Call of Duty: Mobile Weapons Guide - How To Pick Your Best Weapons


Answer the call of duty by experiencing the typical call of duty gaming experience with all your friends by picking up all of the best weapons and defeating all of the enemies on the battlefield in order to claim your team fight victory.


When fighting against other players on the field, your weapon is perhaps the single most important thing that you will need to rely on besides your quick wit and fast reaction time. 


Therefore, picking the best weapon for yourself before the start of each round is extremely important and should be considered carefully depending on how each weapon performs in order to have the best possible match.

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In this guide, we will go over every weapon in Call of Duty and show players all of their pros and cons in order to help players analyze the best possible weapon that you should pick at the start of each match in order to have the best shooting experience when playing Call of Duty: Mobile.

Call of Duty: Mobile Weapons Guide - Everything You Need To Know


Before picking out the best weapons for yourself when starting a match in Call of Duty: Mobile, players will need to understand how each weapon is classified and what are the limitations on the game’s weapon class systems in order to be able to actually pick all the best weapon combos for yourself in the game.


Weapon Classes


Every weapon in Call of Duty Mobile is designated a different class depending on the type of weapon that the weapon falls into, with the game allowing the players to bring 1 of each class of weapon into a match depending on your loadout.

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The different classes of weapons can be divided into different sections as followed:


- Main Weapons: These weapons are the main hand weapons that you will be bringing into the match to use as your primary weapon during the match’s duration. These weapons vary depending on the type of weapon you use, however, they are often built in a way so that every weapon will offer players decent damage and range. The type of weapons that fall into the category of main weapons are: Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Light Machine Gun, Shotgun and Submachine Gun.


- Secondary Weapons: Secondary weapons are sub-weapons that players will be able to quickly swap to in order to eliminate the enemies quickly when the main weapon is out of bullets. These secondary weapons are mainly used for quick and easy bullets to deal decent to low damage to enemies in a short ranged. The weapons that fall into the category of secondary weapons are: Pistol and Launcher.


- Special Weapons: Finally, the last category of weapon for players are the special weapons. These weapons are special in that they can only be used when the players have accumulated enough charge to use the characters’ special. These weapons serve as a final blast or an ultimate damaging move that will remove any obstacles before them or massively deal damage to enemies in their ways. 


Weapon Types Analysis


Among all of the weapons in the game, each individual weapon can be classified into different types of weapons depending on how they function, with each type of weapon excelling at doing a specific thing on the battlefield.

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The weapon types in the game are:

- Assault Rifle: This type of weapon deals good damage in a decent range and is convenient to use. Suitable for almost all players and all situations. 


- Sniper Rifle: Sniper Rifles are precise weapons that deal massive amounts of damage when the user lands a headshot. Low reloading time and requires precise aiming. However, the extreme range and high damage power make up for its’ downsides. Suitable for skillful players. 


- Light Machine Gun: Light Machine Gun are weapons with a high amount of ammos, allowing players to spray ammo against the enemies. This gun is suitable for cover fires and players who like to have a lot of bullets. 


- Shotgun: Shotguns are weapons that have high damage power and fast firing rate in exchange for being extremely low in range, requiring you to approach the enemies closely to deal damage. Good for players who are more keen on close ranged combat. 


- Submachine Gun: Submachine Guns are weapons that have high fire rate and high damage. However, their ammo size is low and they require players to get close to the enemy to hit the enemies properly. Good for players who are more keen on close ranged combat and execution. 


- Pistol: Pistols are short ranged secondary weapons that have a quick firing rate, allowing players to quickly defend themselves or finish off the enemies when the main weapon is out of ammos. Suitable for all types of situations.


- Launcher: Launchers are devastatingly powerful weapons that allow you to hit the enemy with a big blast of damage. In exchange, each Launcher only has 1 ammo for each round.

Suitable for players who like to burst the enemies in 1 hit.

Call of Duty: Mobile Weapons Guide - Top 10 Best Weapons To Pick 

With each season of Call of Duty Mobile, specific weapons will receive slight buffs and nerfs depending on their performance during the season. With the 2nd season of Call Of Duty Mobile underway, here are the top 10 best weapons you should use to have the best gaming experience.


10. MG42


A strong gun at season 1, but with the nerf it received during the patch note and the dominance of SMGs in the game, MG42 have fallen a bit in the overall weapon ranking. However, it still remains a very easy to use and a good damaging Light Machine Gun.

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9. LW3-Tundra


The strongest Sniper currently in the game, LW3-Tundra boast a very impressive fire power and firing rate that allows players to quickly take out the enemies when aiming correctly. However, due to its nature as a Sniper Rifle that heavily relies on the player’s skill, it rates low compared to other guns on this list that are more suitable for general usage.

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8. Type 19


A Good Assault Rifle Option for a lot of situations in the game, with powerful fire power and a decent range. This weapon is the best option for general situations, and can be replaced with more high damaging guns later on during the match. It also received a buff during this season.

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7. Fennec


Fennec is an extremely powerful submachine gun that is dominating the competition right now with high firing power and high firing rate. While Fennec is quite difficult to control at times due to it being a sub machine gun, its power during this season can’t be understated.

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6. SKS


A Semi-automatic Rifle, SKS is a prime long-ranged weapon that players can consider for long ranged fights, with its high firing power and decent firing speed. SKS can help players deal big damage when headshotting enemies from afar and softening the enemies up.

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5. Oden


A powerful Assault Rifle in the current season, Oden deals devastatingly high damage to enemies in the players’ path in exchange for a lower firing rate. However, if the players manage to hit the enemies with good Oden shots, they can be down very easily.

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4. BP50


BP50 is an assault rifle that excels at dealing short ranged damage to enemies, allowing it to deal devastating damage to enemies. When used right, BP50 can essentially 2-to-3 shoot an enemy, despite receiving a slight nerf in ammo size.

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3. HVK-30


A strong close ranged Assault Rifle that is essentially a slightly better version of a BP50 that excels at dealing massive amounts of damage at close range. Players can consistently 2 shots an enemy when using the HVK-30 at close range with headshots.

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2. DR-H


Another Assault Rifle option, DR-H is a gun that excels at dealing damage to mid ranged enemies and is relatively easy to use for most players thanks to its high accuracy. It also performs decent to well enough damage to enemies in all damage ranges, making a very decent choice weapon for any fights.

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1. USS9


The best current gun in the game in terms of stability, consistent damage, mobility and ranged, the USS9 is the single best all rounder gun for all situations in the game and it consistently performs well against enemies in all damage ranges and all game contents currently, making it a very powerful Sub Machine Gun of choice for all players.

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