Touhou LostWord is a brand-new role-playing game, which features a gacha system. In regards to that, we have brought you the best reroll guide and tier list to help you out.
Touhou LostWord has released the updates of the 9th of July and the event Prayer Bunny Trap with many rewards and developments.
Touhou LostWord has released Prayer Ultra Festival: Witch of Scarlet Dreams & Prayer Sweet Liberation on 2021-07-02 with some new added features and heroes.
Touhou LostWord will launch their latest challenges named Airsoft; moon rabbit's vs. Kappa and the challenge of the witch of Scarlet dreams this June.
Touhou LostWord is releasing some login bonuses after its maintenance. There are upcoming new events as Prayer Festival Magician of the Youki Temple with Sake, Dreams, and the Illusions.
Touhou LostWord released a new update on 18th of June and it is releasing a new content as Scarlet devil Tower to the game on July 2021.
Touhou LostWord: Boss Guide Stage 2-7 mainly deals around the Witch of Scarlet Dreams, Marisa Kirisame, and methods of defeating her.
Touhou LostWord Is conducting an event of Phantom Human Maid for a Day, and it is now the chance to collect points with unique rewards.
Touhou LostWord; Waltz of Madness is a banner basically of a loving unit with the character Flandre
Touhou LostWordKourindou Roulette is a fantastic event with guaranteed prayers.