Call of Duty Mobile Best Classes Guide in Battle Royale Mode


In this game guide of Call of Duty: Mobile, we will be focusing on battle royale classes that are perfect for solo matches only and Duo and Squad matches with other players as well, so the parameters of choosing the correct class change tremendously. In solo matches, you will be playing solo, so choosing the suitable class depends a lot more on the gameplay style and the primary and secondary perks. Because no one will be reviving you if you get killed, choosing a class that can keep you safe from other players may be a good approach, but the same approach will be best in duo or team modes.


Call of Duty: Mobile is best played on PC. You can also read more about our guides to learn other aspects of the game.


COD Mobile Best Classes Intro


Battle Royale Mode in Call of Duty:


The Battle Royale game mode of Call of Duty: Mobile has a solo, duo, and squad matches those players can play in either TPP or FPP view. Call of Duty: Mobile, Battle Royale mode, resembles its bigger brother Call of Duty Warzone since the Season 9 Update. The BR mode, other than expanded the number of new classes but have included other mechanics to the game such as perks, mods, armor plate vests, and more, making it one of the most polished games and massive content than any other game that is available on the mobile platform.


Not just some PUBG clone:


As it is apparent from the hard work from the devs of CALL OF DUTY mobile, they are not interested in giving players more maps like PUBG Mobile or Free Fire does if you look at the battle royale mode Call of Duty Mobile. At the same time, there is only one map available here that also gets updated with new locations and expansion. Map additions are something that is also seen in other Call of Duty games like Warzone. Call of Duty Mobile's battle royale mode mechanics are well laid out, but there is a significant learning curve that may seem daunting to new players, but that is precisely why these game guides are needed.


Classes in Call of Duty Mobile:


When you are playing BR in Call of Duty Mobile, you will get to choose your class. Classes in Call of Duty Mobile give players equipment and abilities with passives that they can use in the BR. Each class starts with unique and special abilities and disadvantages as well. Choosing the suitable class for the right match depends on factors like your drop location, game strategy, solo or squad match, and, more importantly, your playstyle.


Which Class to Choose in Call of Duty Mobile:


An excellent way to know if you choose the suitable class for your BR match in CoD Mobile is by knowing if they can either keep you out of trouble or help your team dominate. If we are talking about Solo matches that tend to get intense, and if your class can get you out of a losing fight and save your life, then that is the class you should choose. Certain classes like the scout and the Medics are mostly suited for squad matches, while other classes are more for solo matches.


COD Mobile Best Classes


If you follow and use the tips and tricks discussed by famous YouTubers and esports professionals improves a team. Players also need to understand the class role in the squad to deliver moments of individual brilliance.


That's all about the Call of Duty Mobile Battle Royale Class Guide. Depending on the Pros and Cons of each class skill, players can choose what will be the best for them in the game.


Top Classes in Call of Duty Mobile BR mode:


Following are some of the best classes for BR mode in CoD Mobile. Call of Duty Mobile has been dominating the BR genre in the mobile platform for a while now and is still one of the most skill-demanding games of all time.


The MP mode has numerous features and mechanics that help gamers, but the BR mode is a different ballgame altogether. Unlike MP mode, BR has no perks or any such health regeneration. Becoming a Master in the BR mode and sustaining the ranked position in "legendary" is no mean feat.


The unique class system in Call of Duty Mobile BR makes it one of the most satisfying titles. Each class has a unique primary and secondary ability that gives a more dynamic dimension to the game. To master them is easier said than done.


To push Rank by going past the 10k barrier, teams need to practice different variations. Playing with the same squad regularly and the same class in matches helps with crucial information. However, players have to practice without making the same mistakes.




Active – Grapple Hook: Send out a hook to jump to your destination.


Passive skill – Dead Silence: Reduces noise when moving.




  • Getting instant high ground.
  • Move to a specific place quicker.




  • Not many places and points to use a hook.
  • Has only 2 charges (3 when upgraded) at a time


COD Mobile Best Classes Ninja


Perhaps the best BR class in the game and one of the most iconic classes in CoD Mobile’s battle royale is the Ninja.  Ninja allows players the freedom of mobility and invisibility. Ninja class allows players to for better vantage points, get on top of buildings or run away from tight situations with the help of the Ninja grapple that cannot be reached usually. Hooks are just the primary use of Ninja, but skillful players can do a lot with this class.


Ninja is the only class that must have a chip terminal upgrade to acquire their secondary class perk. The secondary class perk is known as "Dead Silence" is an ability that gives it a huge bump when it comes to masking footsteps.


Dead Silence is the ability that allows you to move into the enemy's territory without any footstep sound. Simultaneously, it also removes the footprints from the mini-map. This way, Ninja players are instrumental in both playing solo vs. squads in matches. The Ninja class amplifies the element of surprise, which is highly effective in Call of Duty Mobile.




Active skill – Transform shield:  Fix a big shield in front and make a flash on the enemies for a few seconds.


Passive skill – Reinforced: Reduce all damage by 20% except for damage from guns.


COD Mobile Best Classes Defender




  • Auto-Flashbang blinds the enemy.
  • Create an extra cover for teammates.




  • Creates a temporary cover.


The Defender class slams a shield on the ground that makes a flash, which can blind the enemy for a few seconds. Also, the Defender has one of the most potent secondary abilities in Call of Duty Mobile. It reduces the damage a player receives from all sources other than the gunfire damage by 25%.


Using the Defender class is not easy, just like Ninja. It requires a high skill level and an idea of positioning. For example, initiating the Defender class while climbing up the stairs or climbing up a steep hill doesn't work.


The Defender shield can be placed only on a plain surface. So that all three of the flaps open up to create a temporary cover. The shield is most effective in closed-quartered combat in Call of Duty Mobile.


Trap Master:


Active Skill – Electric Trip Wire: Makes a high-Volt current wire. Enemies are passing through, taking damage, while movement speed decreases.


Passive Skill – Territorial effect: Increases the speed along with skill recharge speed of nearby allies.




  • Helpful in camping.
  • The territorial effect ability eases running away from enemy clusters.




  • Only 3 charges per load.
  • Not very useful other than building areas.


COD Mobile Best Classes Trap Master


Using Trap Master to eliminate enemies is a camper's dream in Call of Duty Mobile. Trap Master is one of the most used Call of Duty Mobile classes and suits the camping style for several reasons.


Firstly, it ensnares the players in the traps while reducing their movement and reducing health at the same time. It also allows you to rush in with a speed boost. Trap Master has the second-class ability of accelerated team movement.


This class allows teammates to run quicker and replenish their skills faster when they are near the Trap Master. This class is deadly when combined with Trickster, Ninja, Defender, Smoke Bomber, or Poltergeist. The best thing about the Trickster is that it can hear Ninja from 30 meters away.


Usually, the Trap Master is a class best reserved for the gameplay in the squad or duo matches, but there are various ways you can use it when playing solo matches. Trap master allows you to place traps all over the map and its ability of Territorial effect is especially useful in squad matches as once they get caught, you can see it go off on the map. The enemy receives a shock impairing their movement while making you see them. You can use three wires of Trap Master at a time until the next recharge. Once your chip upgrades trap master, then you will be able to use four lines.


The best places to apply Trap Master would be near the helicopters, airdrops, ziplines, etc., you can trap with your imagination.




Active skill – Medical Station: Places a medical station in an area to heal you and your allies over time.


Passive skill – Medic: You can heal and revive knocked-down teammates 25% faster.




  • Suitable for Team matches in supporting teammates.
  • Fast Health Recovery option.




  • In solo, Medic's skill is almost entirely useless.
  • Gathering all in one place might cause disaster because of grenades and SMRS.


The Medic class helps your team with health regeneration and quick revivals, and that's why perfect for duo or team BR. Best used when you have the health advantage over them. The Medic class allows you to regenerate your health without using medicines. You can save these medicines for bigger fights later- having full HP in every engagement is a significant advantage that people often overlook.


The secondary ability also allows the Medic user to heal teammates quicker when they get knocked. The only bad aspect of the Medic class is the holographic circular radius that enemies could be seen from afar. Players should use the healing ability inside houses, but far away from the wall, as the ability can be seen from outside.




Active Skill – Action Camo: Become invisible for a short period.


Passive Skill – Voidwalker: Increases the running and walking speed while in an invisible state.




  • Helps you to change your position or rush after the enemy without letting the enemy know.
  • Useful for rushers.




  • It can become translucently visible when near the enemy, so there is not much use in squad matches.
  • No use of firearms while using the class.


COD Mobile Best Classes Stealth


The Poltergeist class is known for the "disappearing act" in Call of Duty Mobile. They use the cloaking device to temporarily become invisible, which can be frustrating for players who are shooting at you. Whenever you need to reposition yourself for an attack or run away from an incoming threat, the disappearing act can provide near invisibility.


Poltergeist doesn't require a high skill level to learn. Camping is an effective strategy when using this class since it allows the player to become invisible.


The secondary class perk of the Poltergeist Voidwalker passive class allows the user to walk and run faster while invisible, but that's their downside as you cannot shoot while invisible. The second perk makes the class a defensive class in Call of Duty Mobile. The Poltergeist does not become entirely invisible - you can still see them at very close range.


The class is the de facto “reviver” guy. If a teammate goes down and it’s too “hot” to revive them, you can get close, activate your skill get the tags when close, and go hide somewhere near to scan them. Probably one of the most hated classes in CoD Mobile due to this.


The role of the Poltergeist in a squad is to scout, flank and create chaos amongst the enemy's lines. Remember, as firing just a single shot would remove your invisibility, so don't be sassy when using this, as players would still be able to detect your presence if they are close.




The purpose of this guide is to give you a rundown of the best classes so that you can choose any one of them and start practicing their playstyle. If practiced and played well, we are sure that any of these classes can boost your gameplay and Rank in the Rankings.

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