering some cool skins and their rarity. We'll also go over how you can get these skins in the game.


At first, we have patriotic skin with a lovely American flag on the grip and a bald eagle on the shaft. As the name suggests, this skin is made for true patriots who want to go for a modest yet defining look for their gun. The rarity of this gun is epic, and you can try to unlock it using the "Off with a Bang!" crate.


Next up, we have helix-grade skin. This skin is very aesthetically pleasing, and the shaft looks stunning. Moreover, it is also a very unique-looking skin that gives the gun a whole new look. If you want your MK2 to stand out, then this is the perfect skin for you. One could also say it has some steam-punk vibes. The rarity of this skin is legendary, and you can unlock this skin in the Drill-head draw.




LDPlayer Features for Call of Duty Mobile on PC:


Suppose you're looking to have a smoother and more fulfilling experience playing Call of Duty mobile. In that case, you should most certainly try it on your computer. Yes, you can even play the game on your computer using the LDPlayer emulator. Using the emulator, you can play this game on a bigger screen and rake up some advantages against your enemies. Plus, you can take advantage of its unique key remapping feature allowing you to play the game on a mouse and keyboard providing you with a near native experience. This makes the gaming experience much more fun, mainly because Call of Duty mobile is a first-person shooter. You can download and play it on your PC here.




The MK2 Carbine marksman rifle is a beast on the battlefield if you know what you're doing with it. The gun has a high quick scope potential and makes you very potent in the game during intense and spontaneous encounters. If you want a weapon with the typical sniper zoom-in experience, this is not the gun for you. This is because the MK2 Carbine is a lever-action rifle – which makes for a different sniping experience in some ways. This is why some of the strengths of the MK2 carbine, the most important of which is its ADS speed, can be better utilized if you have good aim. Using the attachments and perks that we have mentioned, you make your MK2 even more potent than it is. You can also check out QQ9 SMG weapon guide and Cordite SMG weapn guide.

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