Magnum Quest- Everything you need to know about Star Map


Magnum Quest is an amazing Idle 3D RPG Strategy game with visually stunning graphics and easy-to-play controls. The game provides many adventurous features to players, from summoning legendary heroes, using strategic skills to conquer quests, and exploring imaginative worlds while unlocking diverse stages in the game. The game has an amazing storyline that gets harder and harder each time a player levels up, and the game continuously provides great updates so that the players never get bored of this game.


It is mandatory that when you start playing a game, you must gain the full knowledge about that game; for that purpose, we recommend you to study our beginner's guide and tier list.


magnum Quest Thumbnail


Star Map:


Magnum Quest has recently launched Star Map System in its latest version, 1.7, released on June 8, 2021. This map provides you many choices for the progression of the activation of your hero's skills and stats upgrade, which will make your heroes unstoppable at battles. However, to access the Star Map, some basic requirements must be met to fully enjoy and unlock the mighty beast in your heroes, which will stop at nothing to destroy the battlefield. The hero you are going to choose for the Star Map must be a Gold IV tier. Otherwise, the entry to the star map will not open. Once a hero reaches this level, then Star Map can be accessed by selecting that hero card and clicking on the moon-shaped icon on the screen.


How to get Resources?


Once the entrance to the Star Map is opened, you will need a lot of resources to upgrade stats and activate skills. So it is advised that you use only one hero at a time in the Star Map because they will use your resources a lot. Star Map is a very long quest, and if you select multiple heroes, it will slow your progress by a huge faction. It will also take time to complete your progress. So choose only one hero and choose wisely.


Two forms of resources are used in the Star Map. These are


  1. Tokens. It includes all types of tokens such as Gold, Bronze, and Silver. Each token also has a specific hero associated with it.
  • Red tokens are Courage tokens that relate to the Strength type heroes.
  •  Green is Swift Shadow which relates to the agility-type heroes.
  • Blue is the Belief which relates to the Intelligent type heroes.


  1. Lights. It relates to the faction of heroes.
  •  Blue is Fortress
  • Yellow is Wild
  • Green is Forest
  • Purple is Shadow
  • Gold is Divinity
  • Red is Abyss


Players can buy all these resources from the Hunter Tavern. These resources are randomly generated in Hunter Tavern, which refreshes itself after a couple of days. If you need a specific token for your hero and it is not available in the shop, you can refresh it by clicking the refresh button on the top left corner. However, this will be going to cost you dragon shards. That is why this action is not recommended since dragon shards are pretty rare in the game. You can also buy dragon shards directly from the Magnum Quest Store.


The currency for the Hunter Tavern is Eagle eye coins. You can earn these coins by completing the hunt tokens in the hunting action. The better the quality of completing the action, the better the reward you are going to get. Bronze will give you 200 eagle eye coins, Silver 500 while completing in Gold will give you 2000 Eagle eye coins.


How does Star Map Works?


On entering the star map, you are going to see the following screen.


This shows the player you selected and the attributes you will get as you progress in the Star Map. There will be different skills to activate and stats to upgrade for each hero, which will be featured on the map. You can upgrade different stats and activate different skills according to your heroes' needs and the strategy you will apply in the Arena. 


The first node on the Star Map in the attack. You will upgrade stats in it. The second node is a skill that can be activated using the required resources. To move on to the next node, the previous one has to be completed. The nodes can only be completed by obtaining the resources from the shop. As you move to the next node, you are going to see a circle. It will represent a different set of stats which may include attack, defense, or critical damage. You have to choose only one as choosing two is not an option. After selecting a node, you will move to the next circle, and you will not change the stat you selected.


After completing the four circles, you will be given the option to choose from 3 different skills, and you can only select one. As you advance, you will complete a small circle and a big circle with small circles in it. Unlike the previous one, this circle only gives you one skill to activate. The final circle will again give you three options of skills, and you will have to select from one of them.


Which hero to choose?


Since the game provides many amazing heroes, each equipped with unique capabilities, it becomes difficult to choose which hero should be upgraded. And upgrading multiple heroes in star map is very expensive, so it is recommended to choose only one hero at a time. The following guide will help you choose the hero and which stats and skills to upgrade in the Star Map.


Strength Type Heroes:


The strength-type heroes are usually front liners on the battlefield, and they do a lot of damage to the enemies. The hero among these is Ares because of his skill kit and how much he uses in every battle. Plus, if paired with Ione, his survival chance increases significantly because of Ione's ability to revive him. Kato is also an amazing choice, but since he is pretty rare in the game, it is difficult to find his copies, and there is no separate faction for him to summon on. Fare is also an interesting choice given his fantastic synergy with Gaya and Ares, but his skill kit is not as impressive as Ares. So the best choice here is Ares.


Ares Skills and Stat Upgrades:


First Stat and Skill: The first node in the Star Map is an attack, after which you will unlock a skill upgrade. For Ares, it is Sigil of wild which will give you 6 LEECH points, which will help do the crazy amount of damage to enemies and keeping them alive for a longer time.


First Circle Stats: Next, focus on increasing the attacking stats of Ares because the more attack points he gains, the more unstoppable he becomes and the more he will dish out the enemies.


In the first circle, choose to increase the attack option because we want to make Ares as strong as possible.


The top circle gives options for upgrading between attack, critical, and critical damage. Here go with critical. Try to increase the percentage of critical hits close to 100 so Ares can do critical all the time.


The right circle gives the same options as the first one, attack, defense, and Hp. Here also go with the attack.


The bottom circle lets you choose between critical resistance, less physical damage taken, and critical damage resistance. Since Ares mainly attacks melee, he should have high physical protection from enemies' hits. So go with less physical damage taken.


First Circle Skills: The skillset becomes active, which lets you choose from 1 of 3 skills. The first skill is Challenger, which gives you 30 points of critical damage when facing an enemy of a higher level. The second skill is Show of Strength, which increases damage output by 8 percent for 10 seconds when using the ultimate of Ares. The third is weakening touch, which lowers the enemy's attack by 1 percent every time the enemy attacks. This can only go up to 10 percent. The most useful skill to the Ares is Challenger because the enemies will go stronger each time a player level up.


Small Circle Stats: As you go to the right side, a small circle comes, which gives you options between attack, defense, and hp. You want to go with the attack because Ares does not need defense or hp a lot.


Second Circle Stats: The top left circle is similar to the last one in the next big circle, so choose to increase the attack.


The bottom left corner gives options to choose between dodge, less magical damage taken, and critical damage resistance. It is wise to choose less magical damage because magical beings will surely come as you move on in the game.


The top right corner includes upgrading the stats between hit, critical damage, and physical damage. Ares should have gained enough critical percentage at this point, so increase critical damage, so he has every tool in his toolkit to knock down his enemies hard.


The bottom right is again the same, so choose attack.


Second circle Skill: This circle will give you only one option to upgrade, which will be the Blessing of power. This skill will give you 1 percent of total hp whenever you lose your health below 40 percent for the first time so that Ares can live longer.


Final Circle Stats: On the left side of the final circle are less physical damage, critical resistance, and dodge options. Here go with less physical damage for the same reason described before.


On the right circle is critical damage resistance, dodge, and less magic damage taken. As you want some protection from magical beings, so the best option is less magical damage taken.


The top circle offers the same options between health, defense, and attack. Increase the attack of Ares as much as you can.


The bottom circle gives the option of haste, along with hit and physical damage. Haste is a pretty rare stat in the game. So, whenever the game provides the option of haste, choose it. 


Final Circle Skills: The last circle provides the veteran's instinct (ultimate), which protects the hero as he goes closer to the enemies. The second option is critical evasion (ultimate), which gives him 30 points of dodge the first time his hp drops below 50 percent. The third is bloodlust (ultimate) which provides you 40 points of LEECH every time hp drops below 50 percent. Bloodlust is best suitable for Ares because of the crazy amount of attacking power he should have gained from all the stat upgrades. 


Agility Type Heroes:


Agility-type heroes are all great, but the best of them are Fang and Fye. Both have an amazing set of skills they bring to the battlefield, but if you want this hero to fight against bosses, as these types of heroes are usually used for, then Fang is your guy. Fang does a lot of critical damage to his enemies, and with the stats and skills upgrade he will get from Star Map, he will fight the bosses as no other hero can. Fye is also great against tower campaigns and meta-formations with his haste buff and ambush assassin gear set. And he will gain a crazy amount of damage potential if you choose him for Star Map. But we will be choosing to upgrade Fang for the time being.


Since many of the stats in the circles are the same, we will only be showing the best options to choose from the nodes to upgrade Fang to make him the mightiest beast against bosses and enemies are.


Fang Skill and Stat Upgrades:


First Stat and Skill: The first node is an attack and the second node is a skill which is the Sigil of the fortress that will give you 15 percent of the energy generated from the attack.


First Circle Stats: As you want to increase the attack of Fang, so from the first circle, choose attack. Whenever this circle comes, always choose attack because it is the best option among the given three.


On the top circle, go with critical. But if your hero already has a great critical percentage, the best option will be critical damage. Players can apply this strategy to all the heroes.


On the right circle, choose attack as explained.


On the bottom circle, choose critical damage. The more critical damage a hero has, the more severe their critical hits will be.


First Circle Skills: Among the three skills, the best one is the fire of hatred, which will increase your heroes' damage output by 2 percent of his target's hp, which can stack up to 20 percent. The good part is it can be used again after 0.5 seconds. This is the best skill that can be used against bosses. The other two skills are not as good as this one, so it is wise to acquire them.


Small Circle: The next circle is again the same as before. So again, choose attack.


Second Circle Stats: In the next circle, from the top left circle, special attack again.


From the top right circle, choose between critical and critical damage according to your hero's stats.


In the bottom left corner, choose less physical damage, so he has some protection against heavy attacks of bosses.


From the bottom right corner, choose attack again.


Second Circle Skill: As this circle offers only one skill, there is no option but to acquire it to move on to the last circle. The skill it gives is Blessing of agility, which gives your hero an additional 30 percent attack damage when hp goes below 40 percent. This is a very useful skill against very powerful bosses. 


Last Circle Stats: On the last circle, from the left circle, select less magic damage taken for defensive purposes.


From the top circle, again choose attack.


From the right circle, choose haste as this is an amazing stat which is also pretty rare.


From the bottom circle, choose critical damage. Critical damage may not seem much, but it will give you many benefits in the long run.


Last Circle Skills: From the three skills, choose the show of strength (ultimate) because it will increase the damage output of your hero by 15 percent for 15 seconds. Thus the mighty Fang will unleash his wrath on the bosses.


Intelligent Type Heroes:


We have three options to select from the intelligent type heroes from Sur, Ecra, and Derla. Since Sur is also a rarefaction, so this option will be only for those who, by some luck, have acquired this faction. Ecra and Derla remain, who are both very good candidates for the Star Map. The rest of the intelligent type heroes does not even match with them regarding their skill sets. Darla's survivability depends mostly on dead enemies, and her damage also suffers if she does not reach the ultimate. At the same time, Ecra causes the most damage to single enemies, which makes her a great choice for boss fights. Upgrading Derla is very beneficial if the player wants to damage many enemies at a time. But for bosses, Ecra is the choice.


Ecra Skill and Stat Upgrades:


First Stat and Skill: The first node is an attack and the second node is a skill that will give you 15 percent of the energy generated from the enemy's attack, similar to Fang.


First Circle Stats: The first circle is the same, and an attack will be chosen from this.


From the top circle, chose critically.


The right is again the same thing, so choose attack.


Ezra's basic attack is the magic-based fire, so try to upgrade magic damage every time it shows. Since fire is magic-based, it will not do critical, so only choose this option where other options will not do any good.


First Circle Skills: As for the skill, choose the Domino effect. This will increase 3 percent damage to the enemies when multiple enemies are hit. 


Small Circle: Choose the attack option from the small circle.


Second Circle Stats: Again, a special attack from the top left circle.


Choose critical damage from the top right circle as Ecra also has other capabilities to cause a critical hit.


From the bottom left circle, again choose critical damage and attack from the bottom right circle.


Second Circle Skill: The skill it will provide is the Blessing of intelligence, which will cause her normal attacks to cause area damage after the ultimate attack.


Final Circle Stats: From the left of the last circle, choose haste.


Attack from the top circle and magic damage from the bottom circle.


From the right circle, you can choose magical damage or haste according to your hero's stats.


Final Circle Skills: From the skills, select Long shot (ultimate), as it will increase the damage done by the hero up to 20 percent. Since Ecra is usually placed in the back, so this skill is best for her attributes.




The game also provides an option to reset the player attributes. This option is added as upgrading a hero requires a lot of resources. In between, if a player changes their mind and wants to upgrade to another hero, it can be done simply by clicking the reset button. The game will reset the hero's attributes and return the resources in the form of Star of Origin. The player can use the Stars of origin again to upgrade the hero in the Star Map, and no resources will be used when using the Stars of Origin. You can find the details in the article completely written on retire and reset heros.




Star Map is a very long map that will upgrade your player's capabilities to a whole new level. It is recommended that you select only those skills and stats for a hero that coincide with its attributes. For example, Ares is a powerful hero with a lot of health and attack points. So the skills and stats that should be selected must coincide with these two attributes. Thus the hero will become unstoppable.

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