Call of Duty: Mobile What to Expect in the upcoming Season 5 Update


Call of Duty is a critically acclaimed, free-to-play shooting game on mobile developed by Tencent Games and published by Activision. Call of Duty has been loved both by old-time fans of the Call of Duty franchise and players coming in for more modes available in it, another just Battle royal.


COD Season 5 Update Intro


Call Season 4 had a lot of content for players like the classic Battle Royal mode, the new Clan Wars mode also including the season's Battle Pass. A classic Dome map and some weapons were included in this season from the Modern Warfare version of the Call of Duty game. Previous seasons also included Holger 26, Mk2 Carbine, and the Heartbeat Sensor, among others.


While the latest season of Call of Duty: Mobile is just about to finish, Activision has started revealing teasers and new information to the fans about Season 5, which includes new maps, more outfits, a few operators, and a slew of other things to pump the hype as people love them new skins. The Upcoming Season of Call of Duty: Mobile will be releasing next week around June 29th as season 4 is ending on June 28th. An update will be available to download a download size of around 2GB; however, Activision's official announcement is yet to be made. Activision will call this new season In Deep Water.


Season 5 Update Content:


COD Season 5 Update Content


Let’s dive into all the updated information and features for the new patch and season as with all previous updates; expect a few of the content from Modern Warfare to be featured in Call of Duty Mobile.  Though one speculation gaining traction is the possible inclusion of Zombies this season, as Activision has promised just that for 2021, this season might be it.


New Maps:


Dock – Dock map has been a map included in COD console and PC versions of the game, Modern Warfare though being a small map. In Call of Duty Modern Warfare, players initially used this map for 2v2 players Gunfight mode and 5v5 mode, and finally, it is coming to mobile. Activision has been teasing this map through their Twitter handle to get old and new fans excited to play it eventually. In their teased image, it shows a few palm trees and a dock.


COD Season 5 Update Dock


This map includes a London shipyard with trains and vessels traveling along the river just right behind one of the team’s infiltration points, while the other team’s spawning point is in street-side due west. The map is geographically located at one of the shipyards near the River Thames in London.


Also, the map includes two buildings that are connected by a bridge, a sort of concrete walkway that defines the north and south of the map called the building 51 and 52.


Aniyah Incursion – This map has been seen by a few diggers in the game files, so players expect it to be released along with the docks. Same as Docks, Aniyah Incursion was also introduced in Modern Warfare in 2019, and this is not just the first time Activision has released an asset from their Modern Warfare game into the mobile version. This map is also a mid-sized map, though bigger than the dock map.


COD Season 5 Update Aniyah


NukeTown – Recently, the developers confirmed that the classic NukeTown map would finally be coming back to the game in the subsequent few patches. Even though the Winter version of the map is already included and played during the winter seasons, the basic version of the map might make it this season as the summer season is in full swing now.


Suldal Harbour – This map is a copy of the Harbor map from the first Call of Duty title and is a small map by usual standards and has quite a few containers and corners; this map incorporates a few bunkers as well. One thing to keep the fact of is the apartment building as a soldier should be careful while traversing around it because a fierce battle may wage out anytime.


COD Season 5 Update Intro suldal harbor


This map has a few modes available on it, namely: Team Deathmatch, Conquest War, Search and Annihilation, etc.


New guns:


CR 56 AMAX – CR 56 AMAX is a lightweight close-range gun especially for mid to close-range combat and was introduced in Call of Duty Modern Warfare in the Season 4 Battle Pass. CR 56 is finally making an appearance on Call of Duty Mobile after its popularity in Modern Warfare. This gun can kill your opponent in three shots to the chest or just two if on the head.


COD Season 5 Update Shotgun CR-56 AMAX


You will be able to handle it easily as the recoil can help you aim steadily while aiming quickly at the headshot of your opponent. This assault rifle supports many attachments and multiple types of stocks for short-range or even long-range damage. Furthermore, another magazine provides the gun with a semi-automatic class and can be used as a designated rifle to kill efficiently.


COD Season 5 Update New Guns


Double-Barreled 725 Shotgun – This shotgun has a higher range than other shotguns, and due to this, players love it due to the damage it provides while keeping at a relatively safe distance. This was also first introduced in Modern Warfare and finally presented in Call of Duty mobile.


COD Season 5 Update Shotgun


Some other guns that are included in this patch are:

  • BK57 – Counter Stealth Unit
  • DR-H – Rebreather
  • QXR – Close Catch
  • PP19 Bizon – Blood Octopus (battle Pass Rewards)
  • CR-56 AMAX – Torpedo


New Battle Pass:


COD Season 5 Update Battle Pass


This season, the Battle Pass introduces scorestreaks, camos, and some new outfits. As always, players can buy bundle pass or premium battle pass to unlock more gifts along the way to make their game and matches have an edge.


Free Battle Pass Rewards – Following are some Battle Pass Rewards slated for season 5:

  • A new calling card called Wet works
  • Also, a new Karambit – Black Ice.
  • Frame – Dark Freeze
  • Avatar – Ghosts
  • Gungho is a new perk – this is a skill that will do a sure shot on your enemy.


COD Season 5 Update Gungho


New Characters:


The Legend and His Dog  Activision released the teaser image in one of their Tweets which can imply from the figure that it may be a Legendary hero walking along with their dog. Still, unfortunately, the image is not clear to deduce who this new character may be.


The area appears to be full of rocks, with some water in the foreground. Placed about the sparkling aqua is the date "June 24th," along with a time to markdown: "5 PM PDT."


  • Roze Foreshadow
  • Rorke-Manhunter
  • Otter Backstroke
  • Marrick


COD Season 5 Update Shotgun Legendary Hero


New Modes:


Ground Mission – this map becomes the epitome of excitement because of the 10v10 battle on this massive map. This mode will be available on Aniyah Incursion.


Hardcore Kill Confirmed – Whenever you make a kill, you obtain a dog tag that grants you a runway status for a limited time. You have to keep scoring kills before the time ends to keep the dog tag timer running. If you fail to do so, a massive explosion will occur at your location. This mode will be available on the crash, standoff, firing range, etc.


COD Season 5 Update Hardcore Kill Confirmed


Zombies  Activision has confirmed that the zombies' map, Shi No Numa, will be returning to Call of Duty mobile this year, and as Activision didn't include it in Season 3, it might make an appearance in this coming season.


Previously, the zombies were included and playable in March 2020 when Activision said it didn't meet expectations during that time, but they also said it would make a comeback if they deem it fit for players.


Steel event – Steel event will be a limited timed event that will kick off as soon as Season 5 kicks off, and like previously, this event will ask the players to choose factions and fight each other on behalf of their factions. You will be required to complete various objectives and daily tasks by capturing nodes on the LTM map, which will ultimately help on your way to an ever-arching victory in Sea of Steel. You will get plenty of exclusive rewards for your efforts along the way.


Some Other Extras:


  • Charm – Killer Whale
  • Backpack – Stockup
  • Emote – Swim-up
  • Operator Skill – K9 Unit, this special skill calls down a military dog that tracks your enemies and, when found, attacks them.
  • Avatar – Man Hunter
  • Frame – Sub-aquatic
  • Legendary Calling Card – Eye of the Storm


Improvements and optimization:


  • The damage range is reduced when using PP19 without equipping any attachment.
  • Whenever monolithic silencer or OWC designated marksman rifle, PP19’s damage range is reduced.
  • Without equipping QXR as an attachment, the damage is reduced.
  • Similarly, the damage factor of the chest is increased without the attachment.
  • With an attachment mounting on QXR, the bullet spread is slightly increased.
  • The vertical recoil is slightly increased when reinforcement bolts are equipped on QXR.
  • Damage range Reduced with Monolithic Silencer or OWC Designated Marksman Rifle when equipped with QXR.
  • The damage range of ASM10 is slightly increased When is equipped without attachment.
  • Aimed fire time is reduced with OWC Ranger or OWC Designated Marksman Rifle when ASM10 is equipped.
  • The aiming shooting time with Locus with OWC Skeleton Butt is slightly increased When equipped with them.
  • Whenever MIP Extended Light Barrel, OWC Designated Marksman Rifle, or RTC Steady Butt are equipped with AGR556 aim fire time is Reduced.
  • Even though Hawk X3’s HP is slightly reduced but Accuracy decreases when shooting continuously.
  • Fixed a bug where player vision could go through walls in specific locations in Tunisia.


LDPlayer Features for Call of Duty Mobile:


Even though Call of Duty is built for mobile, but you can play on a bigger screen by downloading it on PC and with high FPS, which is essential when playing multi-player focused First Person Shooter games. The best way to have fun in Call of Duty: Mobile is by choosing smart keymapping as mouse and keyboard integration is fully supported, letting you aim and move around with utmost precision.


COD Season 5 Update Conclusion




The Call of Duty: Mobile has no doubt been one of the world's most played and most competitive shooter games, and with Season 5 coming and the popularity of Season 4, the popularity isn’t going to stop soon. This update gives us a few maps, a couple of weapons, and a new legendary hero with probably much more when the update finally launches.

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