Arknights 3.5 Anniversary Celebration - What To Expect


With Arknights rolling out interesting and special contents constantly and going strong for almost 3 and half years since its launch, Arknights is entering its celebratory period with the special 3.5 anniversary celebratory event, with several brand new exciting contents, events and campaigns that will reward players with a large amounts of rewards including a FREE MULTI PULLS TICKET, up to 24 free pulls and 9000 orundums for all players to grab during the event’s period. In addition, the 3.5 anniversary event also marks the release of a brand new limited time Operator and his rate up banner - the 6* Brawler Guard Chong Yue.


In this guide, we will go over all of the details regarding Arknights upcoming 3.5 Anniversary Event and show players the amount of rewards they can expect from the celebratory Events and Campaigns for the anniversary. In addition, we will also go over how players can best obtain all of the rewards of the 3.5 anniversary celebratory event in the most effective and fastest way possible. 



Let’s play Arknights on PC and find out together.

Arknights 3.5 Anniversary Celebration - Events And Campaigns

With the 3.5 Anniversary Celebration coming to Arknights Global server in the upcoming weeks, players can expect a large amount of events and campaigns in conjunction of this special occasion to celebrate the occasion and a large amounts of rewards up for grab for players who are going to log into the game and participate in this momentous occasion for Arknights.

Arknights Gift Code Function and Special 3.5 Anniversary Gift Code

With the 3.5 anniversary, players will be able to participate in special pre-anniversary campaigns that promise special rewards directly from the game’s developers by utilizing Arknights brand new Gift Code Function, allowing players to input gift codes in order to obtain special limited time rewards available for all players to grab.

In order to obtain the rewards, players can use the special Gift Code on the special arknights gift code website or utilize the in-game gift code redeem function on Android devices to input the special gift code. For players who are redeeming through the website, it is important to note the players User ID under the player’s name on the main menu to input into the website.


The special 3.5 anniversary limited Gift Code is as followed: 

2023ARKEN35ANNIV , containing up 1200 Orundums, a large amount of Tier 3 character upgrading materials, 200 Red certificates and 2 Chip Catalyst, all important and hard to obtain materials needed to upgrade operators. The Gift Code is only available for the NA server.

Arknights 3.5 Anniversary Celebratory Web Event

In addition to the 3.5 anniversary livestream announcement and the special gift code available for all players to get, players will also be able to partake in a special web event available for a limited time to give players special rewards from the cast of Arknights when players have managed to achieve special social milestones in order to obtain up to 2100 Orundums, 3 summoning tickets and event exclusive items.

As of writing this article, all of the event milestones have been accomplished by the EN community and will be rewarded to all players upon the start of the 3.5 anniversary. However, players can still visit the special web event site in order to clear the puzzles and obtain a special 3.5 anniversary exclusive illustration and a letter from the game developers.

Arknights 3.5 Anniversary Log In Celebration Events

During the event’s duration, when players log into the game, they will have a chance to obtain various rewards and a large amounts of Orundums that can be used to pull on the special limited time available banner and a special 10 pulls ticket that can exclusively be spent on the limited banner to roll 10 pulls for free on the banner.


The first log-in event is the special limited time available 10 free pull summoning tickets for the limited time banner. This ticket can easily be obtained by the player simply logging into the game at least once during the event’s period while the special limited banner is still live.

The second log in special campaign is the special lottery event where players will be able to obtain various amounts of orundums for a total of 14 days straight. When logging into the game, the players will receive a random amount of Orundums through drawing lots. The amount of Orundums ranges from 300 all the way to 800 everyday and the average amount of Orundums players can obtain can reach to a whopping 9000 Orundums for 14 days.

Finally, with the special limited time banner available to roll on, everyday players will be able to do 1 free summoning of the limited banner when they log into the game.

Special Anniversary Side Story - Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow

With the coming of the 3.5 anniversary celebration, players will have the chance to participate in the 3 weeks special limited time event - Where Vernal Winds Never Blow and obtain various rewards by farming event currencies and obtaining special limited time only items, rewards and currencies.

The Side Story will be divided into 3 phases with each week unlocking one of the event phases. The first week will unlock the first phase featuring the event story and normal stages. The 2nd week will unlock the challenge stages for extra currencies and the last week will unlock a special stage where players will have to challenge themselves with extremely challenging stages that will require a variety of operators built in order to be able to clear these stages.

Special 3.5 Anniversary Limited Banner - Brand New 6 Stars Operators Release

The main attraction for the 3.5 anniversary celebratory event, 4 brand new operators will be introduced and released into Arknights with 1 operator being a welfare for the special event Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow - the 5* Jieyun and 3 being rated up on the special limited 3.5 anniversary celebration banner - The 6* Limited Brawler Guard Operator Chong Yue, The 6* Phalanx Caster Lin and the 5* Fortress Defender Fire Whistle.

Chong Yue is the 6* Limited Brawler Guard Operator that will be available during this 3.5 anniversary, who specializes in dealing massive amounts of damage with his idle and auto recovery skill. A dragon and is the eldest of the dragon siblings, Chong Yue promises to be an extremely interesting character to explore in the event and in the future in arknights.

Lin is a 6* Phalanx Caster that specializes in protecting herself and her allies when her skill is not active and dealing AOE damage to enemies surrounding her when her skill is activated. The daughter of the famous mafia boss in Lungmen - Rat King and is one of the most highly anticipated operators in the game since her tease 2 years ago, Lin is a must grab and is one of the most interesting operators for players to roll for.

For the 5* characters, players will be able to obtain the 5* Archer Jieyun by going through the event Where Vernal Winds Never Blow and the 5* Fortress Defender Fire Whistle will be available on the rate up banner together with Chong Yue and Lin.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Perfect Engine to Experience Arknights

Recently introduced, LDPlayer 9.0 not only allows players to easily download and play Arknights on PC, it is also designed and specialized so that players can have the best experience playing Arknights on the highest FPS and highest graphics

Furthermore, with LDPlayer’s keyboard-mapping function, players can clear Arknights stages more effectively using only keyboard buttons, allowing players to be able to do the most famous Arknights trick - the Pause deployment trick, making the stages faster and easier to play and clear than when playing on mobile.

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