MIR2M : The Dragonkin How to Earn Money - The Economy Guide


MIR2M : The Dragonkin is a role-playing game with the P2E concept, where you can enjoy the gameplay and earn some money. In this martial arts gameplay rich in awesome content, there are many aspects that catch our eyes. But since this game comes with the play-to-earn concept where anyone can earn money while playing, we decided to do a guide about how to earn money in this guide as the best economy guide for this MIR2M : The Dragonkin game.

MIR2M : The Dragonkin How to Earn Money

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Speaking of the gameplay, it is full of guide systems, daily events, battles and missions to complete, etc. Each of these gameplay features adds refreshment to your gameplay. No matter if you are just a MIR2M : The Dragonkin beginner player, make sure to do your best in the game while playing it continually so that you can get used to it quickly. There are several classes to choose from at the beginning of the game, and your choice will affect your whole gameplay. 

The above are some of the top featured content in this game. But as our guide today focuses on the economic system of how to earn money in this game, let us hop into this guide and learn how to earn money in this game. Here is the best economy guide you need to earn money while playing MIR2M : The Dragonkin on PC gameplay with LDPlayer 9. So get the best advantages from this guide and broaden your idea about the P2E concept in this game and earn more. 

The Tokenomics System

Besides worrying about the MIR2M : The Dragonkin release date, now let us see some important details about the economy of this game. Before going to advanced explanations about the P2E system in this game, we thought to start from the simplest, which is about tokenomics. There are two tokenomics in this game. One is CQB, and the other one is Septaria. These are two tokenomics you will see in this game. And now, we will give you a little explanation about each token. 

First, we explain the CQB token, which is a token that you can exchange and earn money. So, the CQB becomes the most crucial token in this game. How to refine CQB in this game? You need Septaria for that, which is this game's next type of token. The method of refining CQB will be explained later in this guide. 

So, for now, let us briefly explain Septaria, the second type of token. Unlike the CQB, the Septaria token can be obtained throughout the gameplay for free. This is one of the essential tokens which can be used to refine CQB, and also you can use the Septaria to raise your character to a powerful one. 

Features of the CQB Token

As the CQB token is the most important in this game, now let us see the features of this token to understand this token even more. Once you look at the features of this game, you will know its importance to your gameplay. 

  • A powerful game token - yes, this is a powerful game token that is trying to become a universal token used by all the MIR2M games. As the number of games that use CQB as their game token increases gradually, this will surely be an even more powerful token soon. 

  • Various Demands - this CQB token is now a universal token with lots of gaming partners that use this token. So we can say that this CQB token can be used in all the games on the CQB ecosystem. 

  • Free Obtainable - unlike in other games, it is somewhat easy and free to obtain the CQB, which is the universal token in this gameplay. Here you can obtain CQB through Septaria, a free obtainable token. 

  • NFT Tradable Token - another awesome feature of this token is it is an NFT tradable token. You can transmit items through NFT trading in the CQB ecosystems. 

  • Increasing Scarcity Value - the more you refine CQB, the value of CQB becomes higher and higher. 

How to Refine CQB in MIR2M : The Dragonkin

From above, you have learned more about the CQB and the Septaria, which are the main tokenomics in this game. And now, here we have come to inform you about the CQB refining process. To refine or obtain one CQB in the gameplay, you need a certain amount of Septaria and the gameplay currency. 

There is no exact amount of currencies, and Septaria needs to refine one CQB. It is because the refinery stage level will decide the number of Septaria and currencies to refine one CQB. The refinery stage increases by one when ten thousand CQB is refined each time. And the maximum level for the refinery stage will only be one million. The more CQB is refined, the refinery stage level goes higher, which increases the value of CQB all the time. 

Therefore the players who refine the CQB early and keep them for a longer period will be the ones who get the highest profit in trading CQB. This is how the refining process works in this game. Now that you know the refining process, transfer the refined CQB to your WEMIX wallet after connecting the wallet with your gameplay and have a cryptocurrency exchange to earn money in this game. 


This is how the economy system will work in this MIR2M : The Dragonkin game. Thanks to this guide, now you know about the tokens available in the game, their features, and how to make money through them. So, when you play the game after the MIR2M : The Dragonkin release date, remember these details and use them to earn money. This is not just a game where you can have fun, but it is a game where you can have some extra earnings too. Therefore play this game more often and earn more as you now know all about the economic and tokenomics systems.

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