Become an Ultimate Dragon Guard with MIR2M : The Dragonkin Tips - A Beginner's Guide to Get Started with


MIR2M : The Dragonkin is a role-playing game where you can enjoy top martial arts gameplay. This game is rich in the best battles, daily events, guild-exclusive events, and many more. Since you are a beginner player in this game, you know nothing about them. But with the guidance you receive through this guide, you can become an ultimate dragon guard with a better start. 

Become an Ultimate Dragon Guard with MIR2M : The Dragonkin Tips

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For the MIR2M : The Dragonkin release date, this is not such an essential fact about the game. What is most important is the tips and tricks that are useful for your gameplay. So instead of being interested in the release date, you should focus on learning the best tips for your MIR2M : The Dragonkin on PC gameplay with LDPlayer 9. Get ready to read this guide and have a great kick start in your gameplay with the help you gain through this guide. 

Which Class Is Your Favorite in MIR2M : The Dragonkin

There are three classes in this MIR2M : The Dragonkin game: warrior, mage, and Taoist. Each character in these classes is different in appearance. Also, they have different skills and use different weapons during the battles to take care of the enemies damaging them more. Each character in these classes comes with male and female versions, so according to your wishes, you can choose one version of any character class you like to play. Let us see more about these three classes you can see in this gameplay and check how skillful they are individually. 



This is the first character class that we describe for you. The warrior is a powerful character who excels in melee or close-range combat. And the warrior is a strong fighter who uses physical force to attack and defeat enemies. There is no stronger character like this stronger warrior among all the other classes. The warrior also comes with the highest survival skills, a benefit during combat. The skills of the warrior are as follows. 

  • Void Slash - can penetrate the magic shields with the sword swinging in a straight line. 

  • Crescent Strike - strikes an opponent using a half-moon-shaped sword while penetrating the magic shield defense of a mage character. 

  • Flame Sword - with this skill, the warrior deals massive and additional flame damage to the enemies. 

  • Barbaric Dash - the warrior will quickly push away enemies using this skill. 



The next character class available for you to choose is the mage. And the mage is a character that uses magic to attack the enemies. And this character has a good range of attacking as the mage has the most potent AoE skills. The mage also has the skills to control the enemies, such as ice and fire, to deal damage to the enemies. Let us see the skills of the mage. 

  • Thunderbolt - with this skill, the mage can summon lightning to deal heavy damage to the enemies. 

  • Fire Wall - this skill lets the mage summon flames to burn the enemies within a specific range. 

  • Blizzard - through this skill, the mage summons an ice storm to apply cold damage on all the enemies within range. 

  • Lightning Flower - with this skill, the mage can cast lightning around itself, which is the caster.



Okay, the Taoist is the final character class, which we will describe to you now in this guide. The Taoist is a character who is famous for supporting all ally characters. And also, when it comes to attacking, the Taoist is better for both melee and ranged attacks. During the battles, a Taoist can summon a pet to assist. 

The Taoist is the medical expert who has the best healing skills. And also, the Taoist is perfect at poisoning enemies during battles. Besides the healing and poisoning, as we said above, the Taoist possesses martial arts and talents in magic. Here are the skills of the Taoist. 

  • Explosive Charm - Taoist summons a talisman to attack the enemies. 

  • Soul Shield - this skill increases all allies' magic and physical defense within range. 

  • Mass Heal - with this skill, the Taoist continually recovers the HP of allies within the range. 

  • Summon Skeleton - with this skill, the Taoist summons a skeleton injecting vital force into a talisman. 

Here you have read a better explanation of each character class available in the gameplay. As you have understood each character class well, now it is time to make a crucial decision in choosing a class for your gameplay to proceed. 

Enhance Your MIR2M : The Dragonkin Character

Enhancing your character is such an important thing to do once you enter the gameplay after choosing a specific character class. You can follow many methods to enhance your character in this game. So let us see what they are. 

Enhance Your MIR2M : The Dragonkin Character

The first is powering up your character. When powering up your character, it is not about leveling up because the leveling up of your character will occur automatically in this gameplay. Powering up your character means increasing its main and sub-statistics with the attack power. 

The power-up for your character can be done by obtaining the best gear and equipping them for your character. You can obtain the best gear items in many ways, such as by completing missions, treasure hunts, daily demon-slaying, etc. After obtaining the best gear items for your gameplay, you can equip them for your character and add some additional power to your character. 

Leveling up the force is another method that you can use to enhance your character. With force, you can nullify a portion of the damage, and you will receive less damage with force. As the force reduces the damage you receive, it is very important to level up the force. But you need more force points to level up the force. 

How to get force points in this game? Simple, you just have to hunt down demons to gain force points. The higher the level of the force, the higher the damage reduction it provides for your character. 

The Divine Furnace in MIR2M : The Dragonkin Gameplay

The divine furnace is another topic worth discussing more than the MIR2M : The Dragonkin release date. The divine furnace has four categories: gems, soul orbs, blood talismans, and shields. You can see divine materials with different tiers available when you enter each category. 

You can activate them through the divine furnace only if you have obtained the relevant object. When you activate a gem, it will increase your character's attack power. There are different tiers of gems with different star rarities, levels, and different sets of attributes. Obtaining the highest-tier gems will give you the highest set of attributes. You can obtain gem fragments by participating in events, dungeons, treasure points, and exchanges. 

The Divine Furnace in MIR2M : The Dragonkin Gameplay

The soul orbs will increase your character's crit chance and crit damage in this MIR2M : The Dragonkin gameplay. As the soul orbs boost the crit damage and crit chance of your character, we recommend you obtain them through events, defeating bosses, or purchasing from the shop. 

The blood talisman is another divine material that you can activate to increase the max health points of your character. You can get blood talisman fragments by participating in events, defeating bosses, and grinding gears. The shield will increase the defense of your character when it is activated. You can obtain shield fragments by participating in dungeons, events and defeating bosses. Since all these divine materials benefit your gameplay, activate them and strengthen your character. 

MIR2M : The Dragonkin Battles Against Enemies

The MIR2M : The Dragonkin gameplay is rich in lots of battles. When you complete missions, you will be asked to cease enemies or defeat boss enemies. If you want to win in these battles against enemies, you have to be patient enough and follow a perfect set of strategies with the perfect use of skills during the battles. Here, according to the class you choose at the beginning, your character will be given skills, and using these skills, you can defeat enemies. 

MIR2M : The Dragonkin Battles Against Enemies

But since the skills have to be used in the battles by tapping on them using the touch system as you play the game on your mobile, you will not be able to enjoy the thrilling feeling of battling against enemies. Therefore to have the best thrilling battle experience, we suggest you play the MIR2M : The Dragonkin game on your PC with LDPlayer 9. 

The LDPlayer 9 has the Keyboard Mapping feature, where you can set shortcut keys to all the skills and other icons in the layout of the controls in the gameplay. Once you do that, no one can stop you from reigning over all kinds of enemies by defeating each one of them very quickly. 


Above is what you should learn to be successful in this game. As we already said above, knowing the MIR2M : The Dragonkin release date is not that important; what is essential is the tips and tricks you already learned through this guide. Since you now have a good idea about the tips and tricks which can be followed in your gameplay, make max use of them, and you will be the best dragon guard. While learning the best tips, follow some updates about the MIR2M : The Dragonkin how to earn money - the economy of the gameplay.

Download MIR2M : The Dragonkin on PC