Ultimate Guide on Eternal Three Kingdoms with Tips – A Complete Walkthrough for Beginners


Wanna know the Eternal Three Kingdoms release date? You don't have to because the game is here. Com2uS made it again for another amazing RPG game, and the best thing is that it does not carry any complicated things from its gameplay. All you will use here will be the casual tactics, and you will have the best thrill from the battles then. Get ready to create armies with your best heroes, and this Eternal Three Kingdoms beginner guide will provide tips that will help you do the best from your gameplay.

Ultimate Guide on Eternal Three Kingdoms with Tips

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This game is emerging better through the strategies, and this will be a Three Kingdoms game with romance. Your right formations with the right heroes can bring you luck in terms of the gameplay, and there will also be fast-paced battles that you have to clear up through the stages. All these things are going to be featured with the best storyline, heroes, and battles, as well as with an upgrade system, so you should have a guide in your hands because that can bring you success.

So, get ready because we will guide you through an Eternal Three Kingdoms beginner guide today, which will be filled with the best tips to help you with your gameplay. Now you have to start playing Eternal Three Kingdoms on PC with LDPlayer 9 to have the next level of gaming, and with that, let's turn our heads into our guide.

Select a Top Tier Character for your Gameplay 

As a beginner to the Eternal Three Kingdoms gameplay, you must focus on using the top-ranked heroes on your side because they bring you more power and strength than the others. Usually, the Eternal Three Kingdoms tier list will make us ranked through five different ranks of these heroes, and the rank S in there will be the overpowered units while the rank D is considered to be the lowest rarity. It means the heroes under rank D will not be useful to your gameplay in any terms because they are weak.

So, if you want to become more successful through each and every gameplay content you face, then you must focus on having an S-rank hero by your side because they can easily win through the battles and beat the enemies.

Summoning in Eternal Three Kingdoms

And now, we are going to talk about the summoning in the Eternal Three Kingdoms. There are three types of summons available in this game for weapons, characters, and gears. With the weapon summon, you can have a guaranteed legendary weapon summon, and a guaranteed hero summon can be taken with the character summon option. On the other hand, the gear summons are available for us to earn some legendary gear, and all of these summoning types come up with three options: an ad summon, a 1x summon, and a 10x summon.

Summoning in Eternal Three Kingdoms

Different summoning types require you to spend different resources, and the best thing is that all these summoning can be done by watching an ad as well. Since ads aren't loading all the time, you may have to move with the 1x summon and 10x summon options, and please note that the 1x summon in both weapon and character summon banners are cheaper than the 10x summon. Because the 10x summon requires a lot of resources, and in the meantime, the 1x summon in gears is there for free.

Whatever the summoning banner you are moving on with, we recommend you to aim for a legendary weapon, gear as well as a hero to be earned because those are the ones that bring us the luck from our gameplay. But doing so many summons at once to go for a legendary can be time-consuming, so you better use the best Android emulator: LDPlayer 9, for it. It has this special feature called Multi-Instance Sync which allows you to clone the game, and all those clones are now ready to be used for summoning.

Go through the World Map

When you start playing the Eternal Three Kingdoms game as a beginner, the first thing you need to do is go with your story and make it unfold, and the world map can do this.

Go through the World Map

When you visit the world map, you will be able to see different missions that you can enter, and by completing them, the story is going to be revealed into your hands. Try selecting a stage and then launch it to progress through the story, and this will make you progress through your gameplay to the best.

Deploying Units

To deploy your units, you can select the current units you have in your hands right now, and please make sure that you do this within the circle. If not, it will be considered a failed placement, but you can again tap on your character and then place him in the right place.

Deploying Units

Although we recommend you manually deploy your units to the battlefield by observing their skills and stats, if you feel it's too complicated, don't worry because the game will still support you here. There will be an auto-deploy button that you can use, and with that, you will be able to deploy your characters without having active involvement by your side. Please note that hero placement greatly impacts your battles, so make sure you do this correctly to get the best results from your overall gameplay.

Learn to Use Your Skills

Eternal Three Kingdoms is a game that comes with a lot of battles. So, if you want to win, you must be aware of how you will use the skills there. We have an auto skill option that allows all the heroes with leader skills to be launched automatically, and if you want, it is possible to do this manually as well. But until you become somewhat mastered of the game, we recommend you to refrain from using the manual option.

But if you choose to use the manual skill launching, you need to hold that skill icon for some time and then drag it to change it to a manual mode from an auto mode. Please note that even if you have turned on the auto mode, some normal skills may have to be performed manually in this game.

Eternal Three Kingdoms Battles

As we already said, this game comes with several battles, and they also have two types. One comes with a defense mode, while the other comes with an attack mode.

In the defense mode, you, as the player, need to be checked in with your formation, and while you do so, remember to stay alert on attacking your enemies whenever you see them enter your range. This mode in the battle will be operated when you want to secure an area while still you manage to attack the enemies.

Eternal Three Kingdoms Battles

And on the other hand, we have the attack mode, which makes us move around the battlefield, and it is generally a mode that helps you to roam and attack. No such thing makes you want to secure the place; instead, you attack here. This mode is generally there for you to engage through the battle, and remember, the defense mode will be used to keep the formation together.

No matter what mode you choose in the Eternal Three Kingdoms battles, you can send a group of soldiers as your wish for it and then place them to get the best advantage against the enemies. You can tap on the ground, and it will move your heroes to the desired locations that you want to.

Using the Eternal Three Kingdoms Codes

Eternal Three Kingdoms developers from time to time offer their players some free gifts, and the medium that they use to offer these gifts will be the Eternal Three Kingdoms codes. They are always available for you to grab from the game with its special events, and the best part is that all these codes can allow you to earn some of the best items, resources, or sometimes even a top-ranked hero.

Using the Eternal Three Kingdoms Codes

So, we recommend all beginners pay attention to grab these rewards, and to do this; you must keep an eye on the latest codes revealed by the game. Continuously look into their official social media channels and Discord, and those will bring you the latest codes. And remember the fact that these codes are expiring soon and cannot be used twice, either. You also cannot change them as well because if you do so, it will cause the code to not work anymore.

Follow through the Dungeons

If you want continuous progress earned from your Eternal Three Kingdoms gameplay, focus on taking the dungeons. These are the best ways that a beginner can focus on to earn more rewards, and as you all know by now, rewards make you shine to be the best in this game.

Follow through the Dungeons

There will be both daily dungeons as well as special dungeons, and no matter what you decide to follow up with, they all come with rewards. Different tasks will be provided through these dungeons that you must accomplish with success. The more you play, the more you have access to the most useful rewards, so keep playing dungeons to have a quick progression earned from your gameplay to the best.

Party Formation

Before you try to deploy your units into the battles, the game requires you to have a formation to the gameplay. This can be done by placing several heroes, and you have the option to create two formations in your first hands. The first place goes to the leader, and the other places go to the officers. When you are trying to place other officers, putting the most powerful characters is highly recommended, as they can bring you the most luck for your team when you are in a battle.

Right after you have formed a team, and if you feel like it doesn't work well with your strategies, Eternal Three Kingdoms allows you to disband the created army as well, and there you can switch your officers to some other powerful characters.

Party Formation

There are two modes that we can go with our unit organization, Enhance and Organization, and from the formation mode, you will deploy your units. Manually tap on the heroes and deploy them here, but if you want, they can be auto-deployed as well. On the other hand, using the Enhance mode can enhance your characters with more strength. It means that we can build them into the most powerful units.

The leader role in the party formation should go only for the leader characters and the soldiers that can be used on a party are:

  • Spearman

  • Swordsman

  • Shielded Spearman

  • Shielded Swordsman

  • Spear Cavalry

  • Sword Cavalry

Normally, both spearmen and swordsmen have the highest attack with themselves, and cavalries are here with the highest speed. But you also need to know that cavalries hold the lowest HP and defense compared to others.

You can also utilize different patterns to form a team in this game, but they aren't available for you at the beginning of time. First, you only have access to the Militia Group Formation, and the other types of formations will be unlocked for you by the progress you make from the Eternal Three Kingdoms gameplay.  

Collect Your Daily Check-In Rewards

Once you start to play this game, you will be continuously rewarded for up to 30 days for free. These are called check-in rewards, and among these rewards, you can have more items, currencies, and resources that help your way through the gameplay.

Collect Your Daily Check-In Rewards

So, to collect these all, you must log into the game for 30 consecutive days and see what reward you can grab each day. Make it a habit to check in these rewards because there will be a lot of rewards here that can actually advance your way for free.

Chatting in Eternal Three Kingdoms

There are many players who are currently playing the Eternal Three Kingdoms game right now, and rather than just allowing them to play, you better have some use for them in your gameplay too. This is easy once you start to chat with them.

Chatting in Eternal Three Kingdoms

Although you are a newbie, it doesn't mean that all the other players in the game are also the same because there can even be masters here. So, to take their knowledge for your gameplay success, make sure to build up a conversation with them and ask them for some gameplay recommendations. We are sure that there are many humble players who are willing to play in these chats, so take the guidance by chatting as it can make your way to the best success.


We are now here to end the guide for the Eternal Three Kingdoms, and we hope that the gameplay here won't make you any failure. Starting off as a beginner is always challenging, which is the main reason for asking for guidance. So now that we are here, we hope that you take the best recommendations and guidance for your gameplay from this guide. Make your best in the game by referring to this guide and plan all your way to success today.

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