Magnum Quest Trials and Raids an In-Depth Guide


Magnum quest has other game modes for progression other than the Campaign mode to obtain better rewards: Raids, Dungeons, and Trials. Each of these modes works and plays differently along with their rotation. The Trials have a rotation, and each rotation is after 48 hours, so you have two days to finish the Trials adventure until the next one arrives. The Raid, on the other hand, is locked behind, completing different stages of the main Story Campaign called the Battle Mode. You can find the exact Stage you need to clear in the Raids section of this guide. Have fun Raiding the end-game content of Magnum Quest.


For more information on Magnum Quest, don’t forget to read our Beginner’s Guide and a detailed explanation of Team Building which is paramount before tackling the difficult content explained in this guide.





Trials in the Magnum Quest:


There are two main kinds of Trials in the Magnum Quest game, Regular Trials and Fairhaven Trials; let's discuss each of them in detail one by one.


Regular Trials:


Today, we will talk about the Trials mode, a special adventure in the Magnum Quest game. In this mode, you need to fight 21 enemy groups and Bosses in total. On the 7th and 14th fight, you will be fighting mini-Bosses, while on the 21st fight, you will face the main Boss of the mode.


Each of the fights will include a reward, other than some instanced rewards. Each of these fight-winning rewards includes different cards that you can equip during the Trial mode. These cards boost one stat or the other when you equip them. Some increase your STR, while some heal you at the start of the combat. Some of these cards increase your damage in the first 10 seconds of the game. Some of these cards trigger when your HP is at a certain threshold. Finally, some cards even work when the enemy activates their ultimate.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Trial


After defeating each mini-Boss, the gems on the main chest will ignite, and defeating the main Boss in the 21st fight will ignite the final gem, and the chest will pop open so that you can take your reward for completing the Trials.


All the fights other than the Bosses will be regular groups of enemies except the 19th stage, in which you will fight a mini-Boss called Zander. He is an Elite enemy, and his fight is termed medium as he isn't a difficult Boss per se, but his high HP can be a deterrent. When you win this fight, you will be awarded 1500 Guild badges and Trial coins. The fight with Zander is the only fight in the Trials mode where you can get the Guild coins while most other fights grant you regular rewards. You are allowed to defeat him in 60 secs as soon as possible.


Below you can see a table that lists the rewards for each stage.



Trial Coins

Reward 1

Reward 2

Guild Badges




Hero exp





Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp

7 (Boss)



Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp

14 (Boss)



Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp




Hero exp

19 (Zander)








Hero exp


21 (Boss)



Hero exp


5630 Trial Coins


The chest you get at the end normally has up to 200 gems and sometimes more on rare occasions, which can be up to 700. You also get Silver Soul dice which, when reaching 60, you can summon one Silver Hero. You can also get several boosts for gold which can be up to 6 hours of passive rewards, and beryl, skills upgrade material which can give up to 2 hours of passive rewards. Sometimes different Set gear pieces may also drop.


For each month, where total on average for a month you can expect 30 days, not including the achievements and events, you can get up to 84,450 Trial Coins where each Trial can bag you 57,000 approximately. The month total Trial Coins are enough to buy one Hero and all the food heroes in the store. Or, with the help of achievements and events, two heroes. The game doesn't show the exact number when you bag more than 10k, so expect some variability when getting gold and XP higher than this amount.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Intro


Cards – Following are some of the cards that you may encounter in the Trials:


  • Bronze Cards
  • Recovery Disk – All, Bronze: Restores 10% max HP at the start of the battle.
  • Discipline Jewel – All, Bronze: Increases Faction Counter damage by 40% of your Heroes.
  • Destiny Belt – All, Bronze: Increases DMG dealt by 15% when Hero’s HP is above 80%.
  • Energy Headwear – All, Bronze: Restores 5 Energy of your Heroes per second.
  • Strength Blood – STR Heroes, Bronze: Increases max HP by 20% for STR-based Heroes.
  • Territory Blades – All, Bronze: Decreases DMG by 10% and decreases Crit Hit DMG by 15% for enemy Heroes on your field.
  • Wild Instinct – Wild, Bronze: Every Wild Hero in your team Increases Lifesteal by 3% for all your Heroes.
  • Vanguard Shoulderguards – All, Bronze: The first time your front row Hero's HP is lower than 20%, it restores the Hero by 40% max HP.
  • War Totem – All, Bronze: Increases ATK by 10%.
  • Natural Intuition – Forest, Bronze: Every Forest Hero in your team in
  • Silver
  • Shadow Telepathy – Shadow, Silver: Every Shadow Hero in your team increases ATK by 6% of all of your Heroes.
  • Territory Dagger – All, Silver: Increases DMG by 15% and increases Critical Hit Rate by 8% for your Heroes on your field.
  • Fortress Protection – Fortress, Silver: Increases DEF by 20% for your Fortress Heroes.
  • Agility Swirl – AGI Heroes, Silver: Increases Crit Hit Rate by 10% for Agility Heroes.
  • Magical Staff – INT Heroes, Silver: Increases DMG dealt by 20% for INT Heroes.
  • Guardian Medal – All, Silver: Decreases DMG received by 40% for rear row Heroes before all your front row Heroes being killed.
  • Greed Blade – All, Silver: Restores 16% HP every time an enemy is killed.
  • Veil of Death – All, Silver: Increases Lifesteal effect by 15%.
  • Strength Shield – STR Heroes, Silver: Decreases received DMG by 20% for STR Heroes.
  • Vanguard Claw – All, Silver: Increases DMG dealt by your Heroes by 20%.
  • Gold
  • Spine Pauldrons – All, Gold (upgraded): Increases Crit Hit Rate RES by 15%.
  • Lizard Armor – All, Gold: Increases DEF by 30% after 10 battles.
  • Intelligence Mark – INT Heroes, Gold (Upgraded): Increases Crit DMG by 30% for INT Heroes.
  • Sinful Goblet – All, Gold: The lower the enemy's HP, the lower the DMG you receive, capped at 50%.
  • Silence Staff – All, Gold: Silence all enemies for 10 seconds every time your Hero is killed.
  • Fortress Territory – Fortress, Gold: Every Fortress Hero in your team increases Energy Restore from injury by 30% for all your Heroes.
  • Common Fate Cannon – All, Gold: Deals massive DMG to all enemies every time your Hero is killed.
  • Shining Arrow – All, Gold: Increases Hit by 20% and increases Critical Hit Rate by 10%.
  • Frenzied Zither – All, Gold: The lower the HP, the higher the Critical Hit Rate, capped at 30%.
  • Rage Outburst – All, Gold: Increases Critical DMG by 80%.
  • Team Armor – All, Gold: Increases DEF by 30%.
  • Agility Headwear – Increases the Haste of your Heroes by 24%.
  • Executioner's Sword – All, Special (from mini-Bosses): Executes the enemy with less than 15% HP.
  • Thunder Crown – All, Special (from mini-Bosses): Stuns two random enemies every 6 seconds.


Choosing Buffs – Choosing the right buff is of utmost importance. Typically, you should go for full offensive buffs from these cards you get after every fight in the Trial. Starting out, you may need to opt for more survivability which is DEF buffs.


Remember that the point of this adventure is to clear the entire Trial, so if it means you have to do it a bit slower because you want to be more defensive, that's fine as you will eventually Transition into being more offensive. There are bronze, silver, and gold quality cards that will give you corresponding quality buffs. Offensive buff examples would be like increasing Lifesteal, DMG dealt, increase Crit DMG, and so on. DEF buffs examples would be like increasing DEF, increase max HP, and so on.


God’s Lucky Charms – Remember to use them if needed. Beginner players won't have much of these, but they will slowly begin to stack up as you complete your weeklies and complete the first floor. They are really handy as you only need one to revive all your Heroes.


Types of Buildings and Instances During the Trials:


During the Trials mode, you come across different instances and buildings, each performing a different goal. Some of these spawns right after you defeat the enemy group in their place, and you have to activate them to get a reward or a random buff till these go away and a new enemy replaces them. Following are the buildings that you come across during the Trials adventure.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Campfire and Rewards


Campfire (Tent) – This campfire can spawn multiple times during the Trials adventure, but the least is at least two times. Each of the campfires gives you a choice of heroes, and initially, you can only pick one of them. These Heroes are normally at least on par with your roster and sometimes can have higher ranks than your roster. After winning the fight from stage 7, each of the following Campfire sites allows you to “pray” in the tent. With this prayer, you get two options, either you raise the level of every Hero, making it easier to choose a stronger Hero, or if the Lvl isn’t raised, it allows you to choose an additional hero.


Utilizing the campfires to your formation’s needs is the best start to the Trials. It is recommended that you get a stronger Hero to activate the bonus of your team's Faction. If you lack damage, pick a strong DD and if you lack DEF, pick a strong frontline or support. Even if you lack a back row DPS, you can replace your Heroes like Osishe and Aeluin because as your start getting buffs, you slowly would not need any supports due to your DMG output and survivability. You should, whenever you could pick Heroes like Sur, Ione, Derla, and Ares. You want to pick strong Heroes.


If you already have the same role Hero and don't want to replace a Hero for that role, then look for existing heroes of a higher level. One thing to note is that the further you go into the Trial, the chance of getting stronger Heroes increases as you find more campfires, plus a chance at hiring more Heroes. It is always easier to hit the higher chance first because it will often let you rather than clicking the Hero. So whatever works for you, you can do either option. Don’t forget to check our Tier Hero List to know more about the stronger Heroes and which Faction bonuses you should aim for to strengthen your team.


Utilizing Battle Mechanics – What we mean by this is triggering on or off auto-skils, slowing down combat speed, or simply pausing and hitting the retry battle. One thing to note for this is that if you go to the main screen and click profile, you go to the game settings. Under the battle information, you can see a single Hero skill auto option. Click this if it isn't already enabled because this is very handy. If you retry a battle, it doesn't count as a loss, and you will not lose any Heroes even if they died in the battle before doing this. Retry is a really useful option as you can do this as much as you want to figure out the best formation to defeat the enemy without any of your Heroes dying. Triggering off Auto-skill can also be useful for some Heroes like Aeluin because if it's on Auto, she will use her AoE heal whenever her energy gets full, and your team may already be at max HP. If you put Aeluin's skill at manual, you can choose when to heal your team. So basically, it saves your energy, which saves your ultimate skills for when you need them.


Holy Goblet (Cup) – Drinking water from the sacred cup will restore 50% HP to all your Heroes and 50% energy when playing in the Raid that you are playing. It is recommended that you keep this Goblet instance save for at least a few fights so that if you do get low on HP in one of the fights, you can always drink from this and restore your HP to fight anew in the next fights.


Saving for later is a strong tip to save the Holy Goblet as it heals and restores Rage of all surviving Heroes and the Altar of Resurrection for when you need it. Saving these both is more of a tip for beginner players as you may not be strong enough, and you may need to use these to finish the Trial. Hold on to these as long as you can by utilizing the other of the three options in case you find a too hard fight.


You may also need it if some of your Heroes die, or you need Heroes that need to be healed up. Use these all up before the last fight with the Boss; otherwise, they will disappear and go to Waste. You know it will be before the Boss when there is a notification on the progress bar saying the Boss will join the battle in 1 round. So, the last enemy remaining will trigger the Boss. Make sure to use any Altars of Resurrection or Holy Goblets before defeating this last enemy.


Goddess’s Blessing (Statue with a Red Crystal) – this instance grants a random buff with limited numbers of uses. Most of the time, these buff lasts for 2 of the following fights. You should use this Blessing right before fighting any of the Bosses or if you encounter a difficult fight like Zander. You can gauge a difficult fight either by the category or the increased drop from that fight which would be higher than the regular fights. Following are the types of Buffs you can get as Blessings from here.


  • Red: Damage-related buff.
  • Blue: Defense-related buff.
  • Green: Recovery-related buff.


Dwarf Blacksmith (Anvil) – This instance can at least spawn once during the adventure Trials, and it normally spawns after a fight as a smithy in which the Dwarf Blacksmith helps you enhances your trial equipment which is in the form of cards, as we mentioned before. You can choose one of the three of the random equipment pulled from your inventory to enhance them. The blacksmith will enhance a bronze card to silver and the silver to gold.


As the equipment cards pulled from your inventory are random, sometimes it is better to enhance the bronze to silver rather than enhancing the silver to the gold. It would be best to look at what your team needs for future fights, and some cards take too long to activate.


One thing to note and always remember here is that when you're using the Dwarf Blacksmith, which increases the quality, which increases the effectiveness of that buff. It is a good idea to pick the best buff option you have available.


Altar of Resurrection (Statue of an Angel) – In this instance, you step on the altar that just spawned after a fight from where a mysterious power randomly can resurrect a dead hero and restores them to full HP. If there are no dead Heroes in your roster, you are granted a random buff that remains for the next few fights exactly similar to the Goddesses' Blessing. Legends said that if you get the chance to pray for your dead heroes, an answer may answer you. Then you may choose additional 1-3 dead heroes to resurrect and be granted full health.


Sometimes you get a chance that both of the Alter and Blessings mantels may spawn together, so you may want to save them until you are going to either fight a mini-Boss or the main Boss so that when you will eventually fight them, you can have more than one buff to ease the fight.


Shabby Shelter (Store) – You may meet some merchants in the dangerous journey of the Trials. They are carrying rare things like equipment and beryl but at reduced costs than the regular main shop. Initially, when you are still not in the end-game yet, we recommend you don’t buy anything here unless these are at 70%, as you need the crystals to pull more Heroes. Still, if you think your roster is full and you don’t need to pull right now, you can buy these to power up your Heroes to make your progress faster.


Do not forget about the Trials in Magnum Quest, because in the shop for coins, you can buy such important heroes as Aeluin, Aurik, Zander, and Derla. You can read more about them in our other guides like the Team building guide to better understand how they can be important if you do get them.


The Fairhaven Trial:


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Fairhaven


Fairhaven Trial is also a rotational event like the regular Trials. Still, unlike regular Trials, which renew after 48 hours, Fairhaven comes for a few days and returns after some absence. This absence makes it more rewarding. There are a few differences in this event as in this you have to complete stages and reach Lvl of 100 of the event and enemies here are scaling with your Lvl, which is determined by the first time you enter whenever the event starts. After this Lvl gauge, the enemies stay at the same Lvl scaling throughout the event.




News of the Fallen One's return spread like wildfire across the land after the Summit Council's conclusion. Powers near and fall all began creating their agendas. Having gone to the council, the famed Fairhaven Academy lost contact with Winden, and many head wizards began to fret for his safety. Yet, they couldn't simply twiddle their thumbs as they awaited his return. The change was needed.


They required a way of quickly training hordes of apprentices. If not, they would be too weak to stand against the looming danger. It was at this time that someone thought of Fairhaven’s greatest secret-the Forbidden Portal.


The Forbidden Portal is a portal to the Armada Continent and the Shadow Realm. It was the very reason why Fairhaven was created here in the first place. Yet, to open the portal would be meant to release spirits and monsters from the Shadow Realm. However, dealing with these monsters would mean releasing all the spirits and monsters from the Shadow Realm if done correctly. So, if done the right way, dealing with these monsters would mean invaluable combat experience for apprentices.


After much discussion, some head wizards unsealed the portal and worked together to lock them inside Castle Sermo. Thus, the Wizards created the Fairhaven Trial. Anyone, whether a Fairhaven apprentice or not, that swears to come to Fairhaven's aid at the time of danger-to stand against the Fallen One, may challenge the monsters within.


Gameplay and Mechanics:


Monster Lvl – As we have said above, this mode caters to your Lvl the first time you enter each event rotation. Therefore, we recommend you enter as soon as the event starts and then do other stuff if you have any and come back to it after you've gained some Lvls and don't have other content.


Ancestor Spirits Level – When you enter the Fairhaven event, you are granted with Ancestors Spirit Lvls for the duration of the event, which Lvls up as when you defeat enemies, and these are persistent for the duration of the event. With each Lvl, you get skills that help you during the battles. The Ancestral Lvls increase from the XP you get from battles at a fixed rate. The Lvl cap is 10 for the event, and these skills that you get are similar to cards you get at regular events or one of the skills you always get when playing Raids or Trials.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Ancestor Spirit Level


Reset and Skip – Just like in Raids; you can reset the progress at any time if you feel if you either made mistakes or find the fights a bit more challenging. The reset also removes any of the cards that you may have acquired during the progression. A reset is a great option in the game as it helps you restart these Trials, and as the cards you obtain are randomized, you can always get a better time the next time you tackle the event monsters. The best thing about it is that you don't reset your Ancestral Lvl, so the first few fights that you do again will be much easier this time around.


Secondly, the monsters and mini-Bosses will be randomized each time you use the reset function, so keep that in mind too. Randomized enemies can also give you a better chance at winning this time because now you may encounter enemies that are elementally weaker to your attacks. By resetting, the players can skip (win without battles) a certain number of levels, integrating Card Selection, EXP Stats, and Hero Recruit later. As the event opens, the players can have one free reset per day and spend Dragon shards for resets in case of no free resets.


Leaderboards – The Leaderboards will include the players' best levels reached in Leaderboard Stats. The top 10 players on the Leaderboard will receive a Commemoratory Reward via Mail at the end of the event.


Features of The Fairhaven Trial:


Rewards – You will get the final main reward after winning in all of the 60 fights required to get it, but if you complete a total of 100 stages during the event, it grants you a chest. The only caveat with this reward is that this chest can only be opened when the next time this event is live. Normally this chest of winning the 100 battles contains 60 Hero emblems which you can choose among several and can be exchanged for any character, especially for the ones you want to increase the star Lvl of that Hero. Another reward you get is if you have passed the Trial of 100 stages, you get a unique frame for your avatar.


Bosses and Buffs – Unlike the regular Trials where you get a mini-Boss at every 7th Lvl, in the Fairhaven Trial, you will have to face a Boss at every 10th Lvl. You get one reset each day to plan accordingly and see the maximum stage you can progress in that day though one good thing is that these resets are accumulated so you can use them at your leisure. You also get a strong buff along with a skill when you Lvl up the Ancestral Spirit, and these buffs are quite strong, but each buff can sometimes hinder a few of your champions' skills. Fare, for example, is rendered useless when you get a buff called Vastly Frozen Land, which freezes enemies, and Fare isn't able to pull them. This inability can disrupt your combo of Fare with any other Hero.


Strategies – We recommend following some strategies to your gameplay for regular Trials and Fairhaven, as without any, you might lose more than you can bargain for in this adventure. One strategy is whenever a fight starts, you can start with auto-battle, but as soon as the fight is near the end, stop the auto-skill usage so that if some of your Heroes are near the maximum of their energy meter, they can conserve the energy and not waste that precious skill on an already dying enemy. As soon as the next fight starts, you can put them back to auto-battle and use that Ultimate for maximum effect right at the start of the battle.


Relics or Cards – The Relics or cards should be prioritized for DMG, speed, or energy as this will make the fights faster and won't give the opponents much time to use their own Ultimate. Always be on the lookout for Relics that compliment the Faction of the Heroes larger in number or those Relics that work party-wide. Some relics are Faction specific, but if you have a Hero of that particular Faction in your team, it will grant that boost to each member.


Recommended Heroes for Fairhaven Trial:


As we know, Mages perform well from long range and maximize the potential of DMG if their skills are AoE; some of these Heroes we recommend are;


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Arthur


  • Issy (top damage)
  • Ecra
  • Derla
  • Sur (buff + damage)


Issy – She is a Damage Dealer from the Wild Faction. Her skills are mostly AoE to tackle multiple enemies simultaneously, and as an INT-based Hero, she is a great addition to the team. Her first skill does continuous DMG to the enemy team, while her 2nd skill is quite lethal and has a lasting effect on a random enemy for the duration of the fight. Her 3rd skill will deal DMG to all enemies and AoE DMG, too, while her 4th skill can improve Crit DMG with a stun.


Ecra – is support from the Fortress Faction. Heal block, periodic invulnerability, damage reflection, attack steal, and heal are unique mechanics of Ecra in the Magnum Quest. Her Protégé skill is one of the best and fun skills in the game as she will pick an enemy who takes all the DMG she is receiving while stealing ATK and healing effects from that enemy, making her a deadly opponent if the chosen enemy is a DMG dealing tank and for 12 secs when upgraded. The only problem having her is she needs to be at least Lvl 251 to become a powerhouse. Until then, you are better off playing other bursts DMG Heroes.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Ecra


Any content in the game is incomplete if you haven’t taken a Healer with you and we recommend at least taking with you Aeluin or Arthur to tackle the Trials.


Arthur – He is one of the best supports in the game from the Fortress Faction. The main reason for being the best is that he is considered the best support to take into Boss battles as he provides additional shields on top of already great Heals to increase the HP of your Heroes. Best used in conjunction with other Fortress Heroes.


Finally come the Tanks, who take the most blows in the combat to keep the DD and the supports safe. Following are some of our recommended Tanks:


  • Ares (top damage + survivability)
  • Harry (buff + survivability)
  • Alden (survivability)


Harry – The Smarty-Pants Hero is from the Wild Faction and is an extremely good Tank for any combination of Heroes. He has good AOE damage, which inspires allies, increases ATK, and Haste also demoralizes enemies by taking away Haste. His AoE skills also heal him so he can stay in fights longer. Harry has an interesting passive effect, the strength of which depends on the number of living allies on the battlefield. He gains up to 15% protection and damage reduction for EACH ally. At the maximum level, this reaches 60%. So, if you have pulled this Hero, don't forget to use him as much as you can.


Raids in Magnum Quest:


Raids in Magnum quests are not just Raids like other RPGs or Gacha games; they are also side campaigns or story missions that expand on the lore of the game by putting you into a world full of enemies and secrets that you uncover. Along with secrets that you uncover, you get many rewards from each fight and individual Raids. Four main types of Raids are locked behind your main Campaign progression. Each of these four main types is further divided into mini-stages. Following is the complete list of each of these:


  1. Desolate Desert (Unlocked After Chapter 2 Stage 4)
    • Desolate Desert – Path
    • Desolate Desert – Plaza
    • Desolate Desert – Temple
  2. Forest Ruins (Unlocked After Chapter 8 Stage 4)
    • Forest Ruins – Entrance
    • Forest Ruins – Courtyard
    • Forest Ruins – Deep
  3. Snow Mountain (Unlocked After Chapter 12 Stage 4)
    • Snow Mountain – Foot
    • Snow Mountain – Cave
    • Snow Mountain – Top
  4. Deadsea Prison (Unlocked After Chapter 16 Stage 4)
    • Deadsea Prison – Confinement
    • Deadsea Prison – Garrison
    • Deadsea Prison – Plaza


Let’s discuss each of these Raid Stages and story parts one by one.


Desolate Desert:


Desolate Desert is the first Side Campaign in the Raids mode, unlocked after you've completed Chapter 4, Stage 4 of the main Magnum Quest campaign. For each of the complete stages/passages in Desolate Desert, we will be rewarded with 10 Lottery coupons which we can use to summon Heroes from the Gacha. This campaign is quite simple and has minimal rewards compared to other Raid stories but more than regular missions. There are no hidden or difficult areas. There are also secret rewards on the map that are not so easy to find. Read the details of the passage in our guide below.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Desolate Desert


Desolate Desert – Path:


The Path is the first part or the first passage in the Desolate Desert Raid. It's a pretty quick adventure as in this one, you only have to contend with 1 Boss and only one big reward from him, 3 Elite rewards, and 3 Treasure Boards from the stage in total. There are no tricks or anything like that in this stage, so it's a simple defeat the enemy and get the reward. Let’s read the story synopsis of this passage.


Background Story – Coming out of the ruins, Aurik and Aeluin found out in surprise that the destruction of the seal had triggered some magical mechanism to suppress the Fallen One. The lush island had turned into a desert, and a temple slowly emerged from a sea of sand. To leave the island, they must venture through the mysterious Temple. However, the restless guards of the ruins seemed to have mistaken them for intruders and would not let them off the island so easily.


Rewards – Among all the XP for the account Lvl and Scrolls for Heroes, there will be many Dragon Shards and some equipment you will get after each mission. Along with these rewards, you will also get 10 coupons, as we mentioned before.


Walkthrough – This is one of the first Raids you will do; it has a very simple layout with a couple of Mantels and straightforward enemies you need to fight. You simply kill all the enemies before reaching the Boss of this stage so you can have maximum cards in your inventory to make the final fight that much easier. A Healer and a Tank are recommended to take along in your team for this type of content. The healer will keep things healthy rather than relying on Health Shrines and a Tank so that your DPS/Healer doesn't have the enemy focus on them.


As is the case with regular Trials, you turn off the auto feature to conserve the energy for the Ultimate, which you want to reserve for difficult fights or Bosses. This way, you can choose when to activate your Ultimate abilities, especially when it's needed the most. Don't bother turning off the auto feature when it's an easy fight. This way, you can progress faster and focus on harder challenges.


You can always fight the weaker enemies first to get Relic cards from the travel chests to make your journey easier. When you click on an enemy, you can see what rarity they are. So, if you click on an Elite enemy, you'll know that you will get better rewards when you defeat them.


Secret rewards – If you want to get an additional 200 Dragon Shards, then pay attention to the southeast part of the map almost before the very end. There are secret rewards that you can collect. Attention, to receive the reward, you must fulfill the conditions: do not take tents, altars, and bowls; beat opponents only those that interfere with the passage.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Desolate Desert – Path


Desolate Desert – Plaza:


The plaza is the second adventure from the Desolate Desert Side Story Raid, which you can play after you have finished the Path mission. This adventure is unlocked after you've finished Chapter 5, Stage 34, when you’re playing the campaign mode. Plaza is not as easy as the Path adventure, and this one includes a few subtleties where better prizes and rewards await once you have completed this adventure.


Background Story – As Grunt grew more and more powerless to fight back, the gate slowly opened up. Revealed in front of Aurik and Aeluin was an open plaza. What awaited them is untold history and the guardian of the oracle tablets – the illusive Cersei.


Rewards – In the rewards, I would like to note a large amount of gold, which will be very useful when buying beryl in the store, 5 faction draw coupons, and 10 gold soul dices. There are 4 Boss, 6 Elite, and 6 Treasure Boards rewards, a much higher number than the previous adventure for the Desert Plaza. The final Boss for this adventure is General Cersei.


Walkthrough – The first is the same as the previous adventure: select cards or Relics that increase damage, speed, or energy. In this adventure, if you want to win all the rewards lying about on the map, you need to kill all the Elites, leaving even one will not unlock the gates from where you can get them. This advice is given because normally, players would take the first chest as soon as you enter the map as it is enticing, but it spawns enemies that you have to fight, making it longer to achieve your goal. A Lvl 105 enemy will block the passage forward to the treasure.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Desolate Desert – Plaza


This map also locks some of the treasure behind a condition, that you need to have at least 2 Fortress Heroes in your team to defeat one of the bigger enemies; if you fail to do so, you can’t open the path to one of the treasures and will have to reset this adventure. You can access this information from a tablet placed on a Mantel just right to the start of your adventure path.


After killing the Boss of this adventure, two mobs spawn; one is from Wild Faction while the other is from Forest. Depending on which you kill first, the Final Boss will belong to the opposite Faction. Keep in mind that you kill that mob first against which you have a disadvantage so that the Final Boss joins the Faction, which you have an advantage. The Final Boss will be of Lvl 125. Finally, you will be able to take three treasures when you kill them all.


Desolate Desert – Temple:


The Temple is the 3rd and final adventure in the Desolate Desert Raid and concludes this part of the side story. Temple is a difficult adventure and far from the other two you've just cleared. For this adventure, your team's ranks should be at least 150; otherwise, you will have a difficult time as the mission begins from starting mob Lvls of 130, and the Boss is 175. This adventure is unlocked after you have finished Chapter 7, Stage 4 of the main story campaign. This adventure requires you to pay close attention to certain points, which are explained below.


Background Story – In the lost history, the Fallen One fled to the Armada continent with the stolen tablets and took numerous innocent souls hostage so the gods couldn't do anything about him. As darkness devoured the land, brave men stepped forward; they rallied other races and stood against him with nothing but their fragile bodies and extraordinary courage. With the gods on their side, the great army led by the King of men, Derek, finally defeated him. In his dying bed, the King took off his crown and used its dragon relief as a seal to imprison the Fallen One in his own Temple. The King's spirit persisted; even today, Derek and his generals are still on watchful guard of this place.


Rewards – In the rewards, I would like to note a large amount of gold, which will be very useful when buying beryl in the store, 5 coupons for drawing a faction, and 10 gold soul cubes. The Desert Temple's rewards are mostly the same, but it has 8 Treasure Boards rewards instead of 6 for Plaza adventure.


Walkthrough – As always, go for Card Relics that will give you increased DMG, speed, or energy. To pick up all the treasure this adventure offers, you need to kill all the Elite enemies spread around this map. Certain enemies will have black emblems on top of their heads in this stage, rather than Red for regular or white for Elites. Black emblem enemies won't drop any Relic Cards.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Desolate Desert – Temple


After you’ve started the adventure, head on to killing the Ares Mini-Boss, which will trigger the gate in the North to open, you can’t pass through the gate unless you’ve killed Ares. There is a trick in this stage that you need to look out for to finish this adventure. In this adventure, you need to read 2 Journals that say there are two rooms on both sides of the Temple; however, it says to only go into the West room and not the East room because if you do this, you will get locked inside. There is a secret passage behind Ares that holds treasure but to get to that treasure, you need to kill all the mobs in the room. Even though some mobs won’t drop Relic cards, everything from the treasure you get from this secret location is good.


The treasure is not a chest but a scroll; upon reading, you'll need to go to the West side of the map and the East path where we will meet a merchant. We pass further on the left side collecting awards and relics. In the end, a lever is waiting for us until we touch it. We pass to the opposite eastern area, where the Merchant will be waiting for us. You have to trigger a conversation with him when you finally reach him. When you finish the conversation, choose the option “Thank you, we don’t need anything.” He will grant you access to a secret area that rewards your bravery by choosing this option.


This area needs to be cleared of all the mobs to take the reward for all your effort. The gate will open, where you need to clear two camps of mobs. After that, mini-boss Arthur will appear in the centre. We clear the two remaining camps. Next, you should be Collecting rewards and relics in the northwest and northeast areas of the map. When you finally kill Arthur, it won’t be the end of your adventure as the Final Boss is Derla, who'll take the place of Arthur as soon as he dies. Eventually, you'll have to kill her to so that nothing stands between you and the rewards.


To even get to the West room, you need to defeat the main enemy at the far end of the Temple, and after you defeat that enemy, you need to pull the lever at the corner.


Activate the lever from point 8 and open the side rooms. We collect awards from the western (left) room. All awards have been collected! A trap with two Lvl 152 opponents will be waiting for us in the eastern room, and killing them is unnecessary.


Forest Ruins:


Forest Ruins is the next chapter of the Side Story Campaign in Magnum Quest, unlocked after doing Chapter 8, Stage 4 of the Main Story Campaign in the Battle Mode. Below are all three adventures that you can undertake in the Forest Ruins Raid chapter, and just like the Desolate Desert chapter, each adventure increases in difficulty.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Forest Ruins


Forest Ruins – Entrance:


This adventure is unlocked after 8-4 in the main storyline and can be a bit difficult from the adventures of Desolate Desert but surely will hold more rewards. We recommend a minimum Lvl of 200 of your main Heroes to easily finish this adventure because the adventure starts with the lowest Lvl mobs of 130. At the same time, the final Boss can ramp up to a Lvl of 230, which is our Hero from the regular Trials, Zander. You need to defeat him within 20 seconds to collect all the rewards in this adventure.


Background Story – As they ventured across the edge of the forest, they heard a disturbing cry. Recognizing that the voice came from an elf, Aeliun decided to check it out. They followed the sound of the cry but found no elf, only a goblin in sound sleep. Lying next to him is a glowing runestone.


Rewards – In rewards, take note of many bags of gold (6 hours), which will be very useful when buying beryl in the store, 5 faction draw coupons, and 10 gold soul dices. In this adventure, you can get 5 Boss rewards, 3 Elite rewards, and 8 treasures.


Walkthrough – Collecting Relic cards priority is the same as previous adventures but may be changed depending on your combination of Heroes and mostly which Factions they belong to get the Faction bonus. Like previously, you need to defeat all Elites to bag all treasures here as well. The black emblem enemies here also might not drop Relic cards.


This time around, the main caveat of this adventure is the Hero named Zander, who plays hide and seek with you, and you need to kill him every time. If it seems too difficult, you can add a weak Hero and let Zander kill him, but he runs away then. If he runs away, you won’t be able to collect all the rewards, which you can always come back when you’re stronger to get the last remaining treasures. If one of your Heroes gets killed and Zander runs away, it is not the end; you can still complete the adventure and bag most of the rewards and treasures.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Forest Ruins – Entrance


Another mechanic different in this adventure is green crystals on the map, which you need to interact with to lower the shields of the final Boss so that you can finally attack the Boss. To get to the treasures behind the back of the second Boss, you need to go from below and kill the Elf Guardian. After killing this Elf Guardian, and can finally kill pesky Zander and be done with it. The next step is to open the next gate, and there you meet the sister of the Elf Guardian, and after speaking with her, she opens up a new gate for you.


When you enter this gate, you activate another green crystal, kill all the monsters that spawn there, and collect the rewards. We stress again that you need to defeat Zander every time you meet during this adventure to collect all the rewards.


Forest Ruins – Courtyard:


The Courtyard is the second adventure in the Forest Ruins Raid story mission, and you need to have completed Chapter 9, Stage 34 of the main story campaign to access it. For an easy walkthrough in this adventure, Lvl 175+ of your Heroes is required; as soon as you start this adventure, the starting enemies are at Level 150, while the final Boss will be 190+. There is also a secret place in this adventure, and we'll explain that soon. This adventure is also full of traps and puzzles, so we recommend you read thoroughly to succeed.


Background Story – After sending Aila home, they arrived at a courtyard in the forest. It was within the elven homeland, but there was no elf in sight. The forest is eerily quiet, there were insects occasionally chirping, but nothing else, even the footsteps of our heroes sounded harsh in such dead silence. Scattered all over the ground are massive scales and broken shells that appeared completely foreign to the forest. Disturbed as she is, Aeluin advised her companions to tread lightly and watch out for traps.


Rewards – Completing this adventure will earn you 195 Silver Soul Dices and 10 Gold Dices. You can get 3 Boss and 3 Elite rewards in the Courtyard while 6 treasures, much less than Entrance adventure.


Walkthrough – A general recommendation for adventures is to collect relics that increase damage, speed, or energy. Same as before, need to kill all the Elites on the map as a first requirement to get all the loot, and black emblem monsters won’t necessarily drop Relic cards.


As soon as you start the adventure, you are presented with a scroll that instructs you to activate the red beacons later. These scrolls you can find when you kill the first two mobs from the start of the adventure. This scroll also tells you to go south first, then go North. You need to proceed further on you will come upon two crystals. You need to activate the lower crystal and then the upper crystal. If you don't do it this way, the traps will curse you with a debuff in the adventure in which your DMG will be reduced by 80%. If you do it correctly, the miasma will dissipate, and you can freely continue your journey.


Next, you need to kill a Murloc to proceed further to the next room, occupied by a Boss called Winden, surrounded by four minion mobs. Kill all these minions to get access to Winden, but before going to Winden, you need to kill two Elite monsters. After the Elites, you will gain access to two areas on the left. You need to pick up a Relic and then activate the green crystal on the top in these areas. After that, you can finally kill Winden.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Forest Ruins – Courtyard


Further on, you will see two mechanical skeletons that you can activate to kill all the enemies you see ahead. After you have killed these monsters, move further on towards the East, and you can activate the green crystal to lower the vines that are blocking your path to the North. After the vines are down, you can use the 3rd archer to kill a few more mobs. Kill the remaining enemies and collect the rewards. Near the wall, you will see a couple of scrolls that will tell you how to activate the red crystals that will come soon. As there will be four crystals, the scrolls will tell you only to start with 1, but the exact sequence to activate them properly you will get from the Lizard assistant if you tell you just want to talk and want nothing from him.  The correct combination is 1>3>2>4. You can extract the correct combination from the Boss Gila, whom you've fought previously, and also, if you choose the dialogue option, you don't need anything.

Kill the guards and finally kill the Final Boss having Lvl 190+ to finish the adventure and claim all your rewards.


Secret rewards – This secret treasure is right at the end of the adventure map. When you have finished the map from all the enemies, the exit portal will pop up. Instead of using the portal, just tap one tile ahead and then turn right, and you will find the treasure. This treasure is hidden behind the pillar of the exit gate.


Forest Ruins – Deep:


The Deep adventure is the final adventure in this chapter which is unlocked when you've finished Stage 4 of Chapter 11 from the main campaign. A 200+ Lvl Squad is enough to complete this challenge easily. In this adventure, you will mostly fight Lvl 170+ monsters, where the final Boss will be Lvl 210+. This event is full of various traps and puzzles, so read the guide carefully as you go through to complete it 100%.


Background Story – It was late night when they reached the depth of the forest. Aeluin kept silent along the way; Aurik understood what she was going through; he just wanted to find the Chief of this place and help those poor elves.


Rewards – We strongly advise finishing this adventure 100% as the big reward for finishing the Forest Ruins Chapter is Derla Hero. There are also many dices and 10 lottery draw coupons in the rewards. You also can get 4 Boss and 6 Elite rewards while 6 treasures in this adventure.


Walkthrough – the customary instruction for this part of the chapter is the same for previous adventures. After these customary instructions, let's get on to the actual walkthrough.


The first condition to win all the rewards in this adventure is to kill the mini-boss Carlotta, standing with a speech bubble at the start of the adventure. So, you continue along with the map to the right further East, killing all the enemies you encounter. For now, we are not going to worry about the North just yet. Here, you can find a scroll that will give you instructions on opening the portal to take you back to the main forest.


Moving further to the right, we will meet our first Boss, who you must kill to progress further. Killing this monster will open up the passage so that we can go North. Kill all the mobs until you reach the main Boss of this adventure, but you don't need to engage him just yet. Go back to almost the beginning of the adventure and look for the portal you opened before. Use the portal and kill whatever enemies you can find there. Collect the rewards from there and return to the main Boss. Two of his minions will appear as soon as you kill him, but you have to kill the lower one, don't engage the upper one. Now, as soon as you fight and kill the upper mob, you will be teleported to an island that is again full of enemies.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Forest Ruins – Deep


Engage the gargoyle on the left as he will give you the keys to the treasure. Move on to kill the remaining mobs, and we pass into the appeared portal. Collect the remaining treasures and kill the final Boss (level 210 opponents).


After the details, this will conclude the Forest chapter of the Raid.


Snow Mountain:


Snow Mountain is the 3rd chapter of the Raids campaign, which you can play after the Desolate Desert and Forest Ruins Chapters. These adventures of the Snow Mountain chapter may seem daunting at first, but come back with some more levels under your belt, and you can surely complete it.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Snow Mountain


Snow Mountain – Foot:


The Foot is the first adventure in the Snow Mountain chapter, and you can unlock this after finishing Stage 4 of Chapter 12 in the Battle mode main campaign mode. The Foot is more difficult than the previous Raids, so recommended Lvl is 200+ to contend with it. Nothing special about the rewards in this adventure, so clear it as fast as you can.


Background Story – In the forest, Lowell uttered the prophecy of Armada’s future, “head for what used to be the Dwarf Kingdom, there lies the truth you seek. ” After recovering their strength, our heroes ventured into the ruins of the Dwarf Kingdom to try their luck.


Rewards – 5 faction draw coupons await us for killing the final Boss.


Walkthrough – After the customary instruction given in previous chapters, the first step of the walkthrough is to start moving Southeast by killing enemies coming in your path while collecting all the Relic cards you can find. After talking to the gnome on the way, move to the North, kill your opponents you can find.


Moving forward, you will encounter your first mini-Boss, who will give you a very important item for this adventure. If you find this Boss difficult and are dying, kill the minions around the Boss first so you can bag some more Relic cards to make your group stronger. Finally, killing this mini Boss will reward you with Magic Ember, which helps you light the braziers that are just to the right of this Boss. When you activate these Braziers, they will destroy blocks of ice, blocking the path for you to go forward.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Snow Mountain Foot


Move further north and kill the enemy to collect more rewards. After this, we move down and activate the second brazier and move further down, passing another brazier without touching it. At the bottom, defeat the Elite and return to the untouched brazier, standing there all alone. Find the brazier near the gnome and activate it and go further. After activating the brazier, we move on and reach the main Boss of this adventure, whose Lvl is 250. We need to kill this Boss to complete the adventure and get our rewards.


Secret Relics – This chapter has a secret place where you can get a chest with three relics. These are certainly not rewards, but a player who has a hard time passing the stage will be a good bonus to strengthen the team.


The Gold Relic Chest is located in the Texture of Rocks to the North of where you started. Pass the location and take "Magic Ember” from Boss. Activate the upper lantern that melts the ice and opens the lower lantern, activates the lower lantern, and goes down to the "Kidnapper-Dur." Defeat him, speak with the prisoner NPC. Go back to the beginning of the location and pick up the traveler's golden chest in the textures.


Snow Mountain – Cave:


The Cave is the second Chapter of the Snow Mountain Raids Chapter, which you can unlock after completing Chapter 13, Stage 34 of the main story campaign from the Battle mode. We need to complete this adventure 100% as it bags us really good rewards mentioned below. It is recommended to Lvl up your Heroes to 225+ to comfortably finish this adventure since the first enemies you encounter start with Lvl 195, and the Final Boss is 240 Lvl.


Background Story – A wonderous maze lay before our heroes and blocked their way forward about halfway up the mountain. To find the truth he sought, Aurik had to lead his companions deeper into the mountain. Meanwhile, Karl had already grown suspicious of Aurik’s identity.


Rewards – For 100% completion of this adventure, you are awarded 130 Golden Soul dice, equivalent to 2 Gold Heroes, which is an awesome bargain, plus some rewards from a secret place; keep reading to know more.


Walkthrough – Same as always, let's skip the customary instructions and let you learn the main points of the walkthrough for this adventure. Pay attention to the tent on the right; the heroes in it constantly change when you restart the dungeon. If you want to catch any of the S-tier heroes, you can try your luck several times. (This rule applies to all adventures in the campaign).


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Snow Mountain Cave


On the right to the camp and center of this location, four enemies fight, where one Dwarf is surrounded by three undead. You need to kill the Center enemy, and to do that, first, kill the bottom undead, then the left, and finally the Dwarf. Talk to the gnome afterward. Activate the brazier from above and go up to the left for the reward. Pass east to the next room.


After you enter the room, you have to initiate a conversation with the enemy. If you choose to confirm the pedigree, you don't need to fight and gain the Relic of Enchantment and can't complete the 100% completion of this adventure. Therefore, if you want 100% completion and full rewards, you need to choose the Beat option in the dialogue and fight the enemy regularly. After you finally defeat this enemy, you enter the next room and activate the torch in the center.


The wind puzzle will start. The solution here is simple; you need to watch in which direction the wind is blowing and kill opponents in its direction. In our case, we kill the first enemy in the North of the room, the second in the East, the third – again north, the last – in the South. The order of killing mobs has changed during the replay, so be guided by the wind direction! After a portal appears, do not rush to enter it; walk around the rooms and collect all the rewards!


After the above fights, go back to the previous room and kill the enemy standing on the right, covering the entrance to a room on the right. In this room, there are four mobs that you need to kill. Each of these mobs is led by Gaia, who are the bosses for these mobs. Now we go into the portal from point 12. In the room that appears, kill all the opponents of the Dwarfs. Pass further and kill the Final Boss (level 240).


Secret Reward – If you want to receive a secret reward of 50k gold and 10 draw coupons, you will have to restart the event. Attention, to receive the reward, you must fulfill the conditions: do not take tents, altars, and bowls; beat opponents only those that interfere with the passage. The secret is in the room north of the portal. Click on the center of the wall (may take several times).


Snow Mountain – Top:


The Top is the 3rd and last adventure in the Snow Mountain Chapter of the Raids. Top is also the most coveted because if the one reward that it offers. As a completion reward for this adventure, you get one of the most popular Heroes, Ares as a reward. This adventure is unlocked after you've completed Stage 4 of Chapter 15 in the Battle Mode in MQ. Lvl 225+ is recommended for your Heroes to have a comfortable walkthrough. The initial enemy camps start at level 210, and the final Boss is 252.


Background Story – An unsettling and heavy wind from the mountaintop blew out the ember; the wind direction seems to be under the control of some type of magic or mechanism. Only one last test remained before our heroes could reach the dwarven treasures. Will Aurik reveal his royal identity to Karl? Amongst the ruins of the Dwarf Kingdom, what secrets lie inside the vault?


Rewards – As we have mentioned above, the best reward in this adventure is a copy of Ares along with a chest containing a 3* equipment you can choose from and much more.


Walkthrough – General recommendations are the same as previous adventures. Let’s begin with the walkthrough. Every adventure has a different mechanic attached to it to keep it fresh, and the same is the case with Snow Mountain's Top chapter. The adventure begins with a puzzle where you have to shoot a cannon focusing on the direction of the wind like in the previous adventure. Clear the room from different mobs to have an easy time firing the cannon. The cannon has to be replenished after every few shots, and to replenish the cannon; you need to get the cannon shots from the room on the right. If the mobs are difficult, you can always do it later when you have higher Lvls.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Snow Mountain Top


After destroying four opponents, we return to the left room and take two cannonballs for the cannon. You can only carry two cores with you. Shoot from the cannon and destroy the left block of ice—the flight path of the balls changes with the wind. Pass on through the path you just made, kill any of the mobs that you find there, and then proceed to the room further. You need to kill the three opponents that you see there in this room, and levers will appear in their places. These levers control the direction of the wind on the map. Each lever controls a different direction. The left lever controls the wind to the west, to the left in this case, while the central lever controls the wind to the North. Finally, the last remaining lever controls East.


Click on the right lever to change the direction to the East. Return to the first cannon and shoot. You can again enter the room to the left and replenish the supply of cannonballs. Kill the enemies that you will find after you venture towards the cleared path. To get out of the cannon right on target, you need to return to the room with three levers and use the central lever. Following is what you should do to achieve this. Having directed the wind to the North, we shoot from the first cannon, destroying the central block of ice, and we pass into the northeast room with another cannon and shoot. Pass further up the right side of the map and replenish the ammunition of the cores.


You can fire the cannon again, lowering the health of the enemy. Kill two opponents and again shoot from the cannon. Go further north, replenishing the supply of balls. Pass to the right, kill the enemy, and collect all the rewards.


Now our task is to activate all the crystals on the map with cannon shots. Return to the nearest cannon and shoot from it (the wind is still blowing to the North). The northern crystal has been activated. Return to the starting room and head north. We protect the entire room from opponents in any order. Activate the remaining crystals with shots, changing the direction of the wind and picking up the cores as needed. Recall the left lever if you need to shoot to the left, the right – if we shoot to the right. Activating the right crystal removes protective barriers from rewards. Open the last gate in the North and kill the final Boss, concluding our last adventure in the Snow Mountain chapter.


Deadsea Prison:


Deadsea Prison is the last chapter in the Raids and concludes it, more will become available with time, but this is the last.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Deadsea Prison


Deadsea Prison – Plaza:


This adventure is unlocked after completing Stage 4 of chapter 16 from the main campaign, Battle Mode. We recommend you tackle this adventure after Snow Mountain both for the story's sake and difficulty spike as this adventure is recommended to have Heroes of Lvl 235+. The Final Boss of this adventure is 255.


Background Story – As our heroes departed the Dragonbone Snow Mountain, they discovered the carvings of the Dragon Pattern and ancient texts on a stone bridge. According to the knowledge acquired from the White Tower, there’s a prison on a remote island, there lived a person of mysteriously old age, who might possess the knowledge of the Dragon Pattern. Our heroes ferried across the Dead Sea in search of the man from the Legendary Era.


Rewards – To collect 100% of the rewards, you will have to complete the adventure at least two times. There is nothing particularly valuable in the rewards, except for 5 faction draw coupons.


Walkthrough – A general recommendation for adventures is to collect relics that increase damage, speed, or energy. To pick up all the treasures, you need to kill all elite opponents on the map. As there are many different mobs in each adventure, each mob is different in terms of difficulty and initially can be gauged with the emblems on top of their heads; even the Bosses and mini-Bosses can be seen this way. The only mob that doesn't drop a Relic card are the ones with black emblems. For the secret rewards information, read further on.


After starting the adventure, talk to all the NPCs in the area. To get all the rewards, you will have to fight the enemies in the North in front of the gate. Talk to the Chief and select the "Threaten with words." To make it easier, you can fight first with weaker opponents behind the mini-boss. After defeating the leader of these mobs, head on to the next area and read the hint from the scroll that you find there. This scroll gives us a clue that we need to kill the following three monsters to access the main Boss.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Deadsea Prison Plaza


This room has a special mechanic, which is that you need to pull the lever to call in enemies to fight. After pulling a lever once, kill all enemies to clear the room before pulling the next lever. Behind the backs of enemies, there are many additional sections with various rewards and power-ups. A teleporter behind the northeastern enemy takes you to a random room with relics and rewards. There is a teleport back at the end of the room.


When you teleport back to the previous room, move to the center of the room and press those levers. You can press them in any order but be aware; the two upper levers will summon powerful bosses who are Ares and Osishe. They will be tough to contend with, so you may skip it for the time being if they seem difficult. Though if you do kill any, they are sure to drop Golden Relic cards which may become handy to kill the next Boss.


There are passages behind the cells where the bosses sit. There are rewards. Unfortunately, to collect 100% of the rewards, you will have to go through the adventure a second time and call on those bosses that you excluded in the first walkthrough. After finishing with these Bosses and rewards, move on to the main Boss and finish this adventure.


Secret Reward – The secret reward is located behind the portal when you exit the dungeon on the right.


Deadsea Prison – Garrison:


The second adventure in the Deadsea Prison chapter is the Garrison, unlocked after finishing Stage 34 of Chapter 17. This adventure requires you to tackle the mobs starting from Lvl 240, ramping to 300 for the main Boss, so you need to have your Heroes Lvled up to 240 at least. This adventure throws at you different mechanics like original passage mechanics, different colored rooms, and balancing acts between these rooms to finish it.


Background Story – Our heroes won the challenges in the plaza and entered the prison. But the gatekeeper's words haunted Aeluin; something felt amiss. Balross seemed to be a mere outsider who didn't know much about the prison. Our heroes must gather more clues from within the prison to find the person they sought.


Rewards – This adventure has a lot of rewards. For a walkthrough, give a lot of beryl and experience (it is always not enough for a growing account) and 5 faction draw coupons.


Walkthrough – The general instructions are the same as in previous adventures so that you can read them there.


The campaign map consists of rooms with red and blue torches. Red torches increase the level of safety; blue ones lower it. To keep the balance, you need to alternate killing elite enemies in the rooms as you progress. The first time you start the adventure, collect the required Heroes from the tents you come upon. If you don't get your combination Hero, you can always reset and continue the adventure until you get what you wanted.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Deadsea Garrison


After you have your desired Hero, continue to the room in the North and clear all the mobs in that room. As soon as you kill the central enemy, a warning will pop up telling you that the room's security has been increased. Pass to the right and beat the enemies. After killing the main enemy, you will lower the security level. Next, move south to the red room. Continue South as well in the blue room too. Finally, pass to the East in the red room. Pass east in blue. Now return to the far-left blue room, talk to the NPC and get a hint + Hero Derla (260 Lv). Collect rewards and attack the enemy.


Return to the room you passed previously, basically the blue room which had a Boss having Lvl 300. If you’ve followed the steps above, as soon as you are there, the Boss will have his HP reduced by a hidden attack that you have triggered by following our method. Now you can freely walk around the rooms, finish off opponents' remnants, and collect the remaining rewards.


Deadsea Prison – Confinement:


The Confinement is the last part of the Deadsea Prison campaign. You need to kill the final Boss; it's not easy to do this. Initial opponents start at level 260, and the last ones start at level 300. We recommend you have a team of 250+ for a comfortable walkthrough. Access to the adventure opens after stage 19-4, "Battle."


Background Story – As the floor crumbled beneath their feet, Aurik and his companions fell through it and descended to the lowest level of the prison. The way back quickly became blocked by the rubbles; our heroes realized that the fortune had favored them because none of them was hurt. They quickly checked their surroundings and confirmed this was the solitary confinement mentioned in the legends. It was damp and cold; Aeluin shrivels as the chilling wind swept through the corridor. Not only did our heroes need to locate [that man], they also need to find a way out.


Rewards – The developers gave us a gift in the form of one of the best heroes for bosses, Feng.


Walkthrough – A general recommendation for adventures is to collect relics that increase damage, speed, or energy. To pick up all the treasures, you need to kill all elite opponents on the map. Camps with black emblems do not (usually) grant buff relics. To collect all the rewards, you cannot approach the old man in the upper right corner. If you free him, he kills one of the opponents, and you do not receive any rewards. First of all, pass carefully between the mobs to the right, having collected the tent, to the far lower chamber, where a golden chest with three golden relics awaits us. To make it easier, you can restart the adventure to get good relics.


Move to the room above and activate the lever. Now clear the area from monsters and collect rewards, do not touch elite enemies yet. Do the same in the central and left parts of the map, do not touch the elite enemies yet. In the upper left part of the map, open the gate and activate the lever. All gates in the server cells will open. Pass and clear the upper cells, BUT do not go to the far right with the old man. You can now kill elite opponents from the bottom left and right. We will get the pieces of the key from the main gate.


Magnum Quest Trials and Raids - Deadsea Confinement


Collect everything that you left on the map (rewards, altars, bowls, or tents). Pass to the upper central gate and open them. The final Boss awaits us behind them. Kill him for the first time, after which the next Final Boss will appear. There will be fire around him; you do not need to walk on it, as it inflicts damage on your heroes in percentage. Kill the final Boss.




This guide on Raids and Trials is a very in-depth and detailed explanation of the game's mechanics and the complete walkthrough required for each mode. These modes are the end-game and therefore are not that easy to complete and need to have fair know-how before you can challenge them. We hope this is more than sufficient information for you to stay on top in the game and have a fun progression when playing Magnum Quest.

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