League of Legends Wild Rift Rammus Build Guide, Counters, Combos, and Much More!


Rammus the Armordillo is one of the tankiest champions in the game. Known for his fantastic CC, shields, and the ability to disrupt a team fight, the fast-moving turtle, knows no bounds when it comes to being an effective ganking jungler who is still tough enough to stand in the frontlines and soak up all of the damage. The champion is known for being beginner-friendly and does not have a huge skill curve which lets him fight in the early, mid, and late game with relative ease.


Today, we're going to be talking about everything you know about the champion, including how you can play him efficiently, what skills you should go for, what items you should make, and a comprehensive overview of his skills alongside tips and tricks.






LOL Wild Rift Rammus Overview


Rammus is a tanky jungler who gets extremely strong as time goes on. He is entertaining to play and is quite beginner-friendly, which means that he is quite popular in low elos. Due to his tanky nature and the fact that he is mainly supposed to be jungling, he is an excellent introduction for anyone new to these rules. However, don't let his easy-to-learn skills fool you. The champion packs quite a punch!


Rammus has perhaps the best ganks out of all tank junglers due to his massive initial speed. He is also the tankiest jungler in the game, especially in the mid-game, where most Wild Rift games tend to be nearing towards the end. Plus, he scales well enough to kill most squishy champions in the mid-game with relative ease.


In summary, Rammus is great at both ganking and skirmishing as well. He synergizes well with most assassins as you allow them to let them get their combo off using your skillset. The champion relies on trying to find as many picks as you can in the early and mid-game. Since he is a tanking jungler, he is a very team-oriented champion and cannot do much on his own in most situations. He's not a champion that should be blind-picked as shields, and true damage can counter him. However, he is an amazing pick against squishy ADCs or when you don't have any Mage Supports on the enemy team.


If you haven't already, you can check the hero out and play him yourself by downloading Wild Rift for free on PC.


Tier List: 


While Rammus is a relatively easy to champion to play and learn, placing him on a Tier List is rather difficult since he brings so much utility to the table, which can only be taken advantage of if an experienced player plays him. In most Tier Lists, the champion is judged by his maximum potential rather than played in most average games.


As such, Rammus can be comfortably put in the B+ tier if played by the hands of an average player. However, if an experienced player plays him, this can easily shoot up to the S tier or go even further beyond due to his innate survivability and tankiness that can change the course of an entire team fight. Rammus defines a pure Vanguard who can destroy opponents with good CCs, AoE abilities, smart positioning, and itemization.




Stats are perhaps the most important aspect of a champion in Wild Rift. If you've been playing Wild Rift for a while, you'll know that for tanks like Rammus, understanding how much HP they have, their basic attack damage, movement speed, and mana pool helps you understand what particular skills you need to use. Moreover, it also helps you consider the overall playstyle and the strengths and weaknesses the characters have.


The developers have spent tons of time balancing the new champion as much as they can. However, since the champion has been released recently, you can expect many buffs and nerfs to be coming onto the champion as time goes on. As expected, the champion does not have tons of right-click damage but has high HP and is relatively tanky.


Before giving you an idea of ​​his complete stats, we've devised a small rating standard that helps you consider the most important metrics the champion has that you should consider when judging a champion. The first measurement, damage, is simply the right-click or basic attack damage or spell damage in a champion who deals with spell damage.


For toughness, we take into account HP and armor. The harder a champion might be to kill, the better they are. However, high mobility does not equate to toughness. It is just raw, pure HP and defense. The utility of a champion is the amount of Crowd Control they have. These can be in any form, which includes but is not limited to AoE tick damage, stuns, or knockdowns.


Lastly, the difficulty is quite self-explanatory. It is the amount of time you will need to spend trying to practice on a champion before completely understanding everything the champion demands. Moreover, a champion with a higher difficulty curve is generally not recommended for newer players. If you want to play a champion with a higher skill curve, take a look at this complete comprehensive guide for Blitzcrank.


In any case, here's a complete overview of Rammus's stats:


  • Damage: Weak 
  • Toughness: Strong  ★★★
  • Utility: Medium  ★★
  • Difficulty: Easy 




Since Rammus is mainly a Tank, you can expect him to have an extremely high amount of HP (which he rightfully does.) Plus, the champion will consistently have items built on the champion that increase his HP even further.


  • Level 1: 615
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA




Rammus is a tank who does not deal tons of damage at all, especially from his spells. However, most of his spells do not require much mana, which explains their low mana costs. Plus, his mana gain per level is not significant at all whatsoever.


  • Level 1: 345
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Attack Damage:


Attack Damage is your basic attack damage. Since you are primarily played as a Tank, you don't have much damage gain. But, since you won't be basic attacking anyone throughout the entire duration of the game, there's nothing to worry about at all.


  • Level 1: 58
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Ability Power:


Ability Power is how powerful your spells get over time. Since you are a tank and mainly have some light CC and AoE abilities, you can expect yourself to mainly deal damage in terms of AoE and not actual spells. As such, your ability power does not increase at all over time.


  • Level 1: 0
  • Level 15: 0
  • Per Level: 0




Armor is your primary defense from basic attacks. For a simpler explanation, the higher your armor is, the higher the percentage of attacks you can block/resist from basic attacks from enemies. Since you are a tank, you have tons of armor which means you have a large amount of physical damage resistance.


  • Level 1: 45
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Magic Resistance:


Magic Resistance is your ability to resist and withstand magical damage and spell power. However, the stat is quite self-explanatory. For tanks like Rammus, you will have a great amount of Magical Resistance, which will increase exponentially as it depends on the number of items you purchase.


  • Level 1: 38
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Attack Speed:


Attack Speed ​​is the amount of time your character takes to perform a basic attack. As a tank, you won't be basic attacking anyone after the laning stage. However, the champion is hard to auto-attack minions, and you might miss a kill or two when basic attacking.


  • Level 1: 0.80
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Mana Regen:


Mana Regen is not quite important for a Tank like Rammus. You will not be casting many high mana cost spells anyway since that isn't exactly your role. But even if you are caught in the middle of a fight, thankfully, you have enough Mana Regen to be able to safely cast your spells and then some in case of any issue.


  • Level 1: 12
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Move Speed:


Rammus is not for his fast movement speed, and neither is he meant to be as nimble or agile as many other champions in the game. As such, don't expect him to be moving around the map a lot. However, you can build items that might ease this issue.


  • Level 1: 537
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


LOL: Wild Rift Rammus Summoner Spells:


LOL Wild Rift Rammus Spells


Smite – Smite is a must spell for any Jungler as it allows you to deal additional damage to Jungle monsters, making your jungle runs faster. Sometimes this skill can be used when you know the enemy team is trying to kill the Drake or Rift Herald, and you can kill-steal for the sweet loot and buff.


Upgrading this Rune depends on the game progression. Chilling/Blue Smite is especially viable if your Ganking is going well, and this can slow your opponent to further make it easy to get a kill. This upgrade is much more common at higher Elos as Champions tend to play a bit more defensive not to hand over a takedown or objective. This helps in securing the sweet takedown. Challenging/Red smite is only for the case if their Jungler is trying to disrupt your jungle runs.


Flash – Flash is a short teleportation skill and one of the best tools for many scenarios. This can be used to use your CC skills on enemies if they are further away or running. Flash shortens the distance and helps you to apply your CC. Especially good to jump over walls, which is useful both for surprise Gank and when you are running away. Flash can also be used when a fight began without you, and you want to jump in the middle, both to use your Ulti as well as Frenzying Taunt.


Ghost – Ghost skill is best when you want to play as a roaming Tank as this further increases your speed on top of the speed gained from Runes and your skills.


Teleport – Another skill that is essentially necessary for solo-top Rammus. As you are in a solo lane, your return to the lane is paramount whenever you need to return after shopping or helping another lane. This spell is also helpful if you need to support other lanes to score a takedown and take your opponent off-guard.


LOL: Wild Rift Rune Build for Rammus:


LOL Wild Rift Rammus Rune Build


Even though Rammus is commonly ranked B-tier, his mobility, CC kit, and tankiness put him in favor above other Junglers for the Wild Rift. His innate mobility provides many opportunities to Gank up on the enemies in different lanes. Depending on your play style and team strategy, you can find two build paths for Runes just below. The first one, "Late game powerhouse," focuses on getting some kills up till the mid-game and tank the enemy for your team in the end game.


The second build path, "Jungle first, Gank up later," focuses more on leveling up and surviving the jungle first and Gank up as soon as you reach level 4 because that is when you have a full arsenal of your abilities available to you. The Second build path is also viable if you want to play as Top Lane Rammus, which very few people do, but if it's your forte, we have you covered. A few honorable mentions are just after the second build if you want to change your play a bit to find that sweet spot representing your play style.


Build path 1:


Following are the Runes for this setup.


Aftershock – As most of Rammus' abilities are CC, every engagement will provide him with constant Armor and MR, and the longer the fight continues, the more damage he deals. Aftershock gives you flat AR and MR plus increases with each level. And 2.5 seconds after it procs, you deal damage equal to a %age of your health as magic damage. Do make sure to proc this Rune at every given opportunity when using Powerball and Taunt so that you have enough AR and MR coupled with Defensive Ball Curl as soon as the fight starts to increase them two times.


This Rune is also viable when you are playing in Top lane as you always need an edge against your solo top opponent. Though playing Rammus top is mostly not recommended because most Champions playing against you will have an edge due to their skillset geared towards solo lane Champion, effective Rune selection and skill usage can bring you at par with them.


Weakness – This Rune can help your teammates in any lane deal more damage as you Gank up on your opponent because this Rune marks your opponent after you use CC ability. This mark, coupled with taunt, CCs your opponent to stay focused on you longer, and with each subsequent CC ability, it will extend the duration so that your teammates can deal increased damage. This combo will be beneficial in the late game as this Rune procs each time you use a knockback and slow, making you want to chain your combos together.


 A similar approach is recommended when playing top, as the longer the chain of combos you perform, the more damage you do.


Hunter Titan – This Rune gives you flat health and increases with each unique champion killed, making you tankier and last longer in the fights. Again, it helps you in becoming a powerhouse from mid to late game.


Mastermind – Firstly, it helps you deal increased damage to Epic monsters to make your jungle run easier and faster. Secondly, the increased damage to turrets makes you a viable option when tower pushing. Pick this mostly when your teammates are also focused on acquiring the objectives faster.


Choose this build when you coordinate with your teammates to Gank up early on your opponents to gain that sweet health increase with each unique takedown. The faster you gain it, the faster you become a powerhouse, and when you want to push the towers to make the enemy team go on their back foot.


Build path 2:


Aftershock – Same as path 1.


Weakness– Same as path 1.


Conditioning – This can be a boon at the beginning of the game as it gives you additional AR and MR 5 minutes after the start of the game, making your jungle easy so you can focus on your jungle run instead of worrying about supporting your teammates early game.


Viable also for Top lane Rammus as it provides you with much-needed resistances to survive the onslaught of your lane opponent.


Pathfinder – This Rune is for the quick and back-to-back Ganking on your opponents along with Aftershock and Weakness, as this Rune gives you increased movement speed in bushes and riversides of the map. This Rune works best when you pair it with your Passive and Powerball as they stack and makes you the fastest and best roamer in Runeterra.


Your enemies will always be on their toes as you can quickly move around the map to Gank up on opponents who have overextended their lane. One thing to remember here is that your Powerball skill will have a significantly lower cooldown at higher levels allowing you to spam it for that sweet speed to fly across the map. When playing solo top, this Rune helps you kite your opponent's skill shots because Rammus is a slow starter and needs more levels to be competitive.


This build recommends that you start Ganks when you are level 4 and above, as you'll have access to all your abilities to successfully get those early takedowns. This build is also recommended when you have excellent communication with your teammates.


The same is true when playing solo top, as you need that initial AR and MR along with some movement speed.


Honorable Mentions:


Triumph – you can take this Rune in place of Weakness IF you have good coordination with your teammates or at lower Elo because this Rune returns health with every takedown and deals additional damage when enemy health is below 35%. This scenario is advantageous during mid to late games where the Champions' health is a lot, and the longer they stay alive, the lower your chance of winning the fight.


Spirit Walker – This helps you negate the slowness of your Defensive Curl as it provides resistance to slow.


Font of Life – Choose this Rune in place of Aftershock if you need a bit of healing during fights, and you think your allies are a bit squishy as this Rune, coupled with any slowing skills, gives 3% of your teammates' health to them.


Rammus Complete Item Build:


LOL Wild Rift Rammus Item Build


Rammus is one of those champions who are not that great before Level 5. However, only then can he become a strong champion if you buy the right items, but not strong enough to 1v1 in the early stages. Rammus is usually played as a jungler, meaning you need to focus on jungler monster and farm your jungle as soon as possible. This will help him in reaching his maximum level and gank lanes easier with his ultimate.


When out of combat, the movement speed that Rammus gains make him very, very fast. Wait till you get your ultimate ready to gank in the lane. Otherwise, you can cause more damage to the lane than you can imagine. Make sure you have at least one full item and your ultimate ready before ganking a lane.


Since Rammus is a big fight tank, you can change a fight with the help of his taunts and ultimate. Item build can make an immense difference and can pull off a meaningful impact. While building Rammus, a lot of armor and magic resistance should be built because it helps survive while in a team fight. With much-needed health and armor to survive, Rammus can immobilize the enemies with his crowd control abilities. Here are all the item builds of Rammus, and we will be talking about them in detail:


  • Sunfire Aegis
  • Ninja Tabi
  • Glorious Enchant
  • Thornmail
  • Zeke's Convergence


Sunfire Aegis – Sunfire Aegis is a top-tier defense item often built on tank champions due to the increase in max health and ability haste. The magic damage dealt with all the nearby enemies is 16-25 with 8% HP per second. While damaging champions, it increases its damage by 8% for 5s. 50% of the damage is dealt with minions and monsters.


Attack burns enemies around Rammus for around 3 seconds while at max immolate with 150% damage to minions and monsters.


Zeke's Convergence – Zeke's Convergence ignites a nearby ally's attack for 10 seconds. This defense item being used on tank champions comes up with an increase in armor, magic resistance, max mana, and ability haste. The ignition caused by this item slows enemies by 20 %, and attacks burn to your allies by 30% damage for over 2 seconds. Moreover, the item also prioritizes the highest attack damage ally, making it even more deadly.


When the Frostfire ignites, the Frostfire storm deals 40 magic damage to your nearby allies and slows by 40% for 3 seconds. This defense item also adds 10% much-needed cool down to your champion.


Ninja Tabi – If the enemy has champions dealing with a lot of physical damage, the best boots to go will be Ninja Tabi. These Boots come with +40 Move Speed ​​and +15 armor.


These Boots are really effective while blocking damage from your enemies. The boots block 15% of damage from attacks. But it's not just about the block; the boots come up with an increasing speed by 15% for 3 seconds, making them really effective to use. The sprint is reduced while taking damage from other champions.




Mercury's Treads – These Boots are most effective when the enemy has many champions that deal magic damage. These Boots come up with +40 Move Speed ​​and +10 Magic Resistance.


The main ability of Mercury's Treads is the Tenacity, due to which the duration of stuns, silences, blinds, taunts, and fears are reduced. The Boots also help in immobilizing the enemies by 35%.


The Move Speed ​​is increased by 15% for 3 seconds. The sprint is reduced or even removed upon taking damage from champions.


Glorious Enchant – Glorious enchant is a boot item that comes up with Glory Active. The Glory Active helps gain 15% Move Speed ​​for 4 seconds, increasing when you move towards enemies by 60%. After you reach the champion, shock waves are emitted that slows down the nearby enemies, and with Zeke's Convergence already in the build, you have got items that deal a lot of damage around them in circles. The shock waves slow nearby enemies by 50% for 2 seconds.


Locket Enchant – This item is preferred when your team is quite vulnerable to enemies. This item is quite simple as a support in any case and is useful against enemies with many assassins.


It is used to shield yourself from nearby allies. It deals 70 – 420 damage for 2 seconds. This effect is reduced by 50% if another Locket affects the target.


Thornmail – Thornmail is the perfect defense item. Grievous Wounds is one of the debuffs that comes with Thornmail, which reduces all healing by 40%. With Rammus having great crowd control, which immobilizes the enemy champions, the Grievous Wounds will stop them from healing. This defense item comes up with +200 Max Health and +75 Armor.


Being a defensive item, Thornmail reflects 25 magic damage with +10% bonus armor while being hit by a basic attack. It also imposes Grieving Wounds on the attacker for 3 seconds.


Randiun's Omen – Randiun's Omen is one of the effective defense items against champions having high attack speed. This defense item comes up with +400 Max Health and +55 Armor.


Since most of the AD carries high attack speed, Randiun's Omen effectively reduces the attack speed from enemies by 15% for 1.5 seconds when struck. The armor also helps in reducing the damage from Critical Strike by 15%.


Abyssal Mask – Abyssal Mask is a defense item that is really effective against threats that deal with magic damage. It is usually built on tank champions because it comes up with +300 Max Health, +40 Magic Resistance, +300 Max Mana, and + 10 Ability Haste.


This item helps in restoring 15% Mana of the damage taken from champions. The Regen Health is capped at 25 Health per cast. The “Abyssal” ability deals 15% bonus magic damage to its nearby champions.


Warmog's Armor – Warmog's Armor is used in the late game as it provides passive healing and a lot of HP. It is one of the top defense items on tanks. This is because it comes up with +700 Max Health, + 200% Health Regen, and +10 Ability Haste.


The main ability of Warmog's Armor is the Warmog's Heart. It generates 5% maximum health if you have at least 2500 health, but only if you haven't taken any damage from the enemies within the last 6 seconds.


Force of Nature– A defense item, often built on tank champions, is often used against enemies with champions that deal a lot of magic damage. The item comes up with +350 Max Health and +45 Magic Resistance.


This item has a storm which increases the movement speed by 5%. The ability to absorb the damage rewards you with six bonus movement speeds and six magic resist for about 5 seconds. Each ability gives one stack, which means that stacking up to 5 times will result in 30 bonus movement speeds and 30 magic resists.


Adaptive Helm – Adaptive Helm is also pretty effective against enemies with champions that deal with magic damage. It makes your champion quite tanky and provides you with immense magic resistance. The defense item comes up with +300 Max Health, +100% Regen, and +60 Magic Resistance.


The adaptive ability reduces the magic damage or effect by 15% for 4 seconds.


Dead Man's Plate – Another top-tier defense item for tank-based champions. The Dead Men's plate comes up with +50 Move Speed ​​and +50 armor.


While your champion Rammus moves with this defense item, it builds momentum by moving, which rewards a maximum of 50 Movement Speed ​​at 100 stacks. Moreover, the attack expends all momentum to deal magic damage that can come really handy in the late game. Melee attacks also slow by 50% for 1 second.


Iceborn Gauntlet – This defense item is handy if you are to cause base attack damage. Iceborn Gauntlet comes up with a +50 Armor, +450 Mana, and 20% cool reduction to your champion.


This ability helps deal with the next attack, just within 10 seconds to deal with bonus physical damage. This ability creates an icy field that can slow the enemies around Rammus. The additional armor helps in increasing the size of the icy field.


Rammus' Skills Introduction:


LOL Wild Rift Rammus Skills


The first rule of playing LOL: Wild Rift is to understand your champion and the skills that accompany him. The sooner you understand what they do and get yourselves to familiarize their mechanics, the faster you can win and increase your Elo. Every hero is built around a specific role it can perform, and this is where it shines. Get to know your champion in the sections below and learn how you can grow with your champion:


Spiked Shell –  Passive:


While out of combat gain, 32 Movement Speed ​​increased to 96 during Powerball. Exit combat after not taking damage or using abilities for 5 seconds. 


Powerball First Active Ability:


Enables Rolling Armordillo and accelerates up to 115% bonus Movement Speed ​​over 6 seconds. Colliding with an enemy deals 105 Magic Damage (105 + 100% AP) in an area, knocking back and slowing enemies by 40% for 1 second. Activating cancels Defensive Ball Curl and puts it on cool down.


Down Cool:  15 / 12 / 0.9 / 0.6


Damage Base:  105 / 150 / 195 / 240


Slow:  40% / 50% / 60% / 70%


Defensive Ball Curl Second Active Ability:


Spiked Shell: Attacks deal 11 bonus Magic Damage (5+10% Armor). 


Active:  Brace for up to 6 seconds, slowing Rammus by 30% while gaining 97 Armor (30+70% Armor) and 32 Magic Resist (10+35% Magic Resist). At the same time, curled Spiked Shell deals 50% more damage and also applied to enemies that attack Rammus. Activating cancels Powerball and puts it on cool down. 


Damage Base: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20


Armor:  70% / 80% / 90% / 100%


Magic Resist:  35% / 40% / 45% / 50%


Frenzying Taunt – Third Active Ability:


Taunts an enemy Champion or monster for 1.25 seconds and gain 50% Attack Speed ​​for 5 seconds.


Cooldown:  15 / 14 / 13 /12


Taunt Duration:  1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2


Attack Speed:  50% / 60% / 70% / 80%


Soaring Slam – Ultimate Skill:


Hop into the air and slam down, dealing 125 Magic Damage (125 + 50 AP) and creating aftershocks for 4 seconds. Aftershocks deal 35 Magic Damage (35 + 20% AP) every second and slow enemy incrementally by 12%, stacking up to 60%. Soaring Slam's range increases with Movement Speed. Aftershocks Damages structures.


Cooldown:  110 / 90 / 70


Base Damage:  125 / 200 / 275


Slow:  60% / 70% / 80%


Rammus Abilities Analysis:


LOL Wild Rift Rammus Ability Analysis


Rolling Armordillo (Passive) – This passive skill provides you with bonus speed when you're out of combat, and it stacks with Powerball and pathfinder Rune, which will make you the fastest champion in the wild rift. This passive is perfect for a roaming Jungler and with so much speed, you can be anywhere on the map.


Powerball– Due to this skill, you gain a lot of speed atop your passive. With this speed, you can easily catch up to any out-of-place enemy and stun them. Colliding with them will knockback and then stun the opponent for one second while dealing magic damage, enough time to apply your Frenzying taunt to keep the champion busy. This is your primary engaging to tool in the initial stages of the game to help your teammates gain takedowns when Ganking or to lower their most powerful teammate's damage for as long as possible.


Further on, the cooldown is only 6 seconds at max level, so you can always use it to kite minions and keep the enemies away from farming. During bigger fights, a few seconds, the ADC doesn't deal damage is huge in tilting the victory in your favor. The best thing about initiating team fights in later stages is that your Powerball increases the damage circle of your Ultimate Soaring Slam the longer it's channeled. Higher Elo players sometimes use their Powerball for a few seconds before initiating a team fight to have an early advantage in it.


One thing to be careful about while using Powerball early game is to mind the minions because your skill has a small hitbox, and most Champions fearing your stun, and Frenzying Taunt might hide behind their minion wave. This way, you may hit a minion instead of a Champion. You can use Flash to jump over the wave wall and initiate your combos.


Keep your eye on the skill button to see its remaining duration, and with higher levels, there is an effect on the screen to let you know that you are powerballing. As this is a channeling ability, you should watch out for Champions like Soraka and Lulu as their skills can stop your channel. Soraka's Equinox and Lulu's Whimsy can negate your Powerball.


Defensive Ball Curl – This would be your best skill in the initial Jungle phase for your survival as it provides a defensive bonus along with dealing damage to monsters that hit you. Initially, you can couple a leash from your teammate with this skill to increase your survivability. Out of the Jungle, it is best used with your Frenzying Taunt, which forces your enemy to attack you and a great combo after initiating a fight with Powerball.


This combo is especially useful against ADCs as they cannot deal damage to your Carry, and for a few moments, you can bear the brunt of their damage. Also, as you deal magic damage to those who hit you, ADCs don't stack armor or little magic armor, which will hit them hard. To top it off, if you have activated your Aftershock Rune by using Powerball to initiate, you deal massive damage to whomever you have taunted.


You can cancel Defensive Ball Curl if you want to get the movement speed back or get more movement speed by hitting the button again or by using Powerball.


Frenzying Taunt – This is a taunt ability that forces your opponent to attack you for a few seconds and cannot do anything else. Frenzying Taunt is a great engaging skill to keep your enemy occupied and especially powerful when doing it to a fast attack speed opponent. This ability can be used in many ways. First, CC the other champion and keep them focused on you. The second is to lure your enemy Champion towards your teammates. The third is to lure towards your tower if they're too close so that the tower can get a couple of hits at least.


When used with Defensive Ball Curl, this ability is a deadly combo to deal damage as well as keeping your enemy occupied. Plus, this becomes very handy in large team fights as you can just occupy their Carry with you so that particular champion deals as little damage as possible.


Ensure that you target the skill towards enemy Champions if Monsters or minions are nearby, as you may accidentally attack them instead of your target. Take care when using this ability to Vayne as she deals true damage and bypasses AR and MR checks.


Soaring Slam –  Ultimate Skill: Your Champions jumps in the air and slams down, dealing magic damage to all enemy Champions in range and creating aftershocks in an area for a few seconds. These aftershocks also deal damage and slow any enemy caught in the area of effect. Those caught in the middle are knocked back. Aftershocks can also damage turrets.


Remember that the area of ​​Soaring Slam's damage increases with your speed, so it's a good idea to perform the Ultimate skill after gaining enough speed from your Powerball. Soaring Slam can also cross over from one side of a wall, so it can also be used to Gank or contest Elite monsters in the jungle.


Rammus' Skills Progression – How to distribute Skill points?


Rammus Skills Progressions


Which skill you take first depends on your strategy for the game. Every phase of the game requires you to change your targets and to achieve those goals; you have to invest in each skill as the game progresses and your Champion levels up. Taking Defensive Ball Curl at level 1 is paramount for Jungler Rammus. After that taking Powerball and maxing it as soon as you can, can help you Gank sooner and faster. The faster you Gank efficiently, the more Takedowns you can score and more gold and XP you can farm.


Level up Defensive curl after if opponents are dealing greater damage. Otherwise, use Frenzying Taunt to CC them longer. Level up your Ultimate as soon as possible.


Spiked Shell – Passive: This is your passive and doesn't need any skill points. It is always active whenever the conditions are met.


Powerball First Active Ability: 3 – 4 – 6 – 7


Defensive Ball Curl Second Active Ability: 1 – 8 – 10 – 11


Frenzying Taunt –  Third Active Ability: 2 – 12 – 14 – 15


Soaring Slam –  Ultimate Ability: 5 – 9 – 13


Rammus Skill Combos:


Even though Rammus is tiered as an easy Champion, if you learn to use the skill set in different combinations, they can have a devastating effect on the enemy team. These combos are the reason he is an easy Champion, as his combos are fairly easy to execute. Nonetheless, a few combos are mentioned below, and they become much easier if you use them with the keybinds feature.


Combo 1:


  • Defensive Ball Curl> Frenzying Taunt> Auto Attack.


This combo is used when you're still Jungling early on. As the Jungle clear speed of Rammus is slow, you can initially ask a teammate, preferably your support, to help you with a leash.


Combo 2:


  • Powerball> Defensive Ball Curl> Frenzying Taunt> Auto Attack


Start using this combo as soon as you hit level 3 and are considering Ganking. Later on, it can be used whenever necessary. This combo is the bread and butter of Rammus.


Combo 3:


  • Powerball> Soaring Slam> Defensive Ball Curl> Frenzying Taunt> Auto Attack


This combo is best used when initiating team fights. As mentioned earlier, this combo is a good surprise when used over a wall while Ganking or contesting an Elite monster.


Combo 4:


  • Powerball> Flash> Frenzying Taunt> Defensive Ball Curl


Use this combo when an enemy Champion is trying to escape.


Pros and Cons for Choosing Rammus:


One of the most important aspects of understanding a Champion is capitalizing on its positive aspects and mitigate the negative as much as possible. Similar is the case, especially with Rammus. If you can get some support in your initial phase of Jungling and Ganking, Rammus can become unstoppable in the late game.




  • Easy to use. Recommended for new players.
  • Viable at al Elos.
  • One of the fastest Champion and Jungler in Runeterra.
  • Great mobility and firm CC.
  • Rammus is by nature a tank and, therefore, is quite durable. He is a great part of any team fight and can survive longer due to his durability.
  • His Frenzying Taunt ability can lock at least one champion in hitting you and making him/her useless for that duration.
  • Really good champion to use against AD Champions due to his increased armor.
  • One of the highest damage dealers among tanks of Runeterra.
  • Easy to execute combos.
  • The ultimate ability has a low cooldown, which makes it spam-able.
  • Ultimate can also be used to tower push.
  • Warding most essential points by the enemy to survive Rammus ' Ganks.




  • Rammus is dependent on teamwork for that initial leash in the jungle.
  • Rammus' clear is bad early on, so prone to other Jungler invading and challenging you.
  • Farming speed is slow.
  • Weak against Champions that do burst damage.
  • No sustain.
  • Ganking can be difficult if done while a minion wave is present.


Rammus Matchups (Synergies, Counters, Strong and Weak Against):


In this section, we will discuss Rammus' matchups. At higher Elo games, you have to consider what heroes you match up with, as each hero selection is like a chess piece on a game board. Some heroes will work with you well, while others will hard counter you. Not knowing when to choose Rammus can be bad for your otherwise great game skills.




This couldn't be stressed enough that Rammus is an easy-to-play champion and, due to his kit, can help your teammate out no matter what champion they choose. Still, like all other champions, some select Champions will give you a boost which in itself is sorely required for early game Rammus. Every champion that can boost your speed increases your Ganks.


Any champion that can help you in lining your Powerball to hit is your friend. Every champion that can stun-lock, slow, or bring together enemy Champions for you to initiate the fight with Soaring Slam is a boon for your tanky and taunt gameplay. Following are some Champions that synergize well with Rammus:


Galio –  Galio is a versatile tank and good support. His Passive Colossal Smash does AoE damage which helps him to deal damage to more than one champion. His Winds of War can do additional damage to Champions already affected by a CC.His Justice Punch and Hero's Entrance are knocking back abilities to help teammates follow up for maximum damage.


LOL Wild Rift Galio


You know what is common among Galio and Rammus, a slam dunk. The ultimate abilities of both Champions are hard CC and slam unto their enemies with full force, and that's why Rammus' Soaring Slam followed by Galio's Hero's Entrance, is a match made in heaven.


This tanky pair with hard CC abilities is a nightmare that comes true for enemies. So much CC that it's better to AFK in the game than try to play. Galio has Justice Punch while Rammus has Powerball. Galio has Winds of war to go with Rammus 'Frenzying Taunt. Galio has Colossal Smash, while Rammus has Defensive Ball Curl. It's like Galio and Rammus is a match made in Runeterra heaven for Wild Rift.


Nami –  Nami is versatile support where all of her abilities proc her Passive Surging tide and geared towards supporting and helping her teammates. If a Champion is benefited by one of her abilities, each ability use can increase their movement speed. Her Aqua Prison can stun one enemy champion, and if that champion is already hit by Ebb and Flow, it is easier to catch. Her "Ebb and Flow" ability heals if it hits a companion and slows if it hits an enemy Champion. Her Tidecaller's Blessing gives the Damage Dealer a great opportunity to deal tons of damage for the next 3 AA, a great buff for fast AA Champions.


It is a bad day for a Champion who's caught by Nami's Aqua prison just after being CCed by Rammus' stun combo. The ADC of your team will have a field day as two CC abilities is enough time for your ADC to take a big chunk from the enemy Champion's health. Due to Nami's Aqua Prison, Rammus' ganks become much easier to execute as the lane Champion is already incapacitated. Her use of her abilities, while Rammus is Ganking, can heal him and increase his movement speed, making it easier for Rammus to land Powerball.


Nami's Ultimate ability already knockbacks and slows most of the enemy champions due to its large width and range. It gives Rammus enough time to use the Powerball Soaring Slam combo. That's why Nami is really good support that synergizes with Rammus as she also provides healing, bonus damage, and on top, movement speed.


Ashe –  Ashe is a ranged ADC with her kit to slow and stun enemy champions. Her passive slows enemy Champions and increases the damage they take from her subsequent attacks. After slowing an enemy or stunning from Enchanted Crystal Arrow, she can use her Ranger's Focus to deal increased damage to her opponent.


LOL Wild Rift Ashe


Champions like Ashe synergize well with Rammus as both have some sort of Stun and Slow, and both can utilize each other in this way. Her Ultimate Crystal Arrow's stun is long enough for Rammus to swoop in with his Powerball and Soaring Slam combo to further lock the enemy Champion. While Rammus marks the opponent with his Rune and locks Frenzying Taunt, Ashe can deal increased damage from her passive and increased speed from her Ranger's Focus. She can always initiate with her Volley and AA just before Rammus is ready to start a Gank.


Orianna –  Orianna is a dual role Champion as she can be played as a solo mage in the mid lane and support in the bottom lane. Her gameplay revolves around using her ball to control the battlefield. She provides protection and speed for friends, while for her enemies, she only has stuns and slows.


Her Command Dissonance ability provides speed to Rammus' Powerball above an already stellar speed while also slowing any enemy caught within the ability's radius. Her Ultimate ability synergizes very well with Soaring Slam. Using her Shockwave knocks back enemies towards the center of AoE of her ability and slows them, which gives Rammus enough time to use Soaring Slam for maximum effect.


Strong Against:


Rammus is strong against Champions with low mobility or escape skills to avoid his Powerball, and Soaring Slam as most of his Combos rely on landing at least one knockback soon after that. Frenzying Taunt can lock any Campion in attacking you. Most of the ADC Champions with fast AA are food for Rammus as the more they attack him during Frenzying Taunt, the more damage they deal themselves due to Defensive Ball Curl.


Xin Zhao –  Xin Zhao is a duelist fighter with abilities that focuses on running down his opponent and fighting 1v1 with other Champions. His passive does increase damage every third attack and heals himself, while 3 Talon Strike also does additional damage and knocks up the enemy on the third. Audacious Charge is a distance closer and increases his attack speed while Wind Becomes Lighting slows his opponent. His Ultimate ability helps him to focus on a single target and pushes everyone away.


LOL Wild Rift Xin Zhao


Even though Xin Zhao is a fast attacker and can heal with every third attack, he cannot survive long when Rammus is in the Defensive Ball Curl phase, and the Aftershock rune activated with Weakness. This combination melts away Xin Zhao's health. As soon as Xin Zhao uses his Ultimate ability or Three Talon Strike, Rammus can lock him with Frenzying Taunt, and Xin Zhao cannot escape rendering him helpless for Rammus to score a takedown.


Graves –  Rammus can counter Graves by applying Powerball to Frenzying Taunt combo as Graves can't use his other abilities during taunt and unable to run away with Quickdraw, and as soon as Rammus uses Defensive Curl Ball, Graves' AA automatically reduces his health. As he is an ADC, Graves doesn't last long if he can't get out of the taunt. If Rammus has Randuin's Armor, he further reduces Graves' AS for low damage output while Sunfire's cape does constant damage the longer Rammus is near Graves.


Katarina –  Katarina is a difficult-to-play but agile assassin. Her Bouncing Blade ability is a good poking skill that bounces to more than one enemy and lands near the last target. Katarina's Shunpo ability can blink her to the dagger and damages any enemy nearby; Therefore, this ability makes her jump easily between different points to quickly maneuver the battlefield. Death Lotus lets her throw a flurry of daggers to the nearest enemies quickly and reduces their healing.


Even though Katarina is quite mobile, as soon as Rammus lands his Frenzying Taunt, his other runes and abilities easily finish this squishy hero. Dead Man's Plate is a good armor piece to provide that speed to quickly land the knockback from Powerball and Taunt her.


LOL Wild Rift Rammus Katarina


Force of Nature chest piece provides speed and MR when taking damage from Katarina as she is a Magic Dealer. The combined damage of Rammus' abilities with his runes is enough to kill Katarina with little skill. She should be his first target in a team fight, as killing her is easy, but she can easily jump from target to target to deal tons of damage if left unchecked.


Weak Against:


Evelynn –  Eve is one of those Junglers that Rammus should watch out for as her stealth can surprise Rammus every time, plus her movement speed during the early game is on par with Rammus. Her Hate Spikes give her the ability to damage Rammus from a distance, and she can kite him easily during the early game. If she decides to invade early into the jungle, it will be difficult for Rammus without team support.


Vayne –  Vayne is the only ADC that might have been specifically made as a counter to our cute tank. Her true damage via Silver Bolts renders Rammus' taunts and Defensive Ball Curl pretty useless. Her Roll is the cherry on top of her true damage, which allows her to roll out of danger and increase true damage. If any other enemy either slows or stuns Rammus, Vayne can unleash her ultimate skill and deal tons of damage to Rammus. She can also push Rammus to be slammed into a wall which will stun him and making her job easier.


Master Yi –  Master Yi is another one of much true damage dealing, fast auto-attack Champions that can melt Rammus. If he has his Ultimate ability, he is immune to all slows, which renders Rammus' kit useless. His fast auto-attacks melt through Rammus when powered up, plus his heal can rejuvenate his health faster than Rammus can shave off. Every fourth attack deals additional damage as it crits, and if Rammus doesn't benefit from his stuns and slows, Master Yi can easily out-match him.


Vi –  Vi's passive is her bread and butter and tank killer as it first reduces their armor and grants attack speed and damages the enemy scaling with their health every third attack. Her Vault breaker is a distance closing ability and knocks back any opponent, while Blast Shield provides her with shield and movement speed. Her Ultimate ability clears the crowd away from her target and lets her Slam the target to the ground.


Vi is a hard counter to Rammus because she can cancel his Powerball with her Vault Breaker. Her passive gives her an edge over Rammus' Frenzying taunt as every third attack She will reduce his armor so if the fight drags on longer, Rammus doesn't have enough options to stand and fight.


To be able to survive Vi, you have to stun her first with your Powerball and apply Frenzying Taunt as soon as possible and move away as soon as her taunt lock wears off as all her abilities with her passive can melt away your armor and that big chunk of life that you dearly hold. The only counter you have is to equip Thornmail and Sunfire Aegis and pray that her health is finished before yours. During the Jungle phase, fighting her 1v1 is a big no. Learn to escape when you see Vi and live to fight another day.


Rammus Overview of Matchups and Counters:


The following is the list that will allow you an in-depth look at Rammus against different champions:


  • Master Yi – Easy
  • Graves – Easy
  • VI – Easy
  • Gragas – Easy
  • Xin Zhao – Easy
  • Lee Sin – Easy
  • Evelynn – Medium
  • Amumu – Medium
  • Jarvan IV – Medium
  • Tryndamere – Medium
  • Jax – Medium
  • Pantheon – Medium
  • Diana – Hard
  • Dr. Mundo – Hard
  • Olaf – Hard
  • Shyvana – Skill
  • Wukong – Skill
  • Camille – Skill


Rammus Full Guide (Early, Mid, and Late Game Scenarios):


Rammus is a tanky Jungler, and while slow at the start, if properly fed, he can definitely become a powerhouse. He needs support in the early Jungle phase to speed up his jungle run to support his team by Ganking early to mid-game and become a full assault tank in the later stages of the game. Due to his skill set, he is a core component of the team and a big boost to land his combos well. Remember to always read patch notes to be aware of the latest changes to your favorite champion. Let's delve deeper into the strategy for each phase for Rammus:


Early Game:


Rammus needs to farm the jungle ASAP. As he is a slow starter, he may lag in gold and XP if he isn't supported early on. To more time he takes, the lower is the amount of Ganks he can perform. Your team can support you with the Red buff by leashing the monster and damaging it until 0:25 without fear of losing any minion kill.


LOL Wild Rift Rammus Early Game


Focus on other monsters as soon as getting the Red buff as its damage amplification will help you smoothly continue until it wears off. Be mentally and physically prepared for your counterpart's invasion. AD Junglers are easier for you to manage in the early game, while MD Junglers is not. Learn when to run from a fight. You can turn around an invasion by Ganking up on the Ganker as you are the fastest Jungler in the game. Give him/her the taste of their own medicine.


It's normally recommended to start Ganking when he is level 5 as by then, you would have access to all his skill and a few items under his belt, but if your progression is going fine, you can Gank more often. Rammus is one of the fastest Ganker in Runeterra because of the buffs his skills provide, so capitalize on it.


One thing to remember during the early phase is that Ganking doesn't always mean a sure shot kill. If you can't get a kill, just disrupting the lane's flow is enough as the enemy champions will be defensive. The best case is that they may fall behind on minion kills, resulting in psychological pressure, and they are prone to make more mistakes. More mistakes mean more kills.




As soon as you reach level 6, coordinate with your teammates to start crackdowns on enemy Champions. With his ultimate ability Soaring Slam, you can have back-to-back CC ability combos to unleash upon your enemies. During mid-game, Champions are busy in their lanes and are not grouped, so it's easy to attack 1-3 of your enemies together with the help of your teammates. If you can land your Soaring Slam properly, you can easily complete your Combo 3, with which by the time the enemy Champions recover, the fight will be almost over. Ganking as much as possible is the name of the game when you're playing Rammus.


If the game flow dictates more team fights, Rammus is very potent in slowing and stunning enemy Champions to reduce their effectiveness and make the fights easier with Soaring Slam.


Besides being a tank for the team, your primary goal is to be aware of the jungle and when an Elite monster spawns during the mid to late game. Warding their location is very important as either killing these monsters or stealing an Elite monster kill can give you a boost over the enemy team in terms of gold and XP.


Another way is that if you know that the enemy team is contesting an Elite monster, wait until their or monster's health is low and then Slam your way into their midst to sweep the floor with kills upon kills. Whatever you choose, try your best to Powerball before initiating so that you're AoE of Soaring Slam is at the max radius.


Losing an Elite monster fight is not the end of the game. The important point is to not let their team make takedowns or score more in each fight. Every gold or XP that you hand over to them is more detrimental to the game in the long run than retreating from a fight and let them score Elite kills.


Late Game:


You are the initiator for this phase, and during the team-fights is where you truly shine. Rammus is a beefy tank, and by this time, his build is almost complete. You have to be always present when a big fight is about to start. Always try to initiate a team fight using Combo 3 as your Powerball increases the AoE of your Soaring Slam. Combining Defensive Ball Curl with Frenzying Taunt when your enemies are recovering from Soaring Slam, most of the enemy team will be under CC, which will help your teammates to capitalize on your success.


Before initiating any fight, you should be aware of the ADC or Carry's location. You should initiate with them if possible, as you can shut them down early in the fight. Otherwise, you should focus on hitting the maximum number of Champions with your Soaring Slam. Getting the ADC CCed with your Frenzying Taunt reduces the enemy team's damage by a ton. Losing focus by the ADC for a couple of seconds is paramount to winning a team fight when you're playing Rammus.


LOL Wild Rift Rammus Mid Game


As mentioned in the skills section, you can always use Flash to either use Soaring Slam to surprise the enemy or simply get near the ADC or their Carry to Taunt-lock him/her. You should also be aware if one of their Champions is on a streak. Making a shutdown in any game phase is a great boost to complete your build as early as possible. This boost initially should be given to your damage dealers as much as possible as on their damage dealing potential, and every team fight is dependent upon.


The other thing you can focus on is to CC their tank if he/she has the potential to reduce your effectiveness. By CCing your counterpart, your teammates can easily kite their tank's abilities and range and can easily focus on engaging the team.


Don't forget that the longer a fight drags on, the less effective you are, as their Carry can easily tear you apart given enough time. You should leave the danger zone and re-engage to be useful longer.


Last but not least, practice, practice, and more practice.


Top Tips for Rammus Players:


The followings are the best and top tips you can know about Rammus. Use these tips to enhance your gameplay and make a difference:


  • Boosting the team morale and inspiration takes a leadership role that instills sportsmanship, an optimistic outlook, and persistence in the teammates through your uplifting attitude. Or if you're a skillful player, then just 1v9ing the game will do the work. It fills the team with positive energy.


  • The secret to League is a no-rush attitude -playing with a strategy while having fun. 


  • Focus on the strategical part more than some specific mechanics. For this, your champion pool must be restricted to ensure efficient and effective performance.


  • For the revival, shutdown gold is the finest option.


  • The key is to never give up and surrender.


  • Don't let those patch notes go unnoticed.


  • Build a strong, dependable bond between your teammates and use that partnership tactically, all the while learning from each other.


  • Strategizing, playing, winning, and often losing leads to tilting. Restoring your mental capability is as integral as getting rest physically and exercising with a balanced diet.


  • As the League is more of a marathon, keep your eyes on the prize and don't rush. Even though you have "a lot of players" in the team, playing and practicing for longer periods can result in underperformance of most of them after even a slight loss.


  • Always gauge your performance over a range of hundreds and not tens for better assessment. And don't forget to refresh your mind after, say, 3-4 games.


  • Setting up an early herald is one of the most effective tactics for both a jungler and laner. If you're a jungler, make a habit of going for the Rift herald when 8-14 minutes into the game. And to develop the most effective gold/min rate, focus on the first turret and plates.


  • Regarding turrets, it's best to deal with the Outer Turrets before the Inner ones and before the Inhibitors. The pressure of the turret must be prioritized. Unless you're sure you can end it, never try to pressure lanes with allied Super Minions.


  • As mentioned earlier, playing with patience will give you a heads-up. If you've fallen back, don't rush and wait till the enemy makes a mistake; or perhaps collect item spikes, all the while farming under turrets. But if you're ahead, focus on securing the upcoming safe objective. 


  • Your gold and experience are vital resources, keep them safe and shove every wave after laning.


  • Make vision using wards your guiding force, and don't take the risk of starting with a high-risk Baron if it's not free. If an inhibitor is seen free, go for it. Otherwise, prioritize a free Baron.


  • It's better to contest drakes, but if not feasible, the right choice would be to ward them and make plays somewhere else. 


  • Furthermore, prioritizing Elder Dragon over the Baron can be fruitful due to its tendency to provide a much more team-fighting capability.


  • Late in the game, one should be extremely cautious about split pushing as one fight has the power to decide the game's fate.


  • If you want an early invasion, go for a defensive strategy. Moreover, It's advantageous to fall back than fight until level 3 as Rammus. Spotting the easily gankable lanes for both you and your enemy also comes in handy.


  • Taking up fights is easier and advantageous when you have the perks of Power Spikes. Thus, always have eyes for level advantages also, track the summoner spell cooldowns.


  • Respect as an off-tank is a must for rivals with Void Staff and (or) Conqueror.


  • Taking on fights in which you're outnumbered is foolish until you have a considerable heads-up advantage.


  • Peeling for your carries late in the game and targeting the enemy carries amidst the game would be a strong move. 


  • When dealing with only 1 AD or AP champion, it would be wise to consider that player and itemize rather than the other damage type. 


  • Recall with the whole team, not when it's time to rush to a fight. Otherwise, it will only create confusion for you and your team fellows.


  • You can improve and get mentored, especially in your first clears and ganks, by downloading master+ replays.


  • Starting from Red will help you in a swift gank and for caution avoid getting any invasion at this point. 


  • Spending as much time doing the Krugs will help you in getting experience and winning gold.


  • If you want to return to your camps as soon as their respawning time comes, you have to track their timers. Prioritizing the early Rift Scuttlers will award you with very little gold.


  • Scuttle gold is regarded as a less important priority at the start in the jungle camps and grows towards the highest priority because it scales from 70-140.


  • If there are no ganks for hunt and lanes get prioritized, then start from stealing the multitarget camps and delaying the respawn by leaving at least a wolf or a small raptor alive there. It can work with Krug of the first medium, too but working with Rammus AoE is an awkward thing to do.


  • Give your least priority to wolves as they don't have much value. To deny the experience and gold of your enemy, focus on shoving waves.


  • At once, ward the entrance to one of your Red buffs and guard the other. You should start somewhere else if you cannot fight the enemy after the invasion because of their good quality level 1 comp. 


  • For denying as much vision as possible, you must avail the sweeper on either the first or second back and control wards on every back.


  • You must now provide a clear vision for the next flanks and objectives.


Rammus Jungle Pathing Guide:


Let's dive into Rammus's jungle pathing. 


  • It can take many paths, but the most effective way to clear camps is by unlocking W Defensive Ball Curl and using a leash to start Red Brambleback. Don't forget to maximize the damage by hitting W before it attacks you. 


  • Next, it's better to gain attack speed. For this, unlocking the E Frenzying Taunt is mandatory. Now move on to the Krugs to Taunt the larger one. And, of course, Smite it.


  • The next step would be to attack the big raptor in the middle of the Raptors. A Refillable Potion comes in handy at this stage. It'll aid in you getting the maximized damage score on W, as all the Raptors will be surrounding you. And just like that, you'll have gained Q Powerball on Level 3.


  • Now it would be better to go for ganking the lane nearest to your red side. Subsequently, you should be able to deal with Wolves into Blue Sentinel, followed by checking the Rift Scuttler, smiting it, and doing the Gromp at the end.


Before the start of the game


When selecting a champion and the phase during the time that the screen is loading, you should have a plan well before the game starts. This plan will help you consider the matchup conditions, the players' statistics, and the probabilities of winning.


You may be thinking if anyone has a remarkable win rate or possesses a KDA in several games or not. You may also be urged to aid a snowball of a particular teammate or even be tempted to repress your opponent to enable them to rule the game.


How many games are needed to boast on the Champion? Professional Players have been able to deduce that players who have games ranging in multitudes of hundreds can play better and continuously compared to someone who has had less to no gaming experience. If you consider the less mechanically demanding Champion, they need some exposure before the gameplay. Intuition is certainly important, which helps focus upon the resources that are imperative to the game.


Many players may even end up surprising you, but if we take it in a more generalized form, then people with low KDA's or win rates shouldn't be made a priority to lead a game. A course of action suitable in this regard is to opt for reliable players.


If monsters such as Jinx or Katarina show up, they will be an ultimate priority for all those junglers looking to secure the game. Many individuals want to counter Nasus and even Kassadin before the match becomes intense. The reason is that they are less terrifying to what lies ahead.


Moreover, it is best not to solely prioritize nor neglect tank laners as they are crucial even when they don't have much to do around with. Characters like Poppy, Ornn, Shen, Sion, and Maokai are all important.


Preparation for the Early Invading


When the champions finally land on the Summoner’s Rift, you should certainly have a game plan in mind. It can be either an aggressive or defensive one, depending on what you are aiming for. You should be asking a question like, will your team be the one to invade?


Is there any Level 1 champion you should be more cautious of? All of these questions require intense planning. It would be best if you had knowledge and understanding to get yourself past this way. What are the abilities that lend them power, and otherwise? For instance, shields, poke, and spam-able damaging abilities are all something to consider.


If you talk about the best champions in Level 1, then there are many. Some of them are Draven, Ashe, Darius, Lux, Morgana, Riven, Pantheon, Karma, Olaf, Rengar, Xin, Warwick, Ezreal, Zhao, Bard.  As you can see, the list is endless. Feel free to leave your comments within the discussion panel.


If a team has a weak composition in Level 1, then they should be the ones to construct a line of skirmish by endeavoring to secure all the four entrances that lead to the jungle. This should be done in the first 15 seconds of the game. Therefore, ring up that partner of yours, and tell them to help you get this done every time in the game!


If, for instance, your team ends up getting invaded at an earlier stage, and the jungler from the opponent’s side is at your redbuff, you should consider warding the brush at their Crimson Raptor Camp. It would be best to do that camp solely on your own and then proceed to the enemy's red buff. Afterward, you approach the Ancient Krug they possess.


However, you should bear in mind that this approach can get messy if enemy laners resist you. But, if you are aware that the jungler is on the go to getting your red completed, it is alright. The reason is that the laners don't intend on missing their initial wave of minions and then be at risk of losing their path from that.




If we talk about your autopilot settings, then it should always default to Efficient pathing.  Farming is the best way when ganks aren't at your disposal, as they can contain the spells of summoners and even ult-cooldowns that are outstanding in putting the opponent behind.


If you talk about the jungle's efficiency clearing, many players are unaware that those jungle camps keep varying in terms of their value. Rammus is no doubt an invaluable camp and eases your pathway to Levels 3 and 6. Those are the levels where you have outstanding power spikes and can form picks. Gold is something you should be looking at when deciding who you would prefer to choose for the next camps.


Krugs take immense time to get through, but if the big Krug is struck, then as an AoE Jungler, the process of cycling around the gold becomes seamlessly smooth.

If you need a friendly recommendation, mine would be to start at the Red Bramble back. The reason is that if you don't, other junglers will. Some will even try stealing cheese and be aiming to get rid of you as soon as you start. Here, early invades are a keeper.


In my opinion, if you clear red and then go against Krugs or Raptors, then that will be faster. It will also be a secure way to get to Level 3.


The Rift Scuttler is not something you should consider as your priority, and the first in line only has a worth of 70 gold bars. Moving forth, you shouldn't keep Gromp as your priority either; you should do this only if you have nothing else to resort to, as the value of gold received is only.


Another thing to consider: the cost of Gromp’s health is also the most. While other camps give the gold amount to 100, Krugs exceed that by 60 and can go as high as 60 to 80%. Rammus is adept at getting rid of Krugs; it is safe to conclude that the camp was Godsend for these Rammus players to showcase their talent.


Furthermore, when it comes to Rammus, you want to make sure that you can pay heed to his AoE and simultaneously keep multitarget camps as a priority. Your aim should be to clear the Murf Wolf and the red side, keep making plays, and then don't forget to repeat! This is how you will be secure from invades, and you will be able to waste the minimum amount of time circling the map.


Moreover, if you are aware of an enemy jungler ready to invade or is on the map's opposite side, you should keep a lookout for a gank. If, unfortunately, none is available, then you can always consider stealing the camp of Crimson Raptor, the Ancient Krug Camp.


If you witness the enemy jungler intruding or are on the verge of death, a gank is a good option. In case of the unavailability of a gank, rob his Crimson Raptor camp, Ancient Krug camp.


Even the Greater Murk Wolf Camp isn’t a bad option. In fact, it could work in your favor if you give it a chance! However, you should know that this tip is difficult when it comes to Krugs. If the Krug is still able to survive, it will ultimately die, resulting from the damage. When they die and end splitting, despawning is what will take place next. The best shot is to take out the entire camps of Krugs if you're at it already! Krug will be defeated at the end of it!




If we talk about Rammus, and you don't possess a marvelous Level 2, then a suitable course of action would prevent instigating fights before you reach level 3. If in case a good opportunity does arise, feel free to engage in a battle. But, you should be aware of not losing your balance or your tempo. If you do not possess the best level 2, then a suitable course of action would be to prevent engaging in any fights until Level 3 is achieved. In case a spectacular gank chance appears, you may opt for it. However, do consider the potential for it backfiring on you. Here patience and skills are what will get you through!


When doing either 3 to 4 camps in level 3, you should make sure to look for the gankable lanes that are identifiable easily. This is important for both you and the jungler belonging to the enemy camp as well. Moreover, it would be best if you also made countering ganks your utmost priority. If not, then look for another lane to gank.


In addition to the above, if you cannot gank the nearby lane within five seconds, you shouldn’t finish the camp. This is purely dependent on you, your skills, and your luck! You are the master here!


When you have power spikes, it is only then that you should be on the lookout for fights too. If you ended the cinder that belongs to Rami, now is the time to search for a crash dive. If you ended up finishing Ninja Tabi, then try going solo for a Rift Herald!


It would be best if you be diligent in keeping your eyes out for item advantages. Also, it would be best if you rethought before attempting to duel someone who has more benefit than you do. Backup would fare well for you. Be careful when you tackle your enemies, especially those who have the Conqueror rune and those who purchase the Void staff. If you follow the above, you will have a superior advantage!


Try not to indulge in fights that go against you. You could risk wasting time, and it will lead to unwanted deaths too. If, for instance, huge bounties are resting on your head, then tell your teammates to take the game slowly, and reconsider options. It would be best if you always safeguarded your team members when it is possible. It is at times good even to sacrifice yourself if you are in a battle, as that values 1000 gold. However, if they are outnumbered, don't become the hero because it will not be worth it. You should analyze Rammus and learn the limits of this character.


Picking fights that are ‘right’ is pertinent. It isn’t easy to deduce which fight is good or not. In this case, you should be asking yourself a few questions before you choose.


You should be paying leverage to the 'numbers,' the 'level,' the 'items' that are in store, and lastly, the 'the team's composition.


For instance, if you are slacking, retreat to the farm first, and stock up on items. It would help if you had weapons and supplies to help you fight and outnumber the other person. Another way to make a fascinating comeback is to use shutdown bonuses that are revolutionary in making a comeback. However, exercise case not to give a 1,000-bonus resulting from a shutdown to the enemy, as it will only drag you away from leading.


When is the best time for a team fight?


Before embarking on a team fight, what matters is your team composition. For example, if you are against Lulu, Azir, or Gangplank, you need to be well equipped. Your best call is to prevent any head-on fights. You also have to ensure that the enemy eventually ends up splitting and that you have the trading objectives you need to reap advantages.


What is frustrating is when people continue to force fights they know will not be won. If the situation is in the enemy's favor, there is no use fighting anymore because you are already disadvantaged.


In this situation, you can communicate with your team, and beware! Such requests will most likely suffer from ignorance, too, as people have not developed the strategy of playing with low reward, even though the risk is very high. This is how the League of Legends works!


The group should not be more than five vs. five. The reason is that here you will have a benefit regarding levels. However, the risk attached is high too. If the enemy ends up out scaling, you will have to be prepared to take up any additional risky plays.


Here, I suggest that, if possible, lanes that fall in your favor are the best. Even if you are on the losing side, you won't end up losing gold or lanes.


If you are in battles with globals such as Grand Starfall, Realm Warp, or Teleport, actions like diving, splitting, and skirmishing need to be undertaken with care!




Here, you should be searching for Sneaky Rift Heralds. These are not taken up by many and are often ignored. It is convenient to perform solo, especially in 10 to 13 minutes if you can get hold of the spot on the back. It is weak and serves as excellent play in winning. Moreover, if you end up using the blast cone that is located in the pit, you can reach it without anyone noticing you. But be sure not to lose the eye before you get the picks or see an unprotected area on the map.


The Rift Herald can assure you 1 to towers, and in some cases, ever three. In case the enemy team is sleeping, then you can even snag the Inhibitor.


Here a good tactic is to benefit from a plethora of plates that consist of the turret before falling into 14 minutes of gameplay. If the timing is good, then characters such as Soaring Slam and Demolish can help you get the plates and the first turret instantaneously for 1150+ gold that will be split up among the allies. If you can, feel free to funnel the gold in a carrier that you consider trustworthy. If you follow this tip, you may end up picking some mind-boggling leads.


Once the early game elapses and your team has succeeded in knocking off abundant turret plates, you must focus on the map. You will commence by applying pressure systematically. This will be achieved by making sure to give priority to Outer Towers before moving to the inner ones. However, there is no definite method involved, but rather a guideline solely!


Once you receive the Inhibitor, you should remember not to go along the same lane. You here have a period of five minutes. Here the enemy will be split up to clear for super minions. You get only two inhibitors. Once you get them, group the two and finally retrieve the last one. If you have a full-fledged guarantee that you will be safe upon ending the game, you need to take the final Inhibitor.


If you talk about turrets, they are certainly valuable than just a kill. It is a symbol indicating that the elo is low, and if games are averaging 30+ minutes, that means that they are engaged in chasing someone worth a 0/9 for a value of 58 grams.


If you can take siege of a turret easily, then that is what you should do. However, it takes a longer time length, then don’t end up wasting time in the lane consisting of 5 to 10 players. If the elo is low, this activity can take as long as 10 minutes and beyond. It is easy to take leads when the elo is less because the actions in place are completely pointless and benefit you instead.


In contrast to sieging pointlessly with the wrong composition, you should be pinging your teammate and tell them to make it a habit of 1) shoving waves, 2) setting up a clear vision, 3) sending just the right amount of team members to conquer the next objective.


If you cannot convince your team members, then it best If you follow their lead, and a suboptimal play is never one to let you both down.


Also, remember to not go for Barons unless they are free. If the team play is equal, and there is reaction time, then a fight for a Baron Nashor is not the best choice. If there is no significant damage, the possibility is that Baron taking ages and can hurt resistance levels. Thus, this is risky to do. However, if you are into the game and 30 minutes have already passed by, there is a likelihood that you have some mountain drakes, and you end up spotting some enemies on the map. Here you swiftly pace towards Baron.


The Vision


If you are contemplating purchasing Control Wards on every single back, then you need to reconsider. It is a problem with an elos of 99%. Here, people tend to undermine the worth of the control wards, and in general, the good vision control that is associated with it. Mostly, the players on the top end up buying 5 to 10 control awards. It was Mata, a Korean player who once purchased 29 wards in a game.


When you are a jungler, you have to prevent getting a vision. It would be best to get a Sweeping Lens. If you spot a ward belonging to the enemy but have failed to get a sweeper ready, you can always drop a pink as it removes the vision.


Although vision control is essential, it is often ignored by the general population. However, it is necessary if you want to ensure consistency and avoid highly chaotic games.


Rammus Skins Overview:


For now, Nasus has three different skins, which are as follows:


Molten Rammus:




Rarity: Rare


Price: 725 Wild Cores


How to get Molten Rammus: Buy in Store


Sweeper Rammus:




Rarity: Rare


Price: 725 Wild Cores


How to get Molten Rammus: Buy in Store


Default Rammus Skin:




Default version skin of Rammus in League of Legends Wild Rift.




Rammus is one of those champions which require patience and skills from their users. Be patient and Be Smart; these are two things that will make your career in MOBAs like LOL: Wild Rift.


You can also practice by enabling 120 FPS for LOL: Wild Rift, but for that, you will have to download the game on PC. The more practice you will do, the higher your chances of winning a 1v1 and team fight will be, and that doesn't just apply to Rammus. The practice applies to every single League of Legends Wild Rift champion.


If you are interested, you can check out our other guides, including Nasus, Seraphine, Evelynn, Kha'zix, Rengar, Ezreal, and much more.

Download League of Legends: Wild Rift on PC