Disgaea RPG: Team Building Tips and Tricks Guide


We will go into detail in this guide on how to make teams and which synergies to look for. We will dive into each weapon-based category and look at Characters and synergies and then later suggest teams based on that. Along the way, we will impart as many tips as possible to give you a good overview of what to look for or how to start building your team based on three factors:


  • Your gacha pulls
  • The content you are tackling
  • Your objectives


Disgaea RPG team building tips and tricks


Tips and Tricks of Team Building:


We will begin introducing team building and essential information you need to have beforehand to start learning about your favorite team builds. You can also look into our beginner's guide and how to get Netherworld.


Start of the game – In the beginning, few episodes of the game, your party picks are pretty random, and you have relative freedom to complete as many missions as possible, but as soon as you pull more exotic characters, you'll be replacing your initial team soon.


You can pull newer and exotic characters from chests, treasure boxes, and different objective rewards. The progression goes well along with at least one high Tiered character, which you keep with you much longer than your starter units. You can learn more about Higher-Tiered characters that you can pull from our Disgaea RPG Tier list.


Auto Function – Initially, Disgaea gives you the option of the 'auto' button, which arranges a balanced team to efficiently complete as many story missions as you can before moving on to dungeons and Item Worlds. Auto-team is always a welcome option for mobile gamers who initially don't want to fiddle too much with the team-building details.


Difficulty – Another initial complication with Disgaea's mechanics is the massive roster of characters to choose from. You can only place 5 of them in a single team while leveling them up along with leveling up each preferred weapon in the Item World.


Though this difficulty becomes much easier when you have found a favorite character and have learned his/her traits to build around, it never hurts if you've found yourself a Waifu or Husbando to play with.


disgaea rpg tips and tricks


Experiment – The first thing is not to be afraid of doing experiments and, secondly, learn synergies. Secondly, the game will throw challenges to equip you with the knowledge to learn about team-building. Don't hesitate to be creative as there are many possibilities and combinations of teams in Disgaea.


Synergies – The most crucial aspect is synergies. Complimenting same sets to maximize damage and to minimize weaknesses. Please keep a lookout for weapon Fortes which we'll explain in detail below section.


Weapon Mastery – Again, it compliments core stats if understood as weapon Forte is a big thing in Synergies.


Team comps – It is a good team comp to have at least 2 DMG dealers who complement each other while the rest can be a combination of healer/buffer/de-buffer. The more the DMG dealers, the merrier while Healing and de-buffing when doing challenging missions and dungeons for faster farming clears.


Skills and Evility – These two sets of abilities are the crux of team building. Skills enhance each character’s powers and dish out damage to the enemies or provide support, while Evility are special skills that provide party-wide skills based on the same weapon Forte or stats. For example, some sword-based DPSs enhance each other, or INT-based characters enhance character's damage by having INT as their primary stat.


Forte based Team Building:


A big part of team synergies is a character’s Forte, meaning either his/her primary stat or the weapon he/she is proficient in, as both of these types of Fortes reflect in their unique skills called the Evility. These are skills that provide huge bonuses to team members who have the same Forte.


For example, one of the S-Tier characters, Laharl, has an Evility called Overlord's Repute which gives all allies a 10% boost to all stats except SPD, while Killia has Fist Training as his main Evility, which boosts ATK of all Fist-wielding allies.


Hence, in this section, we will discuss some main Fortes and a few favorite characters and later recommend a few teams based on this Forte selection.


Diagaea RPG Forte Based


DPS and Support Characters:


These are the two main categories of characters in this game, to put simply. Most of the preceding unit types fall under one of these and make team building an easier task.


DPS are units that deal a high amount of damage to the enemies, and most of their skills revolve around increasing ATK from or by a stat. Additionally, DPSs are part of any team due to their faster wave clearing ability.


Support characters provide buffs to boost stats or DMG of the team members along with some healing while de-buffing enemies and become part of any team to benefit DPS to do more damage.


Desco – is an AoE-based DPS due to her skill, while she also increases INT of a single target from 2 of her skills. Her Evility is similar to Laharl, which increases all stats of Monster allies except SPD.


She can be part of most teams due to her Final Boss Parade Evility, while INT and Monster-based teams because she provides a boost to them.


Etna – Another example of AoE DPS along with some single target skill and a huge self-buffer.


She can be part of Monster teams who need single target DPS or if enemies comprise of females or Prinnies.




Fallen Angel Flonne – She is the best-case example of prime support is like most of her Evility gives increased heals, increases XP gains, and reduces damage taken. While her skills are geared towards either heals or boosting the INT of a target.


She can be part of almost all teams unless you have better support or teams who favor INT-based characters.


Prism Indigo – He is a great value F2P unit and is mainly a physical support/de-buffer due to the two types of armor break he provides while providing an ATK bonus to whoever is next in line in the turn meter.


Team member for any team that needs armor breaks.


New Year’s Rozalin – She is considered the best support in Disgaea due to her team's action gauge speed-up ability, which translates to more ATK SPD, which in turn increases damage.


Same as Flonne, Rozalin can be part of any team.


Monster DPS:


Monster-based DPSs are better for farming than doing single target damage as they are not equipped with gauge speed skills because speeding up your teammates can net you more damage to the boss.


Desco and Laharl– They both provide a boost to the stats of all allies from their Evility. Laharl is a self-buffer, Desco provides INT buffs to a target and decreases the DEF of enemies.


Both can be part of monster teams as well as any other team due to the all-stat boost.


Desco can be used in a team with four thieves when planning to farm stages faster as she has AoE skill, and it's an optimum spell when dealing with mobs.


Raspberyl – she is a magic-wielder and buffs INT-based allies while providing SPD to a target.

She can be grouped up with Desco, both being monsters and INT-based characters.


Axe based units:


Laharl – Laharl's main weapon Forte is an axe, so primarily he should be part of ax-wielding characters, but due to his Evility, he can also be part of any team.


Warrior – Warrior is also one of the finest ax-wielding characters, who is a self-buffer and gets an increase to his ATK depending on the number of ax-wielders and humanoids in the team.


He can be part of any humanoid and ax-wielders team, especially a great combo with Laharl. He can also team up with Dark Santa Laharl and Warrior to deal tones of damage to enemies and bosses.


Fist-based Characters:


Adell – A fire element self-buffer who buffs all the stats of fist-wielding allies except SPD and deals increased damage to monsters.


Killia – Killia is another fist-wielder who does ice damage. His main Evility increases ATK damage of fist-wielding allies, and he buffs himself with speed and an ally.


He can be part of teams that require either speed or a fist-based team to increase the ATK of all fist-wielders.


Team Builds:


While you can build any team around your favorite characters, mainly depending on their Weapon forte, Disgaea gives you tons of options that might initially confuse any player. The main approach is to look into your main character's Evility and his/her skills and build around that.


We have included a few of the Forte-based builds and a few farming builds to give you an idea of how to cover these bases. From here on, as we mentioned in the tips and tricks section, experiment and find your sweet spot for the teams.


Disgaea RPG Builds


Bow-based – Laharl (DPS), Valvatorez (DPS), 3 Prism Rangers. Laharl and Valvatorez are DPS who can dish out damage to clear waves. At the same time, the Rangers are all equipped with fist weapons to increase their SPD so they can eventually learn Triple Strike, which has a chance to apply Amnesia, which can give the DPS enough time to deal more damage.


Fist-based – Adell, Killia, Martial Artist man/woman, two supports for a full face on attacking team. Killia is a key part of this team as he will increase the ATK of all the fist-based characters.


INT Laharl Hybrid – Laharl, Desco, Raspberyl, and any two complementing Supports. Laharl is here to increase all stats especially buffing INT for Desco and Raspberyl while they buff each other.


HL Farming – Seraphina, Artina, Hogmeier, Nether Noble, or Theif. This farming team is specifically geared around the skills that help you farm HL.


EXP Farming – Attired Rozalin, Fallen Angel Flonne, Professor for pure EXP farming. The last two slots can be filled with any character you want to level up fast for specific content. In addition, the Professor provides the team with ATK and DEF buff because of one of her skills.


Chest Drop Stuff – Dark Santa Laharl, Pirate, Thieves.


Generic Build 1 – 2 DPS or a Nuker, 1 AoE, 2-3 combination of healers and buffers.


Generic Build 2 – 2 INT based, 2 ATK based, 1 healer/buffer.


Normally you would build either around INT-based and INT buffing ones or the other way around with ATK base characters. This build tries to give you the best of both worlds and ultimately complement each other.


LDPlayer Features for Disgaea RPG:


LDPlayer has tons of features that help your Disgaea RPG gaming experience to the next level with improved graphics and framerate. For example, you can use the emulator’s in-built keyboard mapping feature to quickly bind keys to your mouse and keyboard, emulating the experience of an actual PC game.




After reading this guide, you can formulate a well-articulated team that will help you be well-prepared for most content. The best thing about Disgaea is its synergies that make your team cut through the enemies like a hot knife on butter, which satisfies your achievements in this game. This game provides a large amount of Synergistic team building mechanics, which, when mastered, is a big achievement, and that what we hope to do with this guide. You can also download Disgaea RPG on PC for free.

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