Moonlight Sculptor Tips and Tricks for Grinding


If you are playing Moonlight Sculptor for a while now, you probably know that grinding is a huge aspect of the game. There are so many resources and gear in the game that a player can't get by following the main quest. The games Main Quest do offer a lot of Gold and Experience, but it's just not enough for a player, so he can't solely depend on it. Below are some tips which will allow you to get more efficient at grinding through mobs of enemies.


Picking a Location for Grinding:


Picking an excellent location to grind enemies is a must. But there are a few things that a spot has to offer if it's to be considered as an excellent grinding stop. For starters, the location that a player picks must have a ton of mobs with a short respawn time. Apart from that, all the enemies in the location should be taken care of in only two or three strikes. If enemies take anything more than four strikes, you need to reconsider your grinding location. The last and most important thing you need to keep an eye on is the items that the spot has to offer.


Using Autoplay to Grind:



Moonlight Sculptor Tips and Tricks for Grinding


Autoplay allows players to set up some thresholds and commands that guide your player while you are away from the keyboard. Autoplay makes the game grinding part feel less repetitive and prevents people from losing interest in the game. It can also allow your hero to use potions and other items if felt necessary while the players are not around the game to use it themselves.


Most Efficient Way to Use Autoplay:


The most important part of setting up your Autoplay is setting up the Recovery Option, which will allow you to use potions when in need. For Auto-use HP Potions, the best setting is around 65 percent HP. It allows the players to be in a safe position while compromising their health as some enemies can crit for a lot of damage. The best range to keep your Auto MP Potion consumption is around 15 percent Mark as it will help you to utilize your Mana Potions to their max potential.


The next thing you need to set up is your Priorities; there will be five checkboxes for you. No matter what the case is, having the last four always checked is very important. However, the 1st one, Collect Materials, entirely depends on you. Use this option when you are looking to get your hands on some resources if you are not turning it off as it will only waste your storage space. Setting up your priorities is a must if you are planning to go AFK for a long time.


The last thing you need to set is your Auto-hunt Range and Allow Equipment Pickup option. Setting the Auto-hunt range entirely depends on the location you are Grinding in. But the rule of thumb is usually to set this setting at normal for gathering items and setting it at wide for increasing your experience level. It would be best to always choose the Rare, Heroic, and Legendary in Allow Equipment Pickup option as anything below that is not worth your time or the Gold. 


Best Consumables for Grinding:


Deciding on what consumables you must pair with your grinding sessions is very important. These potions will help you take care of the mobs of enemies in the area very quickly and will also provide you with additional buffs. Some of these consumables are very hard to come by, so be careful while using them. Below is a list of all the consumables items that will help you tremendously in your grinding experience.


Radiant Goddess's Blessing (14 Days):



Moonlight Sculptor Tips and Tricks for Grinding


Radiant Goddess's Blessing is a potion that contains the blessing of the goddess Freya. On the use of this item, a player will get.


  • 50 percent Experience Increase


  • 20 percent Gold Acquisition Increase 


  • 10 percent Item Acquisition Rate Increase


  • Bag weight will be increased by plus 300


  • Auto-Claim Contribution Reward


  • Auto-Claim Accomplishment Reward


The items' increased experience will help the players greatly during the grinding session by increasing their level. The item duration for this consumable is 14 days, and upon reusing it, only the duration of the potion will be increased while the stats will remain the same.


Premium Buddy Feed (14 Days):


Premium Buddy Feed will allow your pet to unlock a buff called the Henchman Buff. Buddies blessed with the henchmen buff can Auto Pick up items and can do Storage Box Errands. This will help the player to save his time by using his pet to fetch all the dropped loot in the area. The duration of this item will last for 14 days, and on duplicate use, only the duration of the item will be extended. If you want to learn about pets in Moonlight Sculptor, check out our in-depth guide on them.


XP Increase Elixir (14 Days):


The XP increase Elixir is created by Watt the Millionaire's Merchant. The item, when in use, will allow the XP Acquisition to be increased by 100 percent. This will help you increase your level by a ton and will last for 14 days. The item can be reused again in this duration, but it won't have any duplicate buffs, just an extended duration.


Comfy Night (14 Days):


Comfy Night is a very unusual potion because there are some requirements that need to be fulfilled for it to be in full effect. The item can be used to increase a character’s bag by ten thousand, but it can only take place between 10 pm to 7 am. This makes the item a must-have if a player wants to AFK farm all Night. The item will only have effect for 14 days, and during this time period, the item can be reused by that will only extend the item's duration.


Brilliant XP Increase Elixir(12hrs):



Moonlight Sculptor Tips and Tricks for Grinding


This item is one of the rarest items to be found in the game. A player only gets one of it at a time on his account. The item is created by Millionaire's Merchant Watt, and upon using it, the XP Acquisition is increased by 500 percent. The item should only be used in the case where you are trying to grind for level and nothing else. The duration of the elixir is twelve hours.


Versa’s Grace (20 mins):


Versa's Grace is a potion containing the Grace of goddess Versa. The potion provides the user with increased Movement Speed by 30 percent and ATK speed by 20 percent. This effect, however, lasts only 20 minutes, making it suitable for zones that have a lot of Mobs to deal with. You can Versa’s Grace by trading them for Insignias.


Gear Buffs suited for Grinding:



Moonlight Sculptor Tips and Tricks for Grinding


There are many Gears to choose from in Moonlight Sculptor. But the most important thing you need to keep in mind while picking your gear for grinding is to check whether your gear has the most optimal buffs. The Hp drain Buff and the MP drain Buff are the best buffs a player can use during grinding as they will save the player a lot of potions and help save Gold.


The gear Buffs can be enchanted on the item by using Option stones or other enchanting scrolls in the game. By using the right scroll, a player can enchant his hero up to such a level where he won't even need to use MP and HP Potions. These buffs will also help the player to get rid of mobs of enemies faster.


Places Suited for Grinding according to level:


There are many different maps to choose from while looking for a place to Grind. These maps have different kinds of loot depending on the enemies and the required level of the terrain. Below is a list of all the maps that you can grind in a while, keeping your level in mind:


Normal Zone: Barkan Catacombs

Recommended Level: 100 to 107


Normal Zone: Land of Forgotten Kingdom

Recommended Level: 103 to 107


Normal Zone: Serene Plains

Recommended Level: 110 to 119


Normal Zone: Birch Tree Lake

Recommended Level: 119 to 129


Normal Zone: Frozen Highland

Recommended Level: 128 to 135


Normal Zone: Hunter's Hill

Recommended Level: 138 to 148


Normal Zone: Varoc Mountains Entrance

Recommended Level: 148 to 157


Normal Zone: Southern Varoc Mountains

Recommended Level: 157 to 167


Normal Zone: Howling Valley

Recommended Level: 167 to 176




Moonlight Sculptor is an MMORPG, and like any other MMORPG, grinding is a considerable part of the game. This guide will help you out in the grinding aspect of the game and help you pave a path for a successful gameplay experience. The game in itself heavily relies on players using the game AFK system to grind, and this is where you can take some help from this guide. If you are looking to start your Moonlight Sculptor escapade on Pc, click here.

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