Counter Side | The Beginner Tips and Pro Tricks To Progress Fast


Welcome, counter siders. Here we bring you the counter side guide for beginners. It has been several weeks since the Counter Side has managed to release an English version of this, and since then, this has been anticipated with the hearts of the gaming world through its unique features. 


Counter Side | The Beginner Tips and Pro Tricks To Progress Fast


This RPG game will deal with some monsters, and as the boss of the game, you need to deal with these alien monsters to protect your world and humanity.


As a beginner to this game, you need to have an excellent start to the game and keep everything in its simplest form to deal with the game battles. So having some beginner ideas and tips and tricks to speed up your progress would be beneficial for you.


There will be many playing strategies and playing styles with heroes. So let's start to get to know all of those. Download Counter Side on PC and start the adventure.


Counter Side Gameplay


Counter Side | The Beginner Tips and Pro Tricks To Progress Fast


Counter Side the RPG is well known as a side scroller hero collector, and players in this game have to deploy their heroes and destroy the base of the enemies. Perform this procedure without getting destroyed. You will have to engage with six roles as Rangers, Strikers, Snipers, Supporters, Defenders, and Tower & Siege. All these roles belong to several employee types as Counter, Soldier, Mech, and others.


The first thing you meet with the game Counter Side would be the tutorial. It will be beet to play this tutorial phase as most RPG games provide their game tactics to gamers through this tutorial phase. So if you are a beginner to the game, engaging in the tutorial phase would be much helpful for you in the late games. Skip tutorial in case you feel it’s not useful.


What heroes should you pull from the 30 beginner rolls?


When you have finished the tutorial phase, you are going to see the character reroll of 30. Here, you will receive an SSR character, 3 SR characters with three rare characters to your team. And also, you are going to get three regular rarity characters as well. You can get a better picture of whom to reroll on Counter Side by checking our Reroll Guide.


And also to get you can check our PVE & PVP guide to know who is better for those phases and who are the best SSR recommended characters in Counter Side.


Counter Side | The Beginner Tips and Pro Tricks To Progress Fast


Prioritized Factors in the Game


If you are a beginner, you need to follow the main story for sure, and by that, you need to unlock the stages to reach episode 4 quickly. If you are going with the main story, it can unlock many helpful auto-run stages and the systems from the game. In addition to all these, players should have their primary attention on beginner missions as well.


Those can let you have so many rewards, and those missions will only be available for 30 days. So a player must need to complete them all before the time ends.


Using Diamonds


Diamonds can be used to unlock characters, vehicles, equipment, units, buying dungeon, save the black ticket buy, and purchase other daily packs. Let's identify how to use those diamonds in these phases one by one.


Unlocking new characters, vehicles, equipment, and units are all coming in slots, and you need to increase them only in need; you should not use all of the resources to slot increasing. You have to manage the storehouse of the characters and also the non-usable equipment storage. Remember that if a player is keeping to manage the warehouse, it will never be filled. The maximum number for storage in characters is recommending for 350 to 450.


Counter Side | The Beginner Tips and Pro Tricks To Progress Fast


The maximum number should always be enough for the players to house the characters and for smooth farming. It will not require clearing the storage frequently.


Players must be careful enough to keep four slots to the ships because the later content will require ships in the game. You should also send units to explore the world map, and it is recommended to use six-ship slots for a smooth play if you own six-ship slots. You will get help for the farms flowing.


Buying Dungeon Ticket of Refresh to have an extra daily dungeon


Daily dungeons or, in other names, Simulation operators, is another way to earn several resources. If you buy a daily dungeon ticket, it will always contribute towards fast progress to the game, and per day, players will have a chance to buy five dungeon tickets. If you buy more tickets, it may take more diamonds by several 30. So you better buy only two tickets per day. We are not recommending you to buy five tickets for the light spenders and F2P, but you have the chance to buy more to have resources in the early phases. It is up to you.


Summoning the Awakening class by black ticket


Players are required to use black tickets to summon awakening classes. A black ticket would generally cost 2750 diamonds, and it is for a 220 ticket pack. You can only buy these black tickets once per week, and you need to plan the gameplay by remembering that condition. Players must perform a summon of 150 times to the pity but remember that pity transfers are for awakening the unit banners through across banners and not for the regular banners.


Buying Daily Ether packs


Daily Etherium packs are offering 2000 etherium to the players, and it will cost only 50 diamonds. You can purchase those diamonds three times a day. If a player buys a pack three times, the diamond prices will rise for 75, and when there is a six-time buying, the price will decrease to 100. The following day prices are resetting


These packs can be identified as very effective packs for the F@P in the game, and do not buy these packs more than three in a day. You can farm more currency and gold from events using more Etherium, so you should buy Etherium in large amounts.


Event stages are the main and the excellent method to farm gold, so it is better to buy more Etherium. Players need to farm as much as possible in the ongoing events, and there is no rule for buying Etherium. You can buy as much you want, but managing them is dedicated to you.


Level ups for Cruiser, Spaceships and the Vehicles


When players are on a mission, they will need to level the Normandy Ship, Coffin, or the Under control. In the later part of the game, you will receive a free SR cruiser Gleipnir for unlocking the two HQ branches for the dispatch mode. You will make use of Normandy to complete the missions of the story.


The players must do the Mission Normandy as it has some high mobility to clear the map in two turns from story missions perfectly. Right after those things, a player can unlock blueprints to take SSR ships.


Using Cores


Core cubes are for limit breaking the character, and those can be substitute through character dupes. There are multiple colors of cubes, and red cubes are for the counter heroes. Mech units will use green cubes, while Soldier units are using blue cubes. You need to limit breaking characters in moderation and not ever invest them into a single character. The best recommend way to limit break is to perform limits evenly between high-used characters.


Limits can be obtained from the daily dungeon, and you have two attempts for the day. If you need more, you can gain more as well. The dungeon will have the most potent flying units of enemies. So you need to choose a hero like Kyle from your starting rerolls and have an eye with the skilled heroes for the air units. So any player will get the ability to clear those high difficult stages from the beginning.


The most valuable cubes in whole cubes are the red ones. You need to pick them by considering them as a reward through the selection boxes, which are out as the rewards. Each of these dupes can reduce the cost by 30 red cubes of small with four big cubes.


What to do with Gears?


You need to go to the characters' stats and check how their skills are scaling in for each. Remember to equip these heroes with their desired bonuses of two pieces. The tier and the stats of these characters are don't matter as a two-piece bonus. You will see a total of four gears to equip, and each of the styles of units is using its kinds of gear. You can unlock the 4th accessory slot right after awakening your character to the six stars.


Follow the same procedure for the heroes depending on the gears you own, and you need to start the gameplay with the most powerful and most robust two heroes. The game itself will provide you several resources to craft pieces of low tiers. Usually, it is tough to gain the accessory pieces to gain from the missions than the armors or weapons. So you need to craft them or the pieces you are being lacked.


What to buy with Quartz?


In Counter Side, the premium currency can be identified as the Quartz, and it can be used to buy you the resources in-game along with the summons. To be very efficient with this Quartz, you have to save them for your future purposes with all your summoning tickets. Remember to refresh the daily shop five times a day when you own gold.


Try your best to earn blue tickets through each cost for the refreshing from 15 to 75 of total Quartz. You need to try this method with gold to summon some heroes with it.


You can try to get other materials through Quartz. Gold will be run out quickly from the game, and please be explicitly noted that in your mind. We recommend you rush for chapter 3 or 4 as you clear one mission with auto gives around the gold of 20, 30, to 35k.


There is also a possibility to spend 30 of Quartz to gain additional dungeon attempts. It is an optional attempt that can increase the process every time a player buys them. Players will be allowed to purchase skins by using Quartz, and keep in mind that all the skins will not be available for this currency. Some of the skins in the game require paid currency, so keep in mind that as an important note. Skins are never giving you the stat boosts.



Players have to build or upgrade the rooms that don't require any of the building or upgrading gears and the ones that need the gold. The gear used rooms have to be built by considering the following things.


  • Make sure to reduce the time it spends on the dispatch
  • Make sure on increasing the mission's success rate
  • Increasing the spawning chance with high dispatch rarity


A dispatch should always base on the logging times and your resource collecting. Players can earn the blue tickets for the character pulls and to the intel with skill books along with Etherium at the start of the game as a priority.


Managing Intel and Skill Books early


When you are running out of skill nooks and blue info, you have the chance to earn them through the missions of dispatch and with the challenges. You need to make these two your priorities from the early times of the dispatch missions. Mainly focus on the high-tier red or the yellow ones as they are the most difficult ones to come by.


Use the low-tier blue info books to activate the special reward missions with the dives and raids. Those are equal to the tower climb. You can gain a significant power boost for your character hero with the Info and Skill Books. Remember to use them to the character with the highest damage output skills to break down your phase after a battle. Sometimes the 5th skill can be unlocked on the characters, can change the way your character plays.


There is a definite need to level up the skills that cause the highest impact and always read the descriptions of the skill.


Early Use of the Gold and EXP Tickets


You will always be running low for the gold in the game until you manage to get into a high chapter and do the auto battles for the chapter m or 4. When a player is around at level 30, which you can achieve from the first day or the second day of the gameplay, you can be ahead of the gold curve. In this phase, you are going to realize that you are out of the EXP tickets. So it is your choice to use those tickets wisely for the game.


When you level up heroes, use the standard option for leveling to the casual players. When you are an active player, you will be able to level the heroes fairly in a continuous manner. If you are a player who is planning on hardcore and who is trying to take the 3rd and 4th chapter from their first day, use the expensive 30% to level up.


You should not level up with the higher units because usually, at level 30 of the account, you are running ours from the EXP tickets. Slightly a player can gain more levels or the EXP to have an advantage for the challenging chapters of the story and the PVP.


SSR Dupes Saving and Low Rarity Heroes


In the future parts of the game, you can awaken the characters past level 100 and up to level 110 with awakening crystals. Those are usually the harder ones to get used to with character dupes. Our recommendation for the gamers is to save SSR or SR dupes until the updates are releasing even you have already awakened the characters from the past six stars.


Awakening crystals are rare, and you need to save them for later to obtain an SSR character. You can use crystals to be converted into high-tier cubes. The middle catalysts can be seen as a battery, and those can be bought from the shop with a currency you gain extra low tier unneeded dupes. If you miss some characters from the gacha, you need to remember that they will provide a high amount of currency than the ones you farm in the stories.


Important Daily Works You Must Perform


To progress best on your gameplay with Counter Side, consider these things to follow up daily in the game.


  • Dispatching the resources from headquarters
  • 6 of the daily dungeon resources can clear the limit breaking material, and also the character Exp with Gold
  • 5x shop refreshing for the chance of buying blue character tickets of summoning with gold
  • Use the Stamina or Eternium to clear the story stages of special characters for the shards of special characters. This is limited to daily.
  • Perform real-time PVP to buy resources from claim points. This can be gain from the shop every 4 hours with 150 points. Remember that the maximum points will be 600.
  • Engage in daily PVP
  • Use your Eternium for grinding the resource.
  • Complete all daily missions.


To engage with the best heroes and to know how you can perform an efficient reroll, you can check our Counter Side Reroll Guide.




Counter Side has many aspects of playing, and there are several ways of it to make it strategically benefit with the gameplay. So make sure to use this beginner guide and the tips to better gaming with yourself as a Counter Sider and make your game highly efficient.  

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