The Tale of Food Beginners Guide for a Perfect Adventure


Rather than playing some ordinary RPG card games, you have a new adventure today to go with several dishes called The Tale of Food. Food in this game is considered the God of the people, and now we are going to see Food Souls packed with some missions to transmit a food culture. So now. Since this is a new gaming concept, we all need to have proper guidance on what to do from the game, and this beginner guide will clear things up to the best.

The Tale of Food Beginners Guide

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You, as the player, will see a sacred land here, and now that the magical book that contains the most precious things in this world has been destroyed, you will have to return all these lost souls. So there is a complete journey to take these all food souls from The Tale of Food characters to the home, and there are many different tasks that you will have to follow up on in order to persuade these missions.

So, let’s have a thorough guide to this game with every little detail that you need to know here for The Tale of Food global. And if you would like to have more optimized gameplay, we invite you to play The Tale of Food on PC through LDPlayer 9 as well. Let’s start.

The Tale of Food – Gameplay Overview

First, before you get into the game, it is a must to know what type of gameplay this game holds. It is relatively easy to get through it because you, as the player, build up a deck and use the food souls from The Tale of Food tier list. These food souls are the ones who will be fighting against the bosses, and you will meet so many bosses distributed throughout the game from different maps.

The Tale of Food – Gameplay Overview

There are both visual novels as well as combat gameplay here, and combat is the gameplay in which you are required to fight with bosses. And you will eventually be going to unlock more and more chapters through it. The whole gameplay in this new otome game will be coming through different sections.

The first thing to know about is the base management portion. This is where you will run a restaurant in the game, and there are things for farming as well. And this part is where you are going to decorate the rooms. The combat part is literally the scenes where you will increase the levels of our characters, and there are many more to do there as well.

What Are these Food Souls?

Food souls are The Tale of Food characters. In other words, they can be named The Tale of Food tier list. These are coming as reincarnation for some of the best dishes, and they come from three types of rarities to show how powerful they are to the game. You can collect these food souls from the Soul Embers or by summoning.

What Are these Food Souls

The food souls or the characters are the ones that you must set into the teams, and they will all be featured with their own type of stats and skills. So, as a beginner from The Tale of Food, we recommend you improve all their stats, and this can lead you to conquer the maps easily and in advance.

These food souls are not going to always be your friends because they can fade. As time passes, they fade from the human memory, which will eventually help male them to turn up for the standard enemies by reaching a state of berserk. After they have turned themselves into this state, you may have to fight with them in combat. One of the best The Tale of Food tips that we can give you here to become successful at your combat is to go for the SSR food souls because they can save you from different tough situations in the game due to their best powers.

Teaming Up

As we already said, this game is making your way through the best team created, and before you start a battle in this game, you must have a team. To create a team, you can go to the main page, and there you will be given a chance to customize them as per your need.

Teaming Up

Since you are still a beginner, you are only allowed to access some of the slots here because more slots are unlocked through the progression you make through the levels. As much as you progress, you are going to have the best abilities to unlock more of these slots. There are also other ways to unlock these slots as Shell Coins as well as the Jade Tokens, and spending one of them will allow you to go for more slots.

The Tale of Food Combat

The next thing that we want to tell you from this beginner guide is its combat. We have a turn-based combat system from this game, and once you make an action, then your enemy will follow up with action. So the turns are going to be followed like that one by one.

The Tale of Food Combat

Your food souls are given a specific pattern to attack in this game because they are starting their attack from the left and will end it on the right. This pattern will be followed up based on their positions.

As the player in combat, you are allowed to select a skill for the food souls and perform an attack. The counter is going to be raised in this game, followed by the attacks made by you and the enemies, and the only way to pass yourself to the next stage of the battle is to win your current battle.

To move your food souls throughout the battle stages, you will have to hold from the screen, and if you feel like it’s a bit challenging, no problem. You have the best android emulator: LDPlayer 9, for your assistance. You can take use of Keyboard Mapping, and this is how you can set controls as per your wish for the game. So you don’t have to touch and hold on the screen to move your food souls; instead, you are allowed to set specified keys for them and then move them freely throughout the gameplay.

The Bond System of the Characters

The Tale of Food is special because it has a bond system between you and other characters, and it is called the level of affection. This can be leveled up as you wish, and the method is to give presents. It is recommended to increase the bonds here for all the beginners because it is a general way to unlock some of the special side stories of the game, and there will be items and many more to gain from it.

The Bond System of the Characters

If you really want to know what type of character you are currently dealing with, it is highly recommended to go with the level of affection as it is one clear way to get to know them. This bond system lets you know how they act, what type of likes and dislikes they have, their personality, and even their background. So eventually, you will have a better chance to spread this world with the best Chinese traditional cuisine.

Skills Guide

And finally, the most crucial thing that you need to be aware of in the game is the skills of your food souls. In this new otome game, the skills you get from them are a defining factor to the victory and depending on how powerful they are, they will make you shine throughout the gameplay. As a beginner, you need to be aware that we have three types of skills for a food soul, and the power they hold onto each will differ.

  • First skill – this is the skill that your food souls will hold as a basic attack, and it is more likely an attack that everyone has. It comes with no cooldown, and a basic power will be wrapped around this skill.

  • Second skill – and here we see a little bit of improvement than the first sill because we can see either an active or a passive here. It means there is a bit of power added to this skill.

  • Third skill – of all the above skills mentioned, this is the most powerful one with a powerful attack. For one performance, it will have an initial cooldown.

You can increase these skill levels by strengthening the characters, and doing so makes you upgrade versions of these skills. This means that you are getting more power into your hands.


And this is all for The Tale of Food beginner guide, and we hope you will have a great time on the game by referring to the points we discussed. These all will make your way more nourished than the free items that you get from The Tale of Food codes which are eventually released by the developers of this game. And let’s start the gameplay with bravery with all these details. So it is time to be better for your whole adventure.

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