Call of Duty Mobile QQ9 SMG Weapon Guide


Call of Duty is a critically acclaimed, free-to-play shooting game on mobile, taking its pedigree from a mammoth of a franchise that is Call of Duty having numerous iterations on PC and Consoles. The mobile version is developed by Tencent Games and published by Activision. Call of Duty has been loved both by old-time fans of the Call of Duty franchise and players coming in for more modes available in it, another just Battle royal.


COD Mobile Intro


Today we will talk about one of the best weapons in the Call of Duty: Mobile game and the king of all SMGs known aptly as QQ9. Some players also rank it as higher-tiered as the famous MP5, and the main reason for this popularity is how dangerous it is in close-range while dealing tons of damage due to hits higher fire rate. This SMG had already received a significant buff in season 2, which brought it to the big league; let's find out why this is so.




As we have mentioned, the SMG has a very high fire rate and can kill an opponent in just 4 shots, foretelling its good damage but still having a great and predictable recoil pattern. These properties make this gun a versatile choice for mid-range combat. Activision improved the hip-fire accuracy, damage range which provides you mobility above all. Even though they nerfed the 10mm ammo, removing damage reduction of the arm kept it balanced from the nerf, and without doubt, QQ9 has become the meta and popularity norm in this game.




QQ9 SMG has 30 bullets in the magazine, having a fire rate of 830 per minute, making it the 3rd fastest weapon in the game. QQ9's fire rate is just behind Fennec and MSMC. The fire rate comes with a drawback, having a default magazine size that isn't large enough. The quick reload is 2 sec, while the full-on reload is 2.7 secs.


COD Mobile Reload


The ADS speed of QQ9 is only 200 milliseconds, which is extremely fast. Its lighter weight and size make the SMG quite mobile, which is outstanding, much quicker than assault rifles. The movement speed while carrying it is at 6.7 meters/second; similarly, the ADS movement speed is only 3.7 meters/second. When seeing the base stats of QQ9, it can be deduced that the weapon is fast and having good mobility. The QQ9 is the quickest weapon of its kind.


What pushes QQ9 above all other SMGs is its solid fire rate and enormous damage range.


Damage and Range:


The next thing that needs to be defined to guarantee the pedigree of this weapon is to look at the damage and range and analyze how well it performs killing in different ranges according to the time taken. QQ9 is a robust SMG with a good damage range. With the buff in season 2, its damage increased by 30% in close to mid-range. This buff has made it quite powerful in close to mid-range combat. Consequently, it now deals 25 damage up to 10 meters, 23 damage from 11 to 16 meters, and 19 damage from 17 to 20 meters.


COD Mobile Range


QQ9 has three multipliers on your opponent's body; when head-shotting, it deals 1.1 times normal damage, while making the leg shot it makes a 10% damage reduction. The Season 2 update has removed the hitbox of the arm, so another damage reduction multiplier is removed. The best tip when using QQ9 is to aim for the body, not the head. In Multi-player, QQ9’s kill speed stats are top-level but not the case with BR. Due to the damage reduction from the vest, weapon damage is not consistent in BR; it has one floating damage in all ranges.


Even from the damage reduction of the vest, the killing speed stats are still quite impressive in close range. One fact to remember when playing with QQ9 SMG is that the damage drops significantly along with the range. It comes back to the point we mentioned above, best for mid-range combat, not that well for longer ranges. So most that you should do when not in the best range is capitalize on the movement speed increase due to its rate and cover the distance to come closer to your enemy. Practically, QQ9 is one of the best weapons in multi-player.


The close-range damage is enough to kill in 4-shots while up to 10 meters, and a kill in 5-shots up to 16 meters. This is the viable range of QQ9, which works amazingly in MP with its good mobility. To rank this weapon, it has good damage, average accuracy, and the best weapon mobility. So, you can see, the main strength of QQ9 depends on its excellent mobility and superpower in close to mid-range gunfights.


QQ9 Multi-Player Loadout in Call of Duty Mobile:


One of the unique attachments of QQ9 is the 30 round 10mm ammo which you should always consider when choosing a loadout for all your multi-player games as this ammo attachment gives QQ9 a damage boost along with better range. The only reduction with this setup is the very slightly slower fire rate. This still is recommended on the edges of mid-range damage.


COD Mobile multi-player


As mentioned above, even though it increases the damage in mid-range combat while reducing the fire rate, we still think it's viable to deal enough damage to compete. The primary goal of this build is to make the fast QQ9 even faster, and using this ammo might slow it a bit, but we have an improved plan for you in this build.


You can use the tactical barrel while equipping no stock to boost even further the weapon's mobility. Using this configuration, movement speed increases by 10% and ADS speed by 25%; this build is insane. After that, you can use the granulated grip tape along with the tactical laser to enhance the weapon’s accuracy. You can include a 45-round extended magazine for finishing the build, which should be sufficient for QQ9. You will now have the max mobility build.


Now we need to compare with stock QQ9, in which we first go for the ADS speed. The default ADS speed is 12 frames making it 200 milliseconds. Your ADS time is decreased to 9 frames with our build, making it the quickest weapon in Call of Duty: Mobile. This mindset and loadout have an advantage in quick-paced multi-player games. The recoil patterns have improved on an already excellent and predictable recoil action, and the bullet’s accuracy spread has been contained much more with this build.


The recoil of QQ9 isn’t that bad as it's primarily vertical. The meta change towards increased mobility and hip-fire accuracy is viable for multi-player, too, as you can eliminate enemies much faster now.


As the final word, this build is catering for max mobility in multi-player, which provides the best mobility, better accuracy, and easy recoil control. It dominates the close to mid-range combat and is worth trying this new meta in MP.


QQ9 Battle Royal Loadout:


The following build recommendation for you is for the Battle Royal mode. In this mode, the weapon’s range is the priority, but most SMGs, especially the QQ9, aren't designed for long-range fights. You can mitigate some of this discrepancy by improving its hip-fire accuracy. To increase the hip-fire accuracy, you can use the light flash guard, the merc foregrip, and finally, the MIP laser. These combined attachments can enhance the hip-fire accuracy by over 26%. One other attachment we can use is the MIP strike stock which can improve the QQ9 accuracy and stability from Flinch.

COD Mobile Battle Royal


These attachments will help in horizontal recoil too.  Be careful of not using the 10mm ammo here because it will not benefit you because damage without range isn't going to help you win. We recommend you use the 45-round extended mag instead. 45-round extended magazine to improve the weapon ammo capacity. Let’s see how it performs against the stock QQ9 build. You are sacrificing some mobility for better hip-fire accuracy, so ADS speed would now be one frame less fast than the default; therefore, ADS speed is not a concern here.


When considering the recoil patterns, bullet spread accuracy is not a concern with this build, even though it has increased. The recoil of our Battle Royal build becomes mainly vertical, which is simpler to control and practice to keep in check. Lastly, the hip-fire accuracy is significantly improved with this build making it very efficient for this weapon when hip firing in close range.


The above is especially true after the Season 2 update, as now the weapon's hip-fire accuracy has improved. In the Battle Royal mode, we have Common, Rare, and Epic blueprints available. You can only find the Legendary blueprint in Airdrops. To sum up, this is a build with excellent mobility and the best hip-fire accuracy, specially designed for BR. It is extremely powerful in close range, up to 10 meters; it allows you to eliminate the enemy with hip fire while moving fast.


LDPlayer Features for Call of Duty Mobile:


Even though Call of Duty is built for mobile, but you can play on a bigger screen by downloading it on PC and with high FPS, which is essential when playing multi-player focused First Person Shooter games. The best way to play Call of Duty: Mobile is by choosing smart keymapping as mouse and keyboard integration is fully supported, letting you aim and move around with utmost precision.


COD Mobile Loss




Overall, the QQ9 is the meta in this game. The best mobility and super-high fire rate make QQ9 a top-tier weapon in MP, and the brilliant hip-fire accuracy makes the weapon a viable choice in BR as well. Not to mention the accuracy and mobility of this weapon got a huge buff recently.

Download Call of Duty: Mobile Season 2 on PC