How to Build the Best Team in Magnum Quest


Magnum Quest is another Gacha RPG Hero collector that has recently come onto the gaming scene with amazing graphics and Faction Auras that change the landscape of the mobile games of this genre. The Star Map system provides a vast depth to the way you can maximize any Heroes potential that is rarely seen in such games.


After our recent guide on Beginner's Tips and Tricks to maximize your time and efficiency in the game, you should be aware of steering away from potential pitfalls that can hamper your progress; today's guide is about putting your knowledge from that guide into action.


Magnum Quest Team Building Team Intro


Team Combinations:


Let's some basic combinations of teams that you can work around to realize depending on the roster of your Heroes. The primary purpose of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with the basic idea behind approaching team-building with correct strategies and slotting team members accordingly.


Magnum Quest Team Building Team Combinations


Team Combination 1:





Front Row





Back Row








This combination provides ATK +15% and HP +15% due to three heroes from Forest Faction and 2 Heroes from the Wild Faction. The detail of this combination is as follows:


When three heroes from the same Faction and two from another faction are in battle under the same team, the stats of all team members will increase by ATK +15%, and HP will increase by 15%.




The combination of Fare and Ares together in a team is potent. They both provide a compelling combination in the game by their link, which can help you overcome any enemy. Fare is an excellent tank in any combination and, in this case, goes well with both Ares and Gaia so that they can keep on dealing damage to the enemies while he Taunts the enemies and focuses their attacks on him. Fare is a tank, so he is instrumental in the early game to keep your team members from dying or getting unnecessary attention.


Fatal Attraction (Fare): Fare gravitates nearby enemies towards him. When this skill is at level 2, which requires Fare to be Lvl 151, he inflicts the Taunt effect upon the enemy targets, making them attack him while reducing their ATTACK by 60% for 7 seconds. But when his skill is at Lvl 3, which requires him to be Lvl 251, his Shield Training skill has a double chance for blocking damage when the Fatal Attraction skill is active.


Magnum Quest Team Building Fare


Fare’s Fatal Attraction combines with the Heroes from the back row with this skill as it helps to reduce the enemy's damage by 60% for 7 sec, which is a good duration for the back row to inflict damage to the enemies. After Fare's skill, it is also the perfect time for Ares to attack and take the upper hand in combat by launching his Tornado Slash skill to deal damage to multiple enemies.


Ares is one of those prime heroes who can reliably deal damage and survive long fights due to his leech. His AoE skills make him a great farmer and a good investment if you manage to pull him.


Tornado Slash (Ares): Ares shouts his war cry dealing 175% ATTACK damage to all surrounding enemies, charges into the enemies while swinging his ax, and deals massive damage to the enemies caught. He is immune to all control abilities during this. At lvl 2 of this ability, he needs to be at Lvl 101; Ares is immune to CC, while at Lvl 3, at 201 Ares' Lvl, he can leach 40% dealt back as HP.


While Ares and Fare combine their abilities to dish out damage to the enemies, Ione supports them by imparting her Jungle Shield skill which gives two of the lowest HP allies shield. This shield can block four of the enemy's attacks. This shield skill is cast at the perfect timing when the front line, Fare and Ares, are low on HP because of dealing enemy damage and tanking all their attacks. Lone is what makes Ares a powerhouse, so this makes their combo deadly.


Jungle’s Shield (Ione): At Lvl 2, she can block 6 attacks, while at Lvl 3, she can give a shield to 2 allies.


Gaia is in the team due to her AoE skills and leech ability, which is a must when farming, and she can survive long fights while her Wild Rage skill increases her attack speed by 60%, making her a monster in fights.


Aeluin is in the team purely as a Healer as she heals from her Enchant skill. She is one of the best Healers in the game and can be a boon to any team in difficult missions. At the same time, Gaia is the best character to help you reach end-game as it is easy to Ascend her early being a Silver Hero.


Wild Rage (Gaia): Gaia gains 50% of ATTACK and 50 points of HASTE for 10 seconds. Lvl 2 of this ability increases her haste and AA speed, while Lvl 3 adds the leech effect.


Tips for this combination:


You need to be wary of the positioning of Ares and Fare depending on who you're fighting; Ares can be placed in the back when needed so he can deal max amount of damage without worrying about HP getting low or if the affinities demand it so. The backline can be shift places as per requirement.


Fare is the perfect tank you can invest in the shop as much as possible as after you have secured the main DPS Farmer for your progression, a Tank can stop the tides of enemy damage giving your DPS more time to shine. He is an amazing tank all-around, and his utility is a top-notch plus; he is of the forest faction, which has top Tier Heroes than any other Faction and can go well when you activate Forest Faction Aura buffs.


Aeluin is a great champion you can invest in without any fear as she gets regular shards in the shop you can buy. So you can buy her shards if you don't have her, and if you do, you can quickly gear her towards max Lvl due to these shards, which is mainly due to the Faction Aura you get from, including Forest Heroes. Her skill healing is AoE, and her Nature's Light is a CC and bewitches the target giving your team a head start advantage if it works.


Team Combination 2:





Front Row





Back Row








When five heroes of the same Faction participate in the battle, the attack power and HP increases by 25%.




Unlike the 1st combination of heroes in the team, this time around, you can place five heroes of the same Faction and, in this case, Forest Heroes, which provides us with increased HP and Attack power.


Osishe is the Crowd Controller in the team as she can put them to sleep with her Chorus of the Tide ability while putting a single enemy in a cage with her Variations skill. The lesser the enemies to do anything, the more chances your team will finish them off efficiently.


Tide Chorus (Osishe): Osishe uses her singing voice to inflict the [sedate] effect upon all enemies for 4 seconds. Sedated enemies are put to sleep and suffer the [vulnerate] effect, which increases the damage they take by 25%. At Lvl 2, this skill increases the sleep duration while at Lvl 3 increases the Vulnerate damage.


Variations (Osishe): Osishe inflicts the [confine] effect upon the enemy unit with the highest ATTACK for 4 seconds. Confined units cannot attack or be attacked. At Lvl 2 makes enemies weak after their slumber while Lvl 3 increases the caging duration.


Fie and Fare are also a typical and fixed pair; this duo has the primary function in which, sometimes, Fare's Fatal Attraction skill fails to pull an enemy in. Then, when Fie’s Vanity skill works at the start of the fight, Fare's Fatal Attraction will gather enemies on his side.


Tips for Combination 2:


Magnum Quest Team Building Ares


Fare, Fie, and Aeluin depend on where the enemies are as Fie and Aeluin can be in the front row as Fare can taunt enemies towards him, making others do their jobs. While Fare keeps some enemies busy, Osishe can do her Crowd Control and confine the remaining enemies.


The recommendations for hero packs presented below are based on the ideas of the above two lineups; it will only change individual heroes playing different roles in the battle.


Team Combination 3:





Front Row





Back Row








Two heroes of the Forest faction + 2 heroes of the Wild Faction + 1 hero of the Divinity faction – such a composition will allow you to receive a bonus in the form of +15% to ATK and HP, and faction aura will add another 3% to the increase in energy recovery. Sur as the divinity faction hero here acts as the 3rd Hero for any one of the factions above, providing the 3% increase in energy recovery. Here if you add an Abyss Hero, it gives the bonus of reducing the enemy's energy recovery.




Katos is the first Hero of the Abyss faction; he acts like a tank, resisting the enemy's damage. When he dies, he takes one Hero from the enemy team with him.


Other Teams and Options of Other Factions:


You can choose other factions depending upon some explanation below and mix and match according to the guidelines we have provided above.




Arthur uses his Divine Intervention skill to shield his allies while using his Holy Aura skill to heal allies, making him a good Tanky Support for the team from the Fortress Faction.


Magnum Quest Team Building Arthur


Feng is an agility-based hero here, providing maximum AoE damage in the backlines. He is another one of those Heroes that you should focus on when investing in the shop for. He is a crazy DPS like Derla mentioned below cause he can also deal crazy AoE damage.


His 1st Skill, Tao Supremacy, deals AoE damage, and when he is Lvl 3 of this skill, he gets a Shield corresponding to the damage he deals, which gives him great survivability. His skill Tao intensity is also another solid DPS, while his skill 3 Tao Epiphany is really what makes this Hero shine as this skill is reset if the target is killed. Tao Epiphany is a great skill that can easily change the outcome of a fight.




Naomi is a buffer/debuffer incarnate; she can use her Dragon Fall skill to cleanse all the buffs on enemies while Wolf Bane Curse can silence enemy champions from casting their skills while Power of Totem providing Healing and Attack buffs to her allies. A great inclusion on any team combination.


2nd Hero that we recommend from this Faction to include in your team builds is Hista; her prime ability for your team is Lion's Leap, which can stun the enemy which deals the most damage, and by this CC, you can reduce the enemy team's max damage.




The following important Hero you can invest in the shop for is Derla, a crazy DPS Healer and a top Tier Hero. Her skill Foul Boneyard does significant AoE damage, plus heals her to self-sustain and be a solo carry, making her a great Farmer in the game. Her 2nd skill, the Skeletal Armor, is a solid utility skill giving her shield and slows down the enemy by reducing their Haste.


She is an excellent asset in most teams as she can easily carry your team out of difficult situations. Farmers are a must in any Gacha Hero collector games where one such Hero can progress your game faster and help other Heroes Lvl up faster. Derla and Aeluine can be two excellent options for your progression until you can find heroes to maximize their potential.




The core point of team building in this game is to formulate your team around your main DPS and their Faction by utilizing their Faction Auras to maximize the combination and clear content as efficiently as possible. With due time, you will have enough teams for different content, and you will have no problem facing any situation.

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