Is Tower of Fantasy Better than Genshin Impact?


Before even playing the game, every player wonders, Is Tower of Fantasy Better than Genshin Impact? The Tower of Fantasy game developers remark that Tower of Fantasy would be the Genshin Killer is the cause for this. As a result, Tower of Fantasy came under fire from furious Genshin supporters.




However, some of the allegations that have surfaced online are unfounded, particularly those made by fans of Genshin Impact, who allegedly played Tower of Fantasy intending to find fault. However, we believe each game has its own delight and appeals to different player bases. Moreover, having competition is not bad. 


If neither requires constant attention, two perfectly fine games can coexist without one taking priority; if you've played Genshin Impact, you know that Genshin doesn't expect much from its players and that you can play both games without any issues. With our Is Tower of Fantasy Better than Genshin Impact comparison, we will compare both games without bias and present the facts so you can decide for yourself. 


Genres of Genshin Impact and Tower of Fantasy


Before everything else, you should know that these two games fall under two different game categories. And they will come with different pros and cons for this reason. Even though Genshin Impact is an RPG, it is single-player, so naturally, there will be players who like it and players who don't. 


Players who like engaging with other players and collaborating will like the Tower of Fantasy, while players who just want to enjoy the game content will like Genshin Impact; it is simple as that.


Artwork and Game Mechanics and Characters




Let's talk about the characters of the two games. In Genshin Impact, each character belongs to one element, and each character has one main attack, one special ability and an ultimate ability. If you keep spamming your main ability and matching elemental combos, changing between characters' combat is simple and easy to understand. The dodging system of Genshin is not the greatest; even if you try to dodge actively, the game hasn't implemented a healthier way of doing it.


This is kind of similar to the Genshin Impact, but it is much more complex in the Tower of Fantasy. For example, you can choose three different weapons. Each weapon has a special ability, and most enemies have shields; you have to choose a shield braking weapon first, then change it to DPS, then you have to activate skills, and you have artifacts to help you that must be activated on CD. 


In the Tower of Fantasy, the buttons you push matter because each weapon has different abilities. If you press jump and attack, it will execute another attack; if you jump and press attack; while the enemy is away, it will do another smashing; pushing one button is not going to work here. Another plus side of the game is that it has a sound damage avoidance system that helps players dodge faster with a push of two buttons.


Character Creation


There are only two playable characters in Genshin Impact: Aether and Lumine. There are also a few character skins available for the Genshin Impact cast, and their eventual release is always eagerly anticipated. Whereas, in Tower of Fantasy, you have the complete freedom to create a character you like with hairstyle, face shape, clothes and many more.




Even though we are also huge Genshin fans, a few things we noticed while playing the game are that after completing all of the character arcs and its dungeons, players are left with little to do. Like grinding the same content to improve their equipment, most of the quests, events, and even transient events are single-player-only. Cooperative play is possible in a few domains, such as the boss, talent book, and artifact domains, but we know co-op can't even come close to the fun multiplayer provide.


Even if you spend hours each day playing, there is still plenty to do in the Tower of Fantasy. This is one of Tower of Fantasy's key advantages. Even though you've reached the game's highest point in story vice, there is still a ton to do, including boss hunting, exploring dungeons and ruins, and assembling a team to complete daily and weekly missions. The Tower of Fantasy will be a paradise for those who want to play with a big group of people.




If we compare the adoption of animation and game mechanics, you can see many similarities and mechanics of Tower of Fantasy adapted from Genshin. But Genshine is never the original; it had taken many inspirations from other games; there is even video evidence to support this. 


During the first few months of the Genshin, there were many complaints that it copied older games like The Legend of Zelda. Still, it has finally managed to establish its own identity in the market. It may be the same with Tower of Fantasy. The game is just released; we have to wait and see how it improves with time.


Mount and Relics


One pulse side of the Tower of Fantasy is its mounts players get to use for explorations; this is a most needed feature any open-world game should have, but unfortunately, Genshin could not provide it. The next big thing in the Tower of Fantasy is its Relics; they are so much fun to use, even though acquiring and upgrading them all may drive you nuts. You will have completely different relics that serve different purposes. You can learn all about relics with our Tower of Fantasy Relics Guide.




The next topic we'll cover is how Tower of Fantasy and Genshin Impact games compare and contrast in terms of exploration. As both games are completely open-world, players are free to explore at their own pace, going from one area to another and taking in the breathtaking scenery.


The main mode of transportation in Genshin Impact is utilizing teleport waypoints spread across the map and utilizing a glider to jump from great heights. These are the only ways you can travel faster. 


Spacerifts, on the other hand, can be found in the heart of a major city like Astra or the Banges Port and serve as waypoints in the Tower of Fantasy. It's a short walk from there for the adventurers. Nonetheless, motorized vehicles, such as motorcycles, will continue to play a significant role in transportation. In addition, there are jetpacks and jet boards for rapid water travel and aerial lift. Learn more about exploration with the Tower of Fantasy Exploration Guide.


How Much Do You Have to Pay


According to the information gathered, we have concluded that Tower of Fantasy is much cheaper than spending money on Genshin because the TOF summoning system is much more compassionate about its players than Genshin. 


You will have to spend around 3k USD to max out a character in Genshin, but you can do this at about half price in TOF. Tower of Fantasy may be the one for you if you want a game that goes easy on your wallet.


Story and Lore


The two games have completely different narratives and lore. The Tower of Fantasy universe focuses on providing its players with a more futuristic experience, and Genshin offers a medieval experience for the players. Genshin has an absolutely fascinating story and lore around it that manages to keep its players entertained. Still, for TOF, it is too early to say anything, but according to what we have seen so far, it provides a good experience.


Both of these games can be played from the best android emulator: LDPlayer, and you will be able to enhance the gaming experience way better through it. Especially the advanced features like the Multi-Instance Sync manager will help you go with easy summoning for both gamers as it creates multiple instances to be used on your rerolls.


Our Thoughts

Finally, having experienced both games, we can say that there are notable differences. There's a lot of room for improvement in Tower of Fantasy's user interface, gameplay, and NPCs' general movement. TOF's mounts, which Genshin lacks, help players explore in the fast phase, and TOF's relic system, while not all relics are fun to use, is a nice thing overall. 


Although Tower of Fantasy NPCs are much more varied than in Genshin, they lack fluidity and emotional expression, leaving their interactions feeling a bit "boring." Tower of Fantasy's gacha system is much more forgiving, as it does not reset even if you pull an SSR before reaching your 80-pity cap. Check the Tower of Fantasy Reroll Guide to learn more about it.




Regardless of the argument's validity, " Is Tower of Fantasy Better than Genshin Impact?". It's always beneficial for players to have healthy rivalries in the game industry, as competition often yields the best results (just think of all the significant innovations that have emerged during wars). We can expect more content and improvements as the rivalry of the game constantly challenges its developers and designers to give their players the best experience possible. We think enjoying the competition is more important than not worrying about who kills what.

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