Google Play Games is a PC gaming platform developed by Google to allow players to play Android mobile games on PC. This program is set to enable Windows’ Hyper-V technology during installation and execution.

However, enabling Hyper-V may prevent other emulators from utilizing virtualization technology properly, which may cause problems such as stuttering, lags, or inability when trying to launch LDPlayer.

When you launch LDPlayer, if the loading stops at 50% or error 1860/1159/2000 occurs, please first confirm if you have Google Play Games installed in your PC currently, or have it installed and uninstalled in your PC recently. If you do, please follow the following steps to fix the error:

Method 1: Uninstall Google Play Games

Uninstall Google Play Games and restart your PC.

Method 2: Disable Hyper-V and restart your PC

If you want to keep Google Play Games and LDPlayer on your PC at the same time, you need to manually turn Hyper-V on&off, and restart your PC every time after you have opened Google Play Games and then want to open LDPlayer next.

Step 1: Launch Google Play Games and Hyper-V will be enabled during the process.

Step 2: Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features >Turn Windows features on or off. Find Hyper-V in Windows Feature and uncheck it. Then restart your PC immediately to make sure the change will take effect.

Step 3: After your PC restarts, open LDPlayer without launching Google Play Games, and LDPlayer should be able to launch correctly.