League of Legends Wild Rift Irelia Build Guide , Skill, Combo, and More!


One of the newest champions of the game, Irelia, is a compelling character that is known for high damage output and generally skillful nature. Combined with her mobility, she’s quite a versatile pick that can be played in tons of different positions. Here’s a complete guide for the champion that should help take your gameplay to the next level.


Irelia Wild Rift Overview


Overview and Tier Class:


Irelia is one of the most versatile Assassins out there who has an extremely powerful skill composition and abilities that can help turn the tides of the battle at any time. As such, he is considered an A-Class champion. But, she does take a lot of time to master as compared to other champions and is not heavily established in the meta in Wild Rift since she is newly released. As such, it can quickly be identified that she isn’t as popular in the pro scene as originally expected.


Therefore, the guide mentioned below will be updated over time as the meta adjusts and more professional players give their opinions on the champion. In the meantime, this is everything you need to know about Irelia to get better at her alongside a deep overview of her skills. If you haven’t already, you can check the hero out and play him yourself by downloading Wild Rift for free on PC.


Summoner Spells:


Here’s an explanation of why you should be going for a particular Summoner Spell over the other for Irelia.


  • Flash: If you are one of those who consider Irelia to be extremely mobile, you might ponder as to why you would need Flash. The answer to that is that the champion in any sort of defensive mobility. So, you can use your Bloodsurge to get out, but if it is on cooldown, you will end up dying really quickly. You can end up making extremely aggressive dives with Flash in combination with Vanguard's Edge for better engagement.


  • Teleport: Teleport is going to be your best choice for cases, especially in the top lane. It has endless uses, and if you use it right, it can completely change the outcome of your game. By taking Teleport, you do end up making yourself much more vulnerable if the enemy champion doesn’t have it and has Ignite instead. But, you do end up having a big advantage over him, as with Teleport, you can teleport back to the lane after a reset or a kill. Getting your hands on this Summoner Spell can absolutely change the game to your advantage. After you use your first Teleport, you can use it to help others in your team too. In the laning phase, you should be using it when you are low on mana and HP and your enemy has stacked a big minion wave which might make you feel like you are about to get dived on.


In those cases, you should just be using recall and use the Teleport to go back. If your enemy does not have Teleport, you can perform some trades with them, so they are low. You can then recall Teleport back and freeze the wave. But they will be so low that you cannot stop them from freezing, and you will end up getting a huge lead over them. You should never teleport back to the lane if your wave is on their tower because it will be a waste.


Once you go to the early game, you should only be using your Teleport to help your team in case they get dived on. If you see your opponent using Teleport to go to the bottom lane, for example, and you can stop them with your Flawless Duet, then you should Teleport too. However, if they are okay, you should be split pushing as it provides you with a powerful lead.


  • Ignite: Ignite is an extremely aggressive option. You can ignite to dominate your opponent in the lane, or you can also go against champions or Renekton to reduce their healing. In a 1v1 fight, you will always find the advantage, but if your opponent ends up getting Teleport, they will have the better map pressure, which can win or lose games in some situations. You can also take a look at our Renekton guide for more details about the champion.


Irelia Rune Build:


Runes are the game that can be accessed and collected as soon as you start the game. They are meant to act as supplements to your kit and are meant to work alongside your build. Here’s an explanation of all the runes that you should be building on Irelia:


  • Conqueror: Perhaps Irelia’s best choice. The champion loves going on extended fights, and the rune helps her do just that. The healing and damage are quite useful and are a standard choice for her in most cases.


  • Press The Attack: Quite a situational keystone. It works best when you are against a squishy team, and you play like an assassin. With this keystone, you want to bust someone down before they burst you.


  • Second Wind: Does absolute wonders against a ranged top abuser. It provides you with good sustain, and if you are not experienced vs. a ranged matchup, you should probably get this rune.


Irelia Item Build:


Irelia Wild Rift Map


Irelia can be played in various positions throughout each match which makes her extremely versatile in the first place. Here are some of the items you should be building on the champion.


Starter Items: Long Sword, Stealth Ward


Core Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Trinity Force


Top: Blade of the Ruined King, Gluttonous Greaves, Trinity Force, Death’s Dance, Streak's Gage, Guardian Angel, Teleport Enchant


Mid: Blade of the Ruined King, Gluttonous Greaves, Trinity Force, Death’s Dance, Maw of Malmortius, Guardian Angel, Quicksilver Enchant


Blade of the Ruined King: Blade of the Ruined King is perhaps the best item on the Champion as it provides her with insane value. We recommend rushing it every game for every build because it has good damage and sustain and is amazing to pass on.


Trinity Force: This is an item that you can pretty much build every game, and it will work; it gives the best value when you want to duel people and when you want to split push more in the game, you can use the passive in order to take down turrets.


Death’s Dance: Death’s Dance is now viable only when you want more armor; the bleed passive now works only vs. ad, and you get healing only from takedowns; if you are against ap, do not take it.


Guardian Angel: Guardian Angel works best if you want to team fight. You should build it later in the game as a 4-5 item, especially if you want extra armor.


Maw of Malmoritius: This item is excellent for countering ap damage, but especially ap burst damage. When you are against ap mages or assassins that deal burst damage, this item will save your life.


Spirit Visage: Works best when you need bonus magic resistance or when you want the extra healing or both!


Randuin’s Omen: Can be even more viable than building raw armor when you are against crit-based champions. If the enemy team has at least 2 crit-based champions, this item is for you! The active is also nice to have.


Thornmail: This is a relatively situational option. It works best when you are against a lot of champions that are aa-based, and they heal also.


Sterak’s Gage: Really good item for team fight durability! It can greatly help you surviving in team fights with its healing and its shield. Remember that the bloodlust passive can stack up to 5 times once per champion, so the more champions that attack you, the greater the shield is.


Mercury’s Treads: Work really well when you are against cc heavy team comps or ap-heavy; it can fill both roles really well! Irelia gets countered by cc, so Mercury’s Treads are extremely useful in certain scenarios!


Irelia Skills and Skills Analysis:


Irelia Gameplay


Each champion in Wild Rift has a particular set of skills that they must use in order to get a comprehensive lead on the enemy. Thankfully, Irelia has an intricate list of spells that make her an extremely powerful champion.


Below, we’ve provided you with a complete overview of all these spells and a few tips and tricks you should be taking advantage of in order to become a better player.


Ionian Fervor:


INNATE: Irelia gains a stack of Ionian Fervor for every enemy champion hit by her abilities, or if she hits at least one non-champion, stacking up to 5 times. Ionian Fervor lasts for 6 seconds, with basic attacks against enemy champions and large and epic monsters and ability hits refreshing the duration.


IONIAN FERVOR: Irelia gains 8% − 16% (based on level) bonus attack speed per stack, up to 40% − 80% (based on level).


At maximum stacks, Irelia's basic attacks deal 15 − 66 (based on level) (+ 25% bonus AD) bonus magic damage on-hit.


Ionian fervor is Irelia’s main way of dealing with damage. You can’t do a lot with it in the early game, but it does a lot of damage. You should get an idea and learn how to stack it as quickly as possible and in a way that your enemy won’t expect, but you should also get an idea of how you should keep it up.


When channeling your Defiant Dance, your stacks are preserved, which means you can hold your passive stacks. If you are in a lane and your stacks are running out, you should use Defiant Dance to keep your stacks, and when the enemy or minions get closer to you and releasing your Defiant Dance and keeping your stacks.


Your second, third skill and ultimate can stack with your passive instantly. If you hit them with any of your three abilities, your entire team end up getting your same passive thing for any situation, say, for example, that you are 1v2 and you have three stacks, then you can hit any of these three abilities on both of them and get your passive.


You can get more stacks by using your abilities on both enemy champions and everything else, minions, monsters on any other unit as well. For example, you can use your Defiant Dance in the lane and hit both the enemy and the wave for two stacks.




irelia wild rift


PASSIVE: Enemy champions and large monsters hit by Flawless Duet and Vanguard's Edge's initial barrage are marked for 5 seconds.


ACTIVE: Irelia dashes through the target enemy's location, dealing physical damage, on-hit effects, and healing herself upon completion. Bladesurge deals increased damage to minions.




  • 5 / 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 (+ 60% AD)




  • 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% AD


Bladesurge's cooldown is reduced to 0.2 seconds upon consuming a mark and resets if the target dies to or shortly after Bladesurge has completed. Bladeusrge is an ability that makes Irelia who she really is! The ability is her mobility spell and makes her extremely fun to play. The usage of this spell is the defining factor between a good Irelia player and a bad one. You should start learning how to use it efficiently and utilize it to dodge abilities, cc and damage and learn how to always have it off cooldown.


If you have your Bladesurge on cooldown, there's a high chance that you will most likely die in a fight; one more is that level 9 with Blade of the Ruined King your Bladesurge can one-shot the caster creeps.


You should also use your Bladesurge to help stack your passive Ionian Fervor on the wave or monsters before you go in on a fight. This might sound like a very easy tip, but a lot of Irelia players jump in without first stacking their passive. A better play is to get around 3-4 stacks and then get on your enemies. They won’t expect you that you will get your passive after hitting them with Bladesurge and Defiance Dance or Flawless Duet.


You can use your Flawless Duet then Bladesurge on your target. You can also use Flawless Duet to get a guaranteed land. This is quite aggressive, and we recommend you do not go for it unless you are absolutely sure you will kill the target. If you do not have your Bloodsurge on cooldown, you will end up dying, or the enemy or the target will run away.


Defiant Dance:


ACTIVE: Irelia charges for up to 1.5 seconds, during which she reduces incoming physical damage by 50% (+ 7% per 100 AP) and increases Defiant Dance's damage over the duration. Defiant Dance can be recast at any time within its duration and cannot be interrupted by crowd control.


At the end of the duration, after a 0.066 seconds delay, Irelia swipes with her blades in the target direction, dealing physical damage to all enemies around her and in a line, increased by 0% − 100% (based on channel time).




  • 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 (+ 50% AD) (+ 40% AP)


RECAST: Irelia swipes with her blades early.


Defiant Dance's recast can be used while affected by crowd control.


This is Irelia’s defensive ability even if it works for attack damage and is a really powerful ability with the right usage and can easily win you a fight. Learning how to block abilities with it is essential. Also, you should use it when you are about to get hit by crowd control attacks, so you will end up blocking damage as well.


You can use Defiant Dance in order to your Flawless Duet. You cannot do that by using your Flawless Duet first, then use Defiant Dance while you release your Flawless Duet again together with it. This will hide the second Flawless Duet, and you will end up surprising your opponent by stunning and marking them.


You can use your Defiant Dance as an execute due to its damage. You can Defiant Dance's damage depending on how long you have charged it. So you can charge your Defiant Dance for as long as your enemy is in range and then release it. If your enemy is extremely, you can just tap the ability once.


You can use your Defiant Dance to create low minions for you to reset your Blood surge. You should take an idea on how much you need to charge your Defiant Dance In order for you to make them low enough. The in the game you are, the more time you will need as the game goes on you will need less time.


Flawless Duet:


irelia flawless duet


ACTIVE: Irelia sends a blade to the target location for 3.5 seconds, after which she sends out a second blade at her position, though not if she is channeling Defiant Dance or Teleport. Flawless Duet can be recast after 0.15 seconds.


Once both blades have been placed, they fly toward each other regardless of distance after a 0.25-second delay, dealing magic damage to enemies struck and revealing and stunning them for 0.75 seconds after converging.




  • 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 80% AP)


RECAST: Irelia sends out the second blade early to the target location.


Flawless Duet's recast can be used while affected by crowd control and during Vanguard's Edge's cast time.


Vanguard’s Edge:


ACTIVE: Irelia launches a barrage of blades in the target direction, expanding outward upon hitting an enemy champion and dealing magic damage to all enemies hit.




  • 125 / 250 / 375 (+ 70% AP)


After expanding, the blades drop on the ground, knocking all enemy units away from them, though not rendering them airborne, and forming a spade-shaped perimeter around the enemy champion hit for 2.5 seconds. Enemies that pass through the blades for the first time are dealt magic damage and are slowed by 90% for 1.5 seconds.




  • 125 / 250 / 375 (+ 70% AP)


The perimeter will point at the same angle Irelia cast it from, but based on the target's center.


This is Irelia’s ultimate and best engage and dive ability. Landing your ultimate in a team fight on more than two people is amazing and will likely win you the fight. You should practice how to land it. You have to learn the range, and especially its damage and slow potential.


You can use your Ultimate and then use your Bladesurge on the champion your Vanguard’s Edge will land. Your Vanguard’s Edge is faster than your Bladesurge, so when you arrive at your target with your Bladesurge, your ultimate has already hit, and when you have consumed the mark, you get your reset.


You can buffer your Vanguard's Edge with the flash rune for even better engagement or just help you hit as well. You can start by using Vanguard's Edge and then flash to the direction you want to get to. You can also flash-forward, but you can also it at the left-right or even behind you.


Your Vanguard's Edge is quite powerful. You can use it even if you do not have your Bladesurge available for its high damage to execute an enemy champion. You can also use it on an enemy in order to hit an enemy that is also behind him, but you are not in range to hit your Vanguard's Edge, or you can use it as a "wall" that can stop your escape path.


Irelia Skill Progression:


There’s a particular way to level up each skill in the game that provides you with the best effects possible. Here’s an overview of Irelia’s Skill Progression:


  • Blade Surge: 1 – 4 – 6 – 7
  • Defiant Dance: 3 – 12 – 14 – 15
  • Flawless Duet: 2 – 8 – 10 – 11
  • Vanguard’s Edge: 5 – 9 – 13


Irelia Combos:


There are particular combinations for each champion you can use that you need to adept at before you can play the character to their optimal level. Here are some of the combos you must know about for Irelia:


  • Basic combo: Skill3 > Skill 3 > Skill 1 > AA > Skill 1 > AA.
  • Engage combo: Ultimate > Skill 1 > AA > Skill 1.
  • Full Engage combo: Skill 3 > Ultimate >Skill 1 > AA > Skill 3 > AA > Skill 1 > AA >Skill 1.
  • Hard Combo: Skill 3 > Ultimate > Flash > Skill 1 > Skill 3 > AA > Skill 1 > AA > Skill 1 > Skill 2


How to Play Early / Mid and Late Game as Irelia:


In general, if you are against an easier matchup, you should be getting your Bladesurge on Level 1 and stack your passive, Ionian Fervor. If you are planning to do that, go and auto-attack two times one caster creep. Then, when the melee minions get low, use your Bladsurge and then use it on the caster minion if it is low to jump on your enemy. Again, against an easier matchup, there's a high chance that you will end up winning.


Next, on level 2, get your Flawless Duet and stack your passive. If you land your Flawless Duet, it will most likely result in a kill or Flash. At level 3, you should try and do the same but now with your Defiant Dance so you can win the trade even better if you use it to block crowd control or other abilities. Finally, you should try and hard push the wave into the enemy tower at Level 4 and 5. Continue this for the rest of the laning phase and stack Ionian Fervor with your Flawless Duet to block crowd control.


Against a harder matchup and top-ranging abusers, you will need to Level Flawless Duet and use it to farm the first three melee creeps. You should then continue farming with a flawless Duet. At level 2, get Bladesurge if the wave is close to the turret. If not, get Defiant Dance and continue farming from a safe distance.


At level 3, if you stack your passive, you can win the trade against every enemy and go even in some matchups. If you do not win, just keep farming. If you see your opponent recalling, you should start pushing the wave hard to the enemy turret and recall.


One important aspect of the champion is making sure you always are able to track the enemy jungler. While some might say that is the jungler’s job which is often the case, you cannot always rely on them to do their job properly, which is why you should be doing it yourself sometimes.


When the first wave arrives in the lane, check your minimap. If your opponent is late, then he has leashed for his jungler, which means he will path some other way. Likewise, if the enemy bottom laner arrives late to the lane, then they have leashed, so you know they will be pathing to your lane. One thing you can do to prevent getting ganked is seeing the enemy jungler and identifying what their power spikes, and if they can gank, you ate level 2 or 3. Knowing this will help you understand what the game plan of a particular jungler might be and how you can play around with it.


Wave Management:


There are multiple ways to manage the lane as Irelia. But before we get into it, understanding the dynamics of what a slow push and fast push is extremely important in managing the wave as an assassin.


Slow Push: Slow pushing is when you make the wave slowly push towards the opponent's objective by killing just the caster minions and the cannon minion, too, if there is one in the wave. What this does is it makes the wave slowly push towards the enemy. As the enemy melee minions are hard to kill, it will take quite some time for your minions to kill them. However, this is how a split push is formed. When you are left uncontested with the enemy,


You should slow push best when it is set up a few minutes after a major objective is about to come up. It will start coming into enemies side when the objectives provide your team with enough to take objectives or fight the enemy 4v5 or 5v5. If you fight the enemy and lose, they will only be able to take an objective as you will not be losing any tower, and the minion wave will never be in the enemy's favor.


Fast Push: Fast pushing is when the wave quickly starts moving towards an objective. The wave will need to be answered by the enemy for it not to deal damage to the tower and reset the wave.


To start pushing the wave fast, you will need to kill all melee minions in the lane. A ranged caster minion is easier to kill, so the wave will start pushing quickly as your minions will not have to kill tankier enemy melee minions.


If a big fast pushing wave is being pushed against an enemy objective, the enemy will have to respond, or else they will end up losing an objective. If the enemy has teamed up and grouped while you are split pushing, you should start fast pushing as soon as you see them on the map. Try fast pushing the minion wave in order for the enemy to respond. Once that happens, start escaping as soon as you get the chance.


Freezing: The last concept you need to remember is freezing. This is where you auto-attack minions only when they are about to die at the last possible moment possible. Freezing lanes is extremely useful as you will need to match the enemy's damage on the enemy wave which means the lane will always remain static.


In the early game, you might not be able to zone or tank minion waves. In these cases, if you feel like you are unable to zone or tank the minion wave, you will need to make the situation more bearable for yourself. In those cases, freezing makes the most sense.


Once you've understood all three of the concepts mentioned above, you can start managing the wave as Irelia in the early and mid-game. However, you should primarily be focusing on wave management in the early game as this is the state of the game where it will have the greatest impact. In Level 1, you should be pushing the wave and last hitting with your Bloodsurge and engaging with your passive to your advantage.


Your primary goal in the early game as Irelia is to make a slow push to the enemy tower. When the wave crashes, you can either recall or stick to your lane and be very careful of ganks. After the next wave comes along, it will slowly push to the enemy tower. Do not try to stop the slow push, as this is exactly what your champion wants. Instead, when the wave is close to your tower, freeze it and fight for it. Your champion loves freezes in particular because it provides her with safety and allows her to kill her enemy. Start engaging with the opponent when you have your passive stacked. It will be quite easy to kill them because you can just run them over. If they end up trading well, you can Bloodsurge to a minion behind you and evade their attacks, ultimately landing in safety.


Mid Game:


Now that the mid-game is here, you are either ahead of the enemy laner or are at your strongest point. First of all, do not go mid. You should be in either sidelanes farming and pushing waves. This is called split pushing. You should always be trying to be pushing the sideline like Irelia. This ends up giving you massive gold and experience, which helps build a lead over your enemies.


If you end up seeing a team fight, use your Teleport and join them. This is how you will be playing the midgame as Irelia. Split pushing in the sidelanes and Teleporting to team fights as the champion can split push and team fight quite well.  After you’ve got an idea of Irelia, here’s how to play Wild Rift in the best way possible using LDPlayer.


How to Teamfight as Irelia:


Your role in most games is to be a diver, which means you go in after the first engage. You will wait for someone either from your team or the enemy team to make the first move. Then you go in. As Irelia, you can definitely end up destroying tanks and bruisers quite quickly. However, your role in team fights is to take out their carries. You can engage by using Vanguard's Edge and hitting as many people as you can in order to make chaos and apply a lot of damage and slows. We suggest focusing on the enemy carry that deals AP damage because your Defiant Dance will only be blocki9ng AD damage. So, If you do not end up focusing on the AP threat, you will get bursted down pretty quickly. After you've killed the carry, you can then focus on their ADC. But, if you find an opening to the enemy ADC, then go for them first. In general, you play like an assassin more than anything else in team fights while trying to eliminate enemy team carries as quickly as possible.


In tankier builds, you should be building up your role in team fights and being the first one to engage, starting up with your ultimate trying to tank up as much damage as you can. Or, you can end up being a peeler trying to defend your carries from the enemy divers or assassins. This is a much more support-oriented playstyle which means that you won't end up snagging a lot of kills. SO, if you enjoy playing the champion in a more defensive manner, a peeler might be the best way to go for.


Late Game:


In the late game, split pushing is entirely dependent on you and your team and if you have Teleport up. If Baron is up and you have Teleport, then you can definitely apply pressure to the side lanes as one or more opponents will be forced to come back up. But, if you do not have Teleport, then you should definitely not split push. In the late game, the win-loss chance is directly correlated by team fights. You might end up losing the game just because of death-timers.


Irelia Matchups:


Before you step into a match, understanding what particular champions are going to work well with you and which ones you should be avoiding is of pivotal importance.


Renekton: Renekton is relatively weak on levels 1 and 2, which means that you have an opening, and perhaps your only win to get ahead in the lane and win the lane. Play smart and stack your passive at Level 1 with your Bloodsurge to do that correctly. You can jump on him when you have four stacks at level 2. You can win against him if you level up your passive. At level 3, you should stop. As the game progresses, you will start beating him once you have a blade of the ruined king. You can take a look at our complete Renekton Guide down below.


Garen: At level 1, you beat Garen with your passive stacked. At level 2, you also beat him with your passive stacked, but you need to fight him inside your minion wave so he will do less damage. At level 3, fight when your passive is fully stacked. Try to fight in your minion wave so you take less damage. There is nothing really you can do to outplay him since he just wants to run at you.


Yasuo: Just like Garen, you easily beat Yasuo at level 1. You should stack your passive and jump on him.


Fiora: Fiora is an extremely hard matchup. At level 1, you lose. And at level 2, you lose unless you have your passive stacked. At level 3 and beyond, you can win by outplaying her second skill, Riposte. Our suggestion is to stack your passive with Bladesurge on the wave. Then, when you see that opening, Bladesurge to a minion close to her, use your Flawless Duet next to her. If she instantly uses Riposte, use it on her when it is done. If not, continue to hit her down. You will win that trade almost every time. Just take care of the minions and don't fight in a huge wave.


Ignite is perfect against her! At level 6, you should try to waste Riposte before trying to Ult and going all-in on her. If you don't have a big enough lead against her before level 11, you will lose 1v1 every time. She out scales you hard and will never win the 1v1 for the rest of the game.


Teemo: While very annoying to lane against, the process is still doable. We recommend not even trying and starting with Flawless Duet. Instead, we suggest farming from a distance. When he stops and uses his first skill, you can auto-attack and use a flawless duet on him. Plus, when his first skill is on cooldown, go all in! The match is yours to win if you play your cards right. But, if you mess up in the early game, it'll turn into an absolute nightmare.


Dr.Mundo: You should stacking your passive at Level 1 and beat the hell out of him. At level 2, also stack your passive and fight him. You can beat him at level 3 as well. Since this is a relatively easy matchup and you won't have a lot of trouble. That's the best way to beat this doctor.


Camille: If Camille starts off with Q, you should be going for precision protocol if you want to play passively. If she goes for Tactical Sweep, then you want to stack your passive and fight her. If she starts off with Hookshot, then you should do the same. At level 2, you end up beating her with your passive stacked. You can try to dodge her Tactical Sweep with Bloodsurge or even her Hookshot as well. Try to fight her when you know her passive shield is down. If you see her using it, it has a 16-second cooldown which you can capitalize on. After her level 6, she can easily dodge Vanguard's Edge with her own ultimate. So, be careful. If you get to snowballing early game, it turns into a really easy matchup. If not, you will end up having a hard time as she out scales you very hard as the game goes on.


Akali: At level 1, you beat Akali with your passive stacked. At level 2, you also end up beating her with your stacked passive, but you need to be a bit more careful as she can dodge your Flawless Duet with her second or third ability. At level 3, it is relatively the same. You end up beating her with your passive stacked. Take care of Flawless Duet, and don't miss it. You can use your Defiant Dance to block some of her passive damage. At level 6, it is all about if you will be smart with your Vanguard's Edge and won't miss it. If you did not miss it, then you will win even if you are even.


Kennen: Kennen is a ranged top lane abuser. So, at level 1, you end up losing. At level 2, if your third skill and Ionian Fervor are stacked and ready, you might end up winning. However, at level 3, you will lose if the Kennen abuser is good at the game. At level 6, you can end up beating him easily and can outscale him. The only hard part about the matchup, in particular, is the amount of poke he will deal with you in the early game.


Olaf: At level 1, your passive Ionian Fervor, when fully stacked, can win against him. At level 2, you can land Flawless Duet to win, and at level 3, you lose to him if you are at equal HP. At level 6, you end up beating him again with your Vanguard's Edge.


Riven: At level 1, you want to play passive and start with a flawless duet to farm safely. At level 2, you also want to play safely when you can get Defiant Dance. If Riven gets aggressive in order to block her damage, you should use Defiant Dance. At level 3, this is when you start to fight her, stack your passive Ionian Fervor and use your Flawless Duet on the ground and wait for her to use her dashes, then land and go all in.


At Level 6, it is an outplay matchup if you use your Defiant Dance to block her damage which is all physical, and land your Flawless Duet, which helps you kill her easily. If you want, you can also try to dodge her Bladesurge if Riven gets ahead, especially if you are having trouble against her. Just build armor. All her damage is physical.


Singed: At level 1, stack your passive, Ionian Fervor and jump on them. At level 2, do it again and stack your passive to go on him. You can easily stop his First and Third ability, which is a reason why this matchup is easy for Irelia. You get a free Flawless Duet land while you stop his core damage ability. At level 3, you have three new ways now to counter his damage. One with your Bloodsurge's mobility and the second with your Defiant Dance damage reduction. Your Flawless Duet stops his first ability. At level 6, you straight up beat him, but he can just ultimate away every time, which is the exact reason why it is quite annoying. We suggest that in order to counter him, you should Bloodsurge on him and get behind so that if he ultimately and stops you, you end up killing him. Rush blade of the Ruined King when facing off with him.


Irelia Pros and Cons:


Irelia Wild Rift Overview


Just like every other champion, Irelia has her Pros and Cons, which you need to be mindful of before you play the champion as your main:




  • Extremely Mobile
  • Strong ability to Outplay
  • Powerful against most Ranged Champions
  • Can highly snowball
  • Has a strong team fight potential




  • Not easy to play and takes a lot of games to master and learn
  • Is very susceptible to Crowd Control
  • Has mana Problems
  • Is extremely slow


Irelia Skin List:


There are no skins currently available in the game since the champion is newly released.


LDPlayer Features for Wild Rift:


wild rift ldplayer


Learning how to play an Assassin from a mobile phone can be quite hard. There’s a high chance you might end up missing your attacks due to the size of your device. However, there’s a very easy solution you can take advantage of to get better at Blitzcrank.


You can end up using LDPlayer, which is an extremely powerful emulator that consists of multiple features that help take your gameplay to the next level. By using the emulator, you can change your binds completely to match your PC and mouse settings on your desktop computers. Here’s how you can use key mapping to your advantage and destroy opponents in League of Legends: Wild Rift.




Irelia is an extremely powerful assassin due to her extremely great damage output and relatively tanky nature. She has a good skill ceiling that can be played in different elos as well. We’ll be consistently updating this guide with changes that happen along in the meta as we go further in the game.

Download League of Legends: Wild Rift on PC